Runaway Mom compares herself to the troops

| November 18, 2011

The New York Post tells the story of Stacey Hessler who left her kids, aged 7 to 17, in Florida so she could hang out with the other dipshit hippies in Zuccotti Park.

“I’m not planning on going home,’’ the wayward flower child had told The Post about two weeks after she joined the rabble at Zuccotti Park.

“I have no idea what the future holds, but I’m here indefinitely. Forever.”

Bizarrely, she compared her decision to leave her family to choices made by heroic members of the armed forces.

“Military people leave their families all the time,” she said.

Yeah, but it’s not by choice, Stacy, and usually it’s to actually accomplish something, not do our best to contract exotic hippie diseases and pile up our waste in the street.

Didn’t Homer Simpson’s mother do the same thing?

Oh, yeah, that’s her in the picture above in her new dreadlock-doo publicly demonstrating for her kids what great lifestyle choices she made.

Category: I hate hippies

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Actually military members do leave their family by choice. They voluntarily enter service knowing that they’d be deployed.

But yeah, this hippie is one crazy cunt for abandoning her kids.

Old Trooper

Another “when keeping it real goes wrong” moment.


Another parent not worthy of the name.

Limitations on breeding is a tempting thought at times.


She’s clearly high on crack.


What a maroon…


I remember this one.

Here is the original link that talks about her a month ago.
you have to see it.;s=2fxAIsNpgs1brjho_oY8Y16/f/mobile/news/local/manhattan/she_plans_to_stray_awhile_opuo0dDOjE39dfRDdUZ1sM


Sounds like banker hubby should file for divorce; citing abandonment. I’m sure her integrity would prevent her from taking a penny of money from “The Man” in alimony. Hubs should also have no problem getting full custody.

I figure by next year this time, he should be able to trade-up for a loyal woman, maybe a touch hotter and a few years older, who doesn’t run off and shack up w/hippies. Maybe one who actually appreciates him busting his ass to provide for the family and for her to be a housewife.

And I agree, we do voluntarily go overseas, whether by our voluntary joining of the military, reenlisting, etc. Hell, plenty of folks I know volunteer for combat tours too–but the big difference is they’re doing it as a form of providing for their family.


Its a shame she was a pretty woman in the pic of her smiling now she just looks like hammered dog crap.

2-17 AirCav

Her own mother was ashamed of her, I recall. I also remember that her youngest child was 7 years old when Mommy Dearest departed. I guess Mom missed parent-teacher night. When she returns from her walk on the wild side, she’ll have years of regret. Nice going, lady.


God bless the NYPD and Charles Darwin, and it looks to me like she hasn’t been recieving her alotted dosage of OC Spray of late… Maybe if those kind Officers oblige that, she will return her happy ass back to Florida and go back to her family… Although I doubt that, since Hippies can’t seem to understand the concept of the Nuclear Family (she would probably protest simply because the word Nuclear was in there)


>I recall. I also remember that her youngest child was 7

Yep, and three of them are girls. She’s a bitch and a sorry excuse for a woman, mother, and wife.

She’s nothing like military people who leave their families to take on greater responsibilities… She is a leech who is trying to relive her youth, and turning her back on responsibility.

Old Trooper

I wonder if she does end up going back to her hubby, if he would even want her back, or if he demands STD tests (from not being romantically involved with Samir the waiter she was sleeping with) and a delousing before she’s allowed in the house?


Oh but people are claiming that she had the support from her family and friends. That this is just a smear tactic.

2-17 AirCav

@13. Yep. But there is a teenie-weenie wittle problem with the writer’s source: It’s Mommy Dearest herself! He uses her FB page consisting only of Mommy’s writing to make his point. That’s a laugh riot in itself. The guy is ready for prime time, perhaps MSNBC or CNN.


OT, yeah, she needs testing, delousing, shots and a brisk scrub-down with a GI brush. And, I still wouldn’t let her in the house.
I wonder if Samir the Waiter did her hair for her.


Sorry, but were this my spouse, I’d have already retained a lawyer and had her served with papers.

No way even the blatantly woman-friendly family court system gives this woman more than the most fleeting visitational rights with her children.


The person saying that everyone who calls her a bad mother needs major help, is just seriously telling… I mean, God forbid that Hippies actually be accountable for the rearing of their children! Is there an article out there with her families reaction to her actions?


This is the natural result of hero worship of the likes of the fool cindy shebanshee.

Aren’t we just a special country or what? We proudly display our insane on public streets!

Doc Bailey

In any other time this would be considered abandonment, or neglect. I would not be surprised if she is also getting some promiscuous fringe benefits. I also would not be surprised if divorce papers are waiting on her when she finally does get back.

El Marco

Hessler — who ironically is married to a banker — arrived 12 days ago and planned to stay for a week, but changed her plans after cozying up to some like-minded radicals, including Rami Shamir, 30, a waiter at a French bistro in Cobble Hill, Brooklyn. She swears she’s not romantically involved with her new friend.



Yeah, and the check’s in the mail, right Ms. Hessler?
And, if Banker hubby is smart, he’s moved and left no forwarding address, except his lawyer’s.


[…] Hippy Dippy Trippy Oorah! Posted on November 18, 2011 9:30 pm by Bill Quick This ain’t Hell, but you can see it from here » Blog Archive » Runaway Mom compare… […]


Hopefully, she’s newly-divorced.