RSSVeterans in politics

VoteVets-endorsed candidate admits to stacking deck against voters

| October 20, 2010 | 2 Comments
VoteVets-endorsed candidate admits to stacking deck against voters

Remember Eric Massa the VoteVets candidate who became a New York Congressman and eventually resigned in disgrace because he was accused of sexually harassing his male staff? Well, that brings us to Brian Lentz, another VoteVets candidate who is running for the seat in Pennsylvania recently vacated by yet another VoteVets candidate, Joe Sestak now […]

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9 veterans to support

| October 13, 2010 | 4 Comments
9 veterans to support

Folks have been emailing me about what veterans they can support for political office in the 2010 elections. Iraq Veterans for Congress sent me the following list with links; Iraq Veterans Tim Griffin (AK-2):Tim is currently serving in his 13th year as an officer in the U.S. Army Reserve, Judge Advocate General’s (JAG) Corps and […]

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Contact info for VFW PAC

| October 7, 2010 | 5 Comments
Contact info for VFW PAC

By popular demand; VFW-PAC VFW Washington Office 200 Maryland Avenue, NE Washington, DC 20002 Tel. (202) 544-5868 Fax (202) 544-8495 Swiped from Mr Wolf; Email them at: There’s a VFW PAC office in each state. Click here for the map, just roll the cursor to your state to get their phone number. Faxes and […]

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VFW-PAC, you suck

| October 7, 2010 | 93 Comments
VFW-PAC, you suck

I got an email last night from Bev Perlson (Band of Mothers) that reported that the VFW-PAC (the political action committee of the Veterans of Foreign Wars) is supporting Democrat Ron Klein. Now, just because he’s a Democrat, that doesn’t mean he doesn’t merit the VFW’s support. Of course, being a rich lawyer from Boca […]

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Vets for NY support Paladino

| October 5, 2010 | 5 Comments
Vets for NY support Paladino

Army veteran Carl Paladino, who is running for the governorship of New York against Washington favorite Andrew Cuomo has won the endorsement of the Veterans For New York; Said VFNY founder Kieran Michael Lalor, “Carl Paladino tells it like it is, he doesn’t owe any favors and has shown time and again during this campaign […]

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Falling behind

| September 3, 2010 | 5 Comments
Falling behind

I’ve fallen behind posting your links and tips – I guess because it’s that time of year. By the way, if anyone has an idea what I should get TSO and Caroline for a wedding gift (they’re getting married Sunday and I’m going there on a road trip), I sure need some tips. Old Tanker […]

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Alvin Greene; the vets who the Democrats attract

| July 23, 2010 | 14 Comments
Alvin Greene; the vets who the Democrats attract

Alvin Greene, that Democrat candidate for the Senate in South Carolina who won the primary by spending no money, without campaigning and without speaking is still charging ahead in his campaign. The Associated Press got a hold of his records finally. Looks like he was on of the ten percenters holding the rest of us […]

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Iraq Veterans for Congress

| July 19, 2010 | 5 Comments
Iraq Veterans for Congress

Some people have written to me asking about Veterans running in this next election who are not like the dimbulbs who Votevets support. I’ve been keeping my eye on Iraq Veterans For Congress and they seem pretty legit, so you should go over there and check them out. They need support getting this ad on […]

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