Swiftboating poor Obama
They still don’t know what the term, “swiftboating” means;

I guess the attacks on Obama for pretending to be a ‘war president” from the various special operations troops who’ve been sticking up for the troops who are actually fighting the wars are starting to sting, because the Obama campaign has been attacking those veterans on this new webpage.
It’s funny because their charges against these guys range from “worked on the McCain campaign” to making appearances on Fox News. They go after our friend, Larry Bailey for organizing the “Vietnam Veterans For Truth” – my first conservative rally and precursor to Gathering of Eagles.
So, there’s really nothing surprising about the revelations on this web page. Veterans are generally conservative, and conservatives generally supported George W Bush over John Kerry or Al Gore. Duh. The webpage concludes;
It is not surprising that the attacks these groups are launching lack any credibility. The President is committed to protecting our troops and our country’s security. The only way to mislead Americans about his record on national security is to resort to dishonest and overtly political smear campaigns that do a disservice to Americans who deserve to know the facts about the President’s record.
The President’s record on national security and support for the troops is indeed glaring. When he took his political advisers’ advice for the Afghanistan surge instead of his generals, we know what he was thinking, and it wasn’t about national security. Supporting the troops? Really? Was that he wanted service-connected veterans to buy their own insurance? Is that why his Homeland Security Department warned the nation to watch out for crazy vets? Is that why he’s raising the cost of Tricare for veterans as a means to lower everyone else’s health care costs?
But what I think is strange, they attack veterans who campaign against Obama for not disclosing their conservative links, but I don’t see anyone except TAH disclosing IAVA’s liberal links. In fact, we were attacked in 2008 for exposing Phil Carter, Obama campaign veteran advisor, as a founding member of IAVA. And we were attacked for connecting IAVA to Paul Rieckhoff’s first anti-conservative venture OpTruth (which was nothing more than IVAW in suits).
And don’t get me started on VoteVets.
So I don’t think that it’s surprising that conservatives oppose Obama, because, from what I’ve heard, liberals oppose Romney.
Thanks to Daniel for the link to the Obama page.
Category: 2012 election, Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Veterans in politics
The undeniable truth the POSIC (that’s piece of shit in charge) had folks from Hollywood for a brief on stuff they had no right to hear. That alone is beyond me, and the fact he and the administration have released material on a regular basis and the counter to that is they apoint good old crooked holder to investigate. The only thing the POSIC should do is pull his lower lip over his head and swallow hard….lol
The CinC simply cannot run on his own record. If he did, he’d be guaranteed to lose this election. therefore, he has no choice but to try and destroy the other side, to tarnish their records and ideas.
This is what happens when the nation elects a chief executive with no executive experience.
Electing Obama & Biden to the White House was the real-life equivalent of electing Bill & Ted to the White House.
After reading that website, I’m now quite pissed off. I don’t care for either Obama or Romney, but for the Obama campaign to say these veterans lack credibility fries my ass. The WH has been leaking classified info now for a while and anyone with a brain can see that. It’s time to find the leak and arrest their ass.
Hmmm, the Swiftboat PAC was the only time I ever donated money in a presidential race. Guess it’s time to get out the checkbook.
Don’t you understand that the Washington Post “debunked” [their own term for it in their second major article on the subject] the charges made by the Swift Boat Veterans so weakly that it made me wonder about the sanity of the editors? Are you aware that there’s a video in the C-Spann database showing the author of John F’n Kerry’s “autobiography” that substantially amounts to an admission that the book is actually a hagiography? I know, because I saw it, and was appalled at what I heard, from someone who claims to be an historian.
The Washington Post and C-Spann persuaded me to buy Mr. Corsi’s book, “Unfit for Command.”
The Swift Boat Veterans did us a service, for which I am deeply grateful.
Couldn’t be possible all sides are allowing personal bias to cloud a reasoned look at any given situation so as to further their own reality they would like to live. No not in America not by human beings that would be crazy talk.
Just supports what I thought in 2008 — whiny little spoiled brat, great at sales pitches and not much else, and doesn’t like criticism, ’cause they’re “picking on me”.
Just waiting here for the resident maroon insipid to check in and start with the verbal diarrhea. 😛
This place needs a “like” button. Nicely said, everyone.
I love how they bring up Valerie Plame… who was actually outed by Richard Armitage, a career State Dept official… not anyone in the Bush White House as claimed. There was no crime committed by the White House in that regard and the identity of the leak(Armitage)had been known by the special prosecutor for two years while they went on their Witch Hunt against the Bush Administration. which ultimately led to a perjury charge against Scooter Libby. His own stupidity… but he was not the primary source of the leak that “outed Valerie Plame”, that was entirely Armitage and a CIA source who confirmed her Identity.
Oh, and when it comes to the Swift Boat Veterans For Truth…. I am damned proud of my limited involvement with those heroes, my daily participation in their Web Site Forums, and know that all they said was the Truth. John F’ing Kerry is an ass, a liar, a traitor, and should have been in federal prison not the US Senate.
How many ways can you look at this statement?
” “No one in this group is in a position to speak with any authority on these issues and on what impact these leaks might have,” said the official, speaking on background, “and it’s clear they’ve resorted to making things up for purely political reasons.” ”
No one is in a position? No one in the group understands the impact? Purely political reasons (NO! Really? …you’re kidding!)
Is this “anonymous official” out of 5th grade yet?
Cleverness is not the strong suit of this individual. If the subject weren’t so serious, hilarity would ensue. But I’ve never seen such a one-sided, predictably stupid response by the egotistical and narcissistic campaign of our current Idiot-in-chief.
Keep on campaigning Messiah. It can only get better for the conservative side as long as you continue to open your mouth. And get some more help from Joe.
I respect John Kerry’s actual service in Vietnam. My dad & cousin also served in Vietnam & I didn’t appreciate Kerry 1) allegedly gilding the lily of his service 2) besmirching the honor & integrity of fellow vets by comparing them all the genghis khan, though, by some multi-cultural standards that might be considered a compliment.
Kerry complained that swift boat vets were tarnishing his reputation, but why should they treat him with any greater respect than he treated them? If, indeed, Kerry witnessed violations of the UCMJ, he should have gone through the chain of command & reported individuals versus stereotyping and impugning the character of ALL military veterans. I’m sick of Kerry & the Dems complaining about the swiftboat ads. Kerry & his so-called winter soldier dingbats exercised their 1st amendment rights to attack people before congress. Conversely, the victims of Kerry’s “testimony” responded in kind, & the poor dears are still peeing in their pants.
Reading that, I am reminded of the old Nazi propaganda service that told the German citizens that Hitler was the best thing since sliced bread and that the Jews were responsible for all the ills of the society.
and John Kerry has never released his military records…that would clear up everything…if they back up his “I am HERO” crap..but don’t think that they do…or they would be out alread
rb325th: there’s substantial evidence that Plame’s own husband actually “outed” her by blabbing about his “CIA wife” at numerous DC-area coctail parties. Well, that’s if anyone outed Plame at all – it’s kinda hard to “out” someone as a “covert” CIA employee when they’re a head-turning-attractive blond working openly at CIA HQ. Dick Armitage merely confirmed what was already common knowledge in DC circles when a reporter asked him if it was true.
It’s one thing slinging nasty lies at your opponent, that’s bad but not uncommon in politics. But spewing this garbage at some of our finest is so unacceptable that it makes me sick.
But go ahead and keep it up Barry Hussein. You will just push more and more real Americans toward Romney.
@12 Adagio. Your respect is misplaced in my opinion. The details about Kerry’s actual service that came out during the 2004 presidential campaign made it abundantly clear that John Fraud Kerry was the most cynical of opportunistic ticket-punchers, a man who used his service for his own very selfish political goals.
Our military forces have always been and always will be used by unscrupulous political types to further their careers and we certainly should not respect them for it. Their callous disregard for their fellow warriors makes them risky to serve around and especially under. Testimony from those who were on Kerry’s boat under his command verify this was indeed the case with him. Remember that those who commanded the other boats in his squadron considered him unfit to command as did his superiors.
The four purple band aids and his scheming use of them to get sent home after only four months in-country, rather than serving as testaments to his valor, are stark proof of his despicable treachery.
The only good quality I can attribute to Kerry with regard to his service is that he did sometimes demonstrate physical courage under fire. Other than that, he was a scheming, lying, disloyal bastard who misused the U.S. Navy and his fellow sailors to jump start his political career.
But then that’s just my opinion…
Poor Obama is in Texas this weekend, telling people about his favorite chili recipe.
Doesn’t that sound like real serious devotion to the job of being the president?
Meantime, people who have created and builtup small businesses and are quite successful are refuting his recorded words, vis a vis “if you have a small business, you didn’t build that”.
Using everything from printed t-shirts (I DID TOO BUILD MY BUSINESS BY MYSELF) and Vietnam vet Ray Gaster’s sign at his lumberyard: “I built this business without gov’t help. Obama can Kiss my ass,” reads the sign outside Gaster Lumber & Hardware in Savannah, GA, the rebuttals are appearing nationwide.
Don’t piss off the voters. Keep your stupid remarks to yourself or find a better speech writer.
Would we really think that the Democrat Communist Party knows what Swiftboating is?
John F’in Kerry sure as shit does. 😉