Dallas Wittgenfeld

| April 23, 2012

This guy’s records are a big question mark. He’s wearing a CIB, but according to his records, he was a commo guy in Vietnam, so there is no way he’s authorized to wear a CIB. He’s also wearing infantry brass with the blue background and a blue rope which he’s also not authorized to wear. But his FOIA says he was awarded a CIB;

But then I’ve never seen a FOIA that listed Letters of Commendation and Certificates of Achievement, either. So all of that makes me suspicious. Here’s his record of assignments from his Form 2-1;

The dates of his assignments coincide to the history of his two Ranger units, according to the 75th Ranger Regiment Association. But like I said, if he altered his military records to add the CIB, there’s no reason to believe he didn’t alter his assignments, too. The fact that he’s listed as a 05B20 while he was in Advanced Individual training is suspicious, too. I’m sure he wasn’t a Sergeant E-5 after four months of service.

And here’s a picture of him wearing a green beret at the Wall, and that’s a Purple Heart and Ranger scroll on his chest;

According to the Special Forces Association membership rules, he’s not eligible to be a member based on his assignments to Ranger units, so the green beret thing is right out.

You and I both know from looking at these records that he’s not authorized all of the infantry stuff, but how that CIB got in his records, I’ll never know, well, unless he gives up the ghost and tells us the truth. Not holding my breath.

Thanks to the folks at Scotty’s Hideaway, for the stuff.

Category: Phony soldiers

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That both hilarious and frightening. Another example of how Wittgenfeld only cares about himself.


FYI- If he is in the Lakeland area, that means Polk County and Sheriff Grady Judd. Sheriff Judd is kind of well known for pursuing charges against people who commit crimes over the internet.



Oh, Dullass. Ya dun fucked up now.


Peggy – oops, my bad. Should have said DeLand/Orange City area, not Lakeland. That’s Volusia County. I was working from memory, and I should know better than that by now.

And if you have a problem with me posting that, Wittgenfeld, I’d advise you take it up with the government of Orange City, FL. Or did you forget that city council meeting minutes are public record – and that if you speak up and give your address at such a meeting, that information gets entered into the minutes of the meeting? Or if you are interviewed by, say, a reporter from the Daytona Beach News Journal and tell the reporter what city you live in, the reporter just might include that info in his or her story?


And Dullass…before you go looking up the number for the FBI or the “Internet cops” using your pathetically sad Google-fu to have me or anyone else arrested or sued, consider that nobody here has actually threatened you. All anyone has done is provide some colorful suggestions for you to undertake, and if you do, so much the better.

But as far as you go, dipshit, under the phrase “waste of ammo” is your picture. Food for thought.


Agreed, the only one who has made threats is you Dallas.


Too bad on the county part. It would have been interesting to see him go up against a Sheriff who makes the inmates either buy their underwear or go commando.


Wigetfield says, “Nowhere in this summary does it mention that while you Iraq & Afghan war punks are impuning me…” he refers to women as “bitches”, and openly and publicaly threatens people.

These statements without any doubt, proves he is a complete class “A” jackass. It is recommended therefore, that he be awarded an old and soiled toilet seat to wear around his neck.

He still has not addressed me directly!


MCPO, typical attitude of professional creepers who scare off every woman in a five mile radius.

Frankly Opinionated

Dullass does live in Orange City Florida, just south of Deland, where “Skydive Deland” is based at the Deland airpark. He claims to be a jumper out there, but he has made other claims… Who knows but what he might even be photoshopping the jump pictures, putting his face on someone elses photos; I mean, he has established himself as a liar and a thief who steals the claims of other photographers…… Just sayin’.
Has anyone like, actually seen him jump?

Yat Yas 1833

@ 399 JP. I’ve posted a number of direct notices for him to contact me so we can meet. He hasn’t responded to ANY of my posts. Not a single one. All he can do is threaten women. I’ll put money on Ann!? He’s nothing but GUTLESS COWARD and LIAR. He has no honor. He’s a disgrace to the United States Army and a disgrace to the Non-Commissioned Officer’s Corps.

I mentioned in a different thread that rather than be angry or upset with him, I PITY him. His life is a lie. He knows it and he knows WE know it and everyone who comes here to reads these threads knows it. I will concede he’s probably so mental that he doesn’t even recognize reality any more. What must it be like to live your life knowing EVERYONE now knows exactly what type of person you are.

What does cause me to get angry is his disrespect for veterans who have served honorably, something he knows nothing about, and never lied about their service. I served the most boring single three year tour in the history of the Marine Corps but the thought of embellishing my service never
crossed my mind. I guess that’s the difference between a man and a dullASS.


Wow Dallas, the best you can offer is a photoshop that a five year old could outdo? Not surprising from someone who harasses widows, and denigrates those who served honorably and never felt the inclination to lie about what they did. I’m sure you kick puppies, and steal candy from children.

LoNg RaNgE PaTrOL 41


Hard for you idiots to top this. Here I am on Camp Atterbury Drop Zone in Indiana raising money and public awareness for the returning Iraq & Afghan War Veterans of my former 151st INFANTRY Airborne Ranger unit

LoNg RaNgE PaTrOL 41

Oh..! LooK…? Dallas on the front page of the Branson newspaper. Wait till they hear what I have to say about their community Veterans Group POWnetwork Military Gala.

It will be VERY interesting… Orwellians….


Old photo, Dallass. And that is the last reply I will ever give you, Flying Assclown. I advise others to ignore your blathering and let you fade into oblivion.

And by the way, you look ridiculous in those Class A’s,fatty. As a “Ranger” why don’t you have some pride and discipline… drop a few dozen pounds.

Old Trooper

I have a question for Mr. LRRP Assassin: If I show up dressed identical to you and stand next to you; would you mind? Would it be cool with you if I did so while standing right next to you? I can pull my old class As out of the closet and put an 82nd patch on them and I know I could get a Ranger scroll to put on my right shoulder and pick up a Ranger beret complete with Flash and all the other stuff and then you and I can strut our stuff together. Whaddya say, Dallas? You up for it?


Im sure the people of Branson will be more intrested in what POW NETWORK has to say about you than what you have to say about them. Funny how the people who cry about the POW NETWORK the loudest all have profiles there!


The Blog thunderdunce keeps linking to is run by another clown by the name of Arthur South. Arthur was a 6 year reservist in the Navy as an E-2 Cooks apprentice. He also has a place on POW Network as well for his phony claims of being a super secret squirrel Navy Seal among other things.
Archslayer Warrior of God…. How is that failure of a Cult DevTek working out for you Artie? How is Tony Meyers the Marine wannabe who never made it through boot camp but claims to have been wounded in Vietnam and flown one of the Helicopters to evacuate the embassy…. great and respectable friends you have there Dullass.

Admiral Ackbar

I’ll have you all know that Dallas’ service to me and the rebellion was invaluable during the Endor Campaign. His experience in the jungles of Vietnam and interaction with the indigenous Vietnamese and Laotians paid big dividends when it came to KLEs with the Ewok Cheiftains and Shamans. I would give a Corellian freighter full of spice for a team of men like Dallas, South, and Meyers.


Yeah, I’m going to have to ask for your Endorian Rebellion Participation Certificate as proof, Admiral. I’m calling shenanigans as eeeeveryone knows that Ewok shamans do not seek counsel with foreigners, especially not those as vertically challenged as they.

Admiral Ackbar

Well you see, my certificate was on the medical frigate that was destroyed when the Death Star turned out to be operational. I am sure you understand.


Next you’ll tell me Han shot first. Whatevs, I’m calling bs.

Admiral Ackbar

he did! Han was a known racist, hated Greedo because he green and an illegal alien on Tatooine without a work permit!


Well, Greedo DID need killing. Little green bastard was a creep.

Admiral Ackbar

maybe so but it was such a pain to listen to Han defend himself, “I’m not a racist, some of my best friends are wookies…”


It was true. Han wasn’t at all bigoted. I mean, hell, Luke was gay and Han even roleplayed with him.


Luke wasn’t gay, he was just utterly confused after his foray into incest with his sister, and finding out daddy was James Earl Jones? I mean come on, that guy even through his own grandma under the bus as a a Racist who taught him to hate on black and white folk…. Think that would not mess you up??

Admiral Ackbar

Well it was tough on the kid, you find out your dad is the most evil guy in the galaxy, the only woman you’ve ever kissed is your sister, and your weapon of choice is a photon charged phallus, coming out is going to be difficult to say the least


Oh, they seemed to do fine on that. I mean, c’mon, who’s NOT going to know when you’re dressed up in shiny white polyurethane and breathing heavy??


ROS, I’m sure our Dearest Dullas was the guy who did the Wilhelm. I’m sure the reason he fell was due to spending all his time walking around staring a mirror instead of paying attention to the giant bottomless chasm with no safety rails.


I’m certain, Ann, that he’ll be posting a link to an article about it soon. 🙂

Green Thumb

@439. You still hanging around poser?


Oh, you’re definitely a WASP, Wittgetfucked- a White Anglo-Saxon Poser.

Bless your little heart.


Look, you guys got it all wrong. Dullass has had a very long, illustrious military career.

Here’s proof I found while doing some research:




LoNg RaNgE PaTrOL 41

Hey I like that Confederate picture of me… You gave my hair back to me. my friends all have a hoot when I post your shit on my walls. The one with chickenshit Mr. T got the biggest hoot… Mr. T is afraid to fly or parachute… that was good.

I have noticed: The head of this “Band of Bastards” aka John Lilyea has disappeared. Hmmmm..?


Witlessgel-ding: check the “by-line” on the articles posted today – if you can read and comprehend standard English, that is. Jonn posted an article this morning. He hasn’t “disappeared”.

LoNg RaNgE PaTrOL 41

So, Witlessgel-ding – told any more lies to reporters recently about your past military career? Made any new claims of BSM w/V device? Or of being SF?

Been arrested for flying while under the influence lately?


A poser hunting “posers”? The flying assclown just went full retard.


Oh, and just how many firefights did you personally participate in between 18 and 26 October 1969?


Redacted1775: he went there years ago; he’s been there ever since.

Old Trooper

I see the narcissist had to get back on his thread page and start posting shit, again, because no one was talking about him, and he needs the attention. I say we just let the little narcissist talk and don’t reply to him. That way, maybe he will just go away, or suck start a shotgun and we won’t have to see or hear from him again.

LoNg RaNgE PaTrOL 41

You guys STOP THAT NOW….. those few incorrect articles without writers names are 38 years old. A hundred other correct articles are never mentioned by you idiots… what’s up with that…? Everybody knows what gets printed isn’t always the way it is exactly. Right..? Now get a life… Go find a picture of me wearing a Bronze Star. My Special Forces Association Green Beret with S.F.A. Decader Crest and membership was given to me by the S.F.A. “Man of the Year” free to me… Got that..?


We should be so lucky, OT.

Maybe he’ll just down a fifth of Jack and try to go flying again. Unfortunately, guys like him are the types who get behind the wheel, wipe out a family of six, and walk away from the wreckage.

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