RSSVeterans in politics

Jeff Denham holds DoD and VA feet to the fire

| March 2, 2013 | 9 Comments
Jeff Denham holds DoD and VA feet to the fire

Someone dropped off a link to our Facebook page to a video of Congressman Jeff Denham, an Air Force veteran representing California’s 10th District in the hearings this past week about the Defense Department and the Department of Veterans’ Affairs inability to gin up a system by which they can seamlessly share veterans’ records. He […]

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Gabriel Gomez for Senate

| February 13, 2013 | 17 Comments
Gabriel Gomez for Senate

There’s a real deal SEAL running in the special election in Massachusetts’ Senate race this year. Yes, I wrote our buddy, Don Shipley about his creds, because that’s the environment we’re operating in these days. According to the Washington Post, he’s the son of Colombian immigrants as well as a local Boston businessman; The GOP […]

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Chuck Hagle for SecDef?

| December 4, 2012 | 86 Comments
Chuck Hagle for SecDef?

COB6 emailed that he just heard that Chuck Hagle is being considered for Secretary of Defense. So I checked the news and The National Journal is reporting that he’s being considered for either Defense or State; Hagel has been critical of the current Republican Party since leaving office in 2008, even backing Democratic Senate candidate […]

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Vets go to Washington

| November 26, 2012 | 5 Comments
Vets go to Washington

The Associated Press reports that nine veterans of the current wars in the Middle East are headed to Congress after their successful elections. of course, the main focus of the article is Tammy Duckworth, this blog has been sufficiently critical of Ms. Duckworth, at this point, we’ll sit back and see what she accomplishes for […]

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Swiftboating poor Obama

| August 18, 2012 | 20 Comments
Swiftboating poor Obama

They still don’t know what the term, “swiftboating” means; I guess the attacks on Obama for pretending to be a ‘war president” from the various special operations troops who’ve been sticking up for the troops who are actually fighting the wars are starting to sting, because the Obama campaign has been attacking those veterans on […]

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I don’t think “swiftboating” means what you think it means

| August 4, 2012 | 12 Comments
I don’t think “swiftboating” means what you think it means

DJ Bell sends us a link to an article about how the founder of Special Operations for America PAC, Ryan Zinke, a former Navy SEAL, is under attack from VetPAC’s Dick Klass, vice-president of VetPAC, and a retired Air Force colonel, who is questioning the character of Zinke’s service as a SEAL; “We heard some […]

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Gallup: Romney’s lead over Obama comes from veterans

| May 28, 2012 | 8 Comments
Gallup: Romney’s lead over Obama comes from veterans

Politics seeps into Memorial Day news from a Gallup poll which says that Romney’s lead over Obama is mainly fueled by veterans; These data, from an analysis of Gallup Daily tracking interviews conducted April 11-May 24, show that 24% of all adult men are veterans, compared with 2% of adult women. Obama and Romney are […]

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Bellavia & WLF under assault by opponent

| May 25, 2012 | 21 Comments
Bellavia & WLF under assault by opponent

I got a call from our buddy, David Bellavia, this morning who told me about the problems he’s having in his campaign for New York’s 27th Congressional District. The bad stuff we talked about is better explained at Blackfive. Bellavia’s Republican opponent is trying to drag the Warrior Legacy Foundation into the campaign accusing them […]

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