Occupy Alec Baldwin’s house

| November 17, 2011

You know, I haven’t seen the movie “The Hunt For Red October” yet because the thought of Alec Baldwin as Jack Ryan is just that offensive to me. Today, in the Huffington Post, Baldwin does his Bizarro Jack Ryan impression again and for some reason, all of our problems stem from the fact that we have no high-speed rail system;

Another example is that we have no high speed rail in this country. Typically, you fly or you drive. So airlines are free to tack on fees to remain profitable the way that oil companies are free to manipulate oil production, and thus the price of gasoline. You bailed out the airlines every time you did not demand more effective, intermediate range travel, i.e. high speed rail. You bailed out the oil companies every time you watched (were you watching?) as American troops went to Iraq to fight a war for oil. You bail out American business, and help them maintain an often false veneer of profitability, every time you send nearly every member of the current Congress back to Washington. Maintaining US corporate profitability is the single goal of this Congress. Because that is what the corporations who own the Congress paid for when they bought the Congress.

You stupid fuckers – if only you had exercised your choice to take the rail instead of choosing to zip around the country at a thousand miles an hour, we wouldn’t be in this mess and the hippies wouldn’t have to protest in your name. Can’t you see the obvious advantages of traveling in an 19th century conveyance over a 20th century one?

If Alec-fucking-Balwin can see it, why can’t you?

Everything I have put forth here, I have heard articulated from the Occupy Wall Street movement. Some of it was not news to me.

Yeah, that’s who I peg my faith in…a bunch of filthy bums who are getting scabies and TB in the 21st century when dirt farmers in Africa somehow avoid those maladies. I’d trust them with my financial health, too.

By the way, Alec Baldwin’s net worth, according to Celebrity Net Worth is $65 million today. He makes $300,000 smackers for an episode on whatever POS TV show hired his portly, untalented ass.

But you should be taking the train.

By the way, for someone who rails against airline travel like that, well, you wouldn’t expect to make ads like this would you?

Category: I hate hippies

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New line for Alec’s commercial. It’s ok, I played someone with intelligence once.
We’ve got a rail line about 4 miles from my house, that runs from north of Big Rapids, to Grand Rapids. Guess what the Gaia lovers did with it? Turned it into a bike path. So, “high-speed” rail is probably not gonna be an option around here. Even if Michigan, or the Feds, could afford it.


You are Worthress Arec Barwin!!!!!–Kim jon Il




He is the greatest actor of our time…


After Beetlejuice he started heading south. Especially after I found out what a punk he is when it comes to politics.

2-17 AirCav

I can’t watch anything with Tom “The Rat” Crusie in it. And after I caught part of Morgan Freeman’s interview a couple of months ago, I’m done with that knucklehead too. As a matter of fact, there’s a whole slew of morons I won’t watch. I am forever asounded at how positively stupid actors are, generally. I’m talking baboons with leather helmets and drool guards.

2-17 AirCav

Alec-Alex–Aleck–whatever Baldwin is a particularly brain-cell deficient creature. If anyone wants to protest anything concerning undeserved Big Bucks, you would think they would start with the Hollywood butt clowns. “Hey, thanks for being in this movie. Read these five lines and pick up your million on the way out.” Baldwin is so freakin’ stupid that you just know his passwords and access codes to everything are sequential numbers or, where letters are required, his intitials and sequential numbers. Still, there is no doubt whatsoever that he has the codes and passwords written on a piece of paper and tucked in his wallet.


We already pay for a failed commercial passenger rail system. It’s called Amtrak. If it weren’t for then Senator Joe Biden’s insistence that he personally sleep at his home in Delaware every night, and commute to DC, we wouldn’t even have Amtrak.

For the cost of gas, going from OKC to DC, I could get a ticket on Amtrak, and then spend the rest of the week going from OKC to Chicago to Nashville to someplace up north to Florida to DC. In the car it takes 2 long days.

Maybe Baldwin should play a common man some time.


Yo, Alec. The girlfriend and I are heading to NYC next weekend. Here’s a little comparison for ya:

Driving: 300 miles each way, tolls, 2 nights parking in NYC. Total cost, about $200 for two people. Total travel time, about 5 hours each way.

Air: Shuttle to Logan, commuter job between Boston and Laguardia or JFK, cab fare to/from Manhattan. Total cost, about $600 for two people. Total travel time, about 6 hours each way (waiting for shuttles, security, etc.)

Amtrak: Catch Downeaster to North Station, haul ass to Back Bay (no connection between North Station and Back Bay, mind you), Acela from Boston to Penn Station, cab to hotel. Total cost, $700 for two people. Total travel time, 8-9 hours each way. That’s assuming I want to leave NYC at 3 am on Sunday.

Sorry, but unless there’s a time zone change or at least three stops for gas involved, I’m driving.


Just for shits and giggles, I also did a search on a trip between Boston and LA.

2 people, lowest price.

Air–AA, nonstop, flight time about 6 1/2 hours westbound, about 5 hours eastbound. Total cost for two r/t: $640.

Train–Back Bay Station to Union Station in LA. Travel time, just under 3 DAYS each way. Total cost for two r/t: $900. Want a sleeper for the two of you? Then bump that r/t cost up to about $2300.


OWS supporter who does commercials for the evil bank and credit card companies? I don’t know which group of fuckers are more ignorant, the wealthy who support the filty hippies or the hippies who think these people are actually like them.

2-17 AirCav

How ’bout we call it a tie.


Old right wing tactic – attack the messenger, not the message.


Gee Joe, how about when BOTH are full of shit? Curious how you managed to forget that one…rubrubrub…


Oh, and just to put to sleep your fallacy that only conservatives attack the messenger and not the message:

–Eugene Robinson attacking Christie’s weight
–NPR attacking and later firing Juan Williams, himself a liberal
–Pretty much everyone in the MSM calling any black conservative an “Uncle Tom” or worse
–Again, MSM claiming Tea Party types are terrorists and mobs while claiming OWS protestors are peaceful and have a point.
–Dan Rather and the phony documents “Fake but accurate”

Want me to continue?


Sparky, don’t hold your breath on Joey making up some kind of reply. At least, not until DU gives him his talking points.