Duane “Dina” Boyer; another phony in more ways than one

| April 16, 2014

Dina Boyer

A few weeks ago, someone sent me some stuff on this Boyer person who was claiming to be a Navy Cross recipient as well as some stuff about being in Beirut during the bombing and taking part in rescue of the fallen Marines. Of course, research was made more difficult by the fact that Duane Martin Boyer is now Dina Boyer and living as a woman. But here is Dina Boyer’s Linked In profile;

Dina Boyer Linked In

Yeah, well, the FOIA shows one Sea Service Ribbon. Punto.

Duane Dina Boyer FOIA

So, Boyer is Third Vice Commander of her American Legion Post, American Legion Post 448, in San Francisco, the Legion’s only all-Gay, Lesbian, Bi-Sexual, Transgender Post and they’ve closed ranks around Boyer, despite the fact that they now have the FOIA in their hands, according to our friend at “Dina Boyer is a Fraud“.

Dina Boyer was a man when she in the Navy.
What ever you sent me in the attachment was not a DD214. I could bearly discern the document.
Try it again.
Commander Benfield

Yeah, because what you are is more important than who you are in San Francisco.

By the way, there are a lot of Dina Boyers on the internet, make sure you’re looking at the right one.

Category: Phony soldiers

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“Dina Boyer was a man when she in the Navy”. I may have missed something but what does that have to do with the fact that she/he lied about their service? I don’t think gender is the issue, I believe integrity and honor are. Also as I told my son the only time I saw him in drag, “baby, you do not make a pretty woman”. Neither does Dina.

AW1 Tim

Well, “Dina” is still a man. You can change out all the parts you want, but unless scientists find a way to do something about that whole XY/XX Chromosome thingee, he is still a he.

I mean, aftermarket manufacturers produced dress-up kits to make your VW look like it was a Rolls Royce, but anyone with more thn 2 functioning brain cells knew it was STILL a VW bug.


Heh! Well said!!



/and a pussy fraud man at that.

Green Thumb

Another minion in Phildo’s Legion.

Farflung Wanderer

Well… This is new. And weird.

Well, a phony’s a phony, no matter what they call themselves now or then.

NR Pax

Sounds like the Legion needs to engage in some cleansing.

Just an Old Dog

Not to be confused with Anal Bleaching.


Well I need mind bleach now thankyouverymuch.


This may be a reason why I shred all those membership appeals I get from the American Legion.


I loved this duty station listed on the FOIA reply: “NAVCORCUSTUNIT Little Creek VA 8/23/85 to 9/21/85”.

Please pass along the following to “Commander Benfield”:

a. Gender (even bent-gender) has nothing to do with integrity. Lying about being a NC recipient is evidence of being a sh!tbag, regardless of gender.

b. No, that’s not a DD214. That’s a summary of the individual’s official military records provided by the National Personnel Records Center (NPRC) on NA Form 13164. (NA is short for National Archives, of which NPRC is an operational center/facility.) NPRC archives post-discharge records from all services.

c. You need to take a remedial English course, “Commander”. The correct word isn’t “bearly” – it’s “barely”.



I think “bear” is some kind of code word in that particular (LGBT) community

AW1 Tim

Bear/Beaver….. whatever. 🙂




I’m a little rusty on squid speak but isn’t “NAVCORRCUSUNIT” corrrectional custody? So he/she/it was a brig bunny for about 31 days.


Yep. Navy Correctional Custody Unit. Perhaps that’s where she lost her manhood.



Proper format for the above is “she/he/it”. Standard acronym: SHIT


That Legion Post has issues anyway. They’ve given awards to Nancy Pelosi. We all know how she feels about the Military (and guns)…..


After going to the website “Dina Boyer is a fraud”, one thing leaps out from the correspondence. Legion Post 448 in San Fransicko has one illiterate commander.
And, Duane/Dina still doesn’t have a Navy Cross.


Real high speed low drag. 3 years active and rocketed up to the dizzing height of E-1 at discharge. I am very impressed.
During my time as a cop I arrested a number of these he/she’s. I asked one frequent flyer how they considered themselves a woman with man body parts. He/she told me “officer, that’s my pussy on a stick”. I stopped asking that question after that.


“Pussy On A Stick” is my new Grunge Band Name.


Me and my bud’s have a metal band. We call ourselves “Iron Prostate.”

jedipsycho (Certified Space Shuttle Door Gunner)

Chip wins the internet today.

A Proud Infidel®™

What happened to “Flaming Squirrels”?

AW1 Tim

Better than “Flaming Beavers” I suspect…….

Though, I am given to understand theirs medicine for that nowadays.

A Proud Infidel®™

Plasmodium vivax was one of the bacteria species we grew and experimented on in Microbiology when I was in college, I thought that might be a cool band name!


I thought Plasmodium Vivax played bass for Gwar.


LebbenB: I think that was the late Odorus Urungus (David Brockie) for a while, followed by Beefcake the Mighty.


Gwar was a really underrated band. Brockie will be missed.

AW1 Tim

I dunno. Deadbolt, Swamp Angel, Flak Bait, or whatever band Rob McLean is playing bass for would be my choice. 🙂

Club Manager

Want to wager s/him got miles for frequent soap dropping in the shower while in the Navy?


sh/he/it never dropped the soap. Used “soap on a rope”. But wore it around she/he/it’s ankle

HS Sophomore

Aaaand…discrimination claims/lawsuit in three, two, one…


Know the situation NO one is discriminating, “We” as veterans of the vessel that she/he was on are more concerned about the stolen valor and lies that so line his/her pockets.


Too late. Boyer has already played that card. See the “Dina Boyer is a Fraud” link in Jonn’s article.


Just when you think you’ve seen it all.

Regardless of one’s sexual orientation, lying is lying.


“was a man when in the Navy” – well, that is questionable. Either way, the number of women calling themselves “Duane” is infintesimal.


Contact her American Legion post at judge@post448.org


I’d recommend state and national, Scotty. The linked article indicates that Boyer’s post has been contacted repeatedly – and they appear to be reacting in a very Nixonian manner by “stonewalling” things.


Yes they have Hondo. Commander has been down right stubborn in believing the truth. Even questioned the FOIA on him/her.


Fuck Mr. Post “Illiterate” Commander. FOIA his shit too.

Legion Guy

For reasons too complicated to explain here, contact State, not National which doesn’t have power to expel someone provided they meet the Congressional Requirements for membership. Only the Dept and Post control expulsions.


S/he’s also lying about being a professional photographer. It’s photos are barely on par with my iphone or instagram. S/he should get some training from Honorary Chief Photogaphers Mate Daniel Bernath. They would have so much in common…


I was going to say something like that — amateurish work, at best – but I didn’t want to come off as a jealous bitch.

On the other hand, a lot of work by other people is better than h/is/ers/its, so I don’t give a crap if s/he doesn’t like criticism.


I could care less about their genitalia, he/she is a fraud and Poser. Does she even meet the requirements for Legion Membership at all?
Douchebag, and that goes for the Commander of the Legion Post as well


I guess it depends on their definition of “honorable”.

Eligibility Requirements for American Legion Membership

If you are currently on active duty, serving the United States honorably, anywhere in the world, or have served honorably during any of the following eligible war eras, we invite you to become a member of The American Legion. National Guard and Reservists having been Federally activated (including basic training) during these same war eras also meet the eligibility requirements.
•Aug. 2, 1990 to today (Gulf War / War On Terrorism)
•Dec. 20, 1989 to Jan. 31, 1990 (Panama)
•Aug. 24, 1982 to July 31, 1984 (Lebanon / Grenada)
•Feb. 28, 1961 to May 7, 1975 (Vietnam War)
•June 25, 1950 to Jan. 31, 1955 (Korean War)
•Dec. 7, 1941 to Dec. 31, 1946 (World War II)
•April 6, 1917 to Nov. 11, 1918 (World War I)


Aren’t there some stipulations on participation? Seems to me I asked once and although I was IN 82-84, I was in USAREUR and never near Grenada or Panama, so am ineligible. Rejection, rejection….


Hokayyyyyyy …. I just this minute joined the American Legion. All I had to supply was a valid date and my credit card data to bill $25. Nowhere was I asked to submit a DD214 to substantiate my honorable service and qualifying dates.

I qualify for every period after Korea.


Old Trooper

When you get to a post; they should ask for a DD214.


And this is why I don’t join any Veteran’s organizations. People like Boyer and Visconi are commonplace.


Me neither.

JarHead Pat


Is that it?


It/she wtf ever allso host’s “tranny talk” not that I would know anything about that, lolol,it must have a been one fuck of a sailor to be awarded the Navy Cross


That is it’s f/b account & page Jarhead Pat


Pat? I’m not sure but maybe they discuss topics like overhauling ZF-6 speed trannys. Just saying. 😎


What does the FOIA say only discharged? Doesn’t say honorable, dishonorable or general,

Dress Blues

Believe it or not, type of discharge is protected by privacy laws. NPRC does note “discharged”, “released” or “retired” on a summary.


Bingo, Dress Blues. That traces back to the old “Blue Discharge” days (this later became the section 8 “Undesirable Discharge”). It was originally called the “Blue Discharge” because before and during World War II it was literally printed on blue paper.

During World War II, it became standard practice to discharge homosexuals with this type of discharge vice convening a court-martial. Blacks also reportedly received this type of discharge in disproportionate numbers during World War II.

Recipients of these types of discharge reportedly experienced “substantial prejudice” on return to civilian live. As a result, under the FOIA the government has determined (IMO, in what is today a gross overreaction) that the characterization of an individual’s military discharge(s) (e.g., honorable, general, etc . . . ) is NOT releasable in response to a FOIA request.

JarHead Pat

So we plasterd it’s/her wall,lololol.wtf Navy Cross? what a total POS.

Toasty Coastie

Swamp Twat.


Don’t you need “Artificial” or “Synthetic” in front of that, Toasty?

Toasty Coastie

Why yes Hondo, you are correct…

Synthetic Swamp Twat.

There I fixed it… 😀


Dat be mo betta…


Just a guess but 3 years in a stay at ccu and an e-1 tells me that he don’t have a honorable discharge. Sounds like to me he got the big chicken dinner discharge



Nothing further.

Green Thumb

Uh, actually this thing is actually missing the “tool”.

Just saying….


I have some friends in the trans community and they in NO way support a liar. They have enough problems trying to be taken seriously and not to be harassed in everyday life. If this VFW post is supporting her it’s because they have more to hide. They are doing more harm to their “cause” by claiming discrimination, it’s the same as screaming racism so as to confuse and redirect the topic. This serves no purpose other than to stall and keep people separate instead of uniting for a common goal.

It’s sad really that people feel the need for separate labels instead of just everyone being an American and proud of that term. The labels will keep us apart so we never unite.


It’s an American Legion Post, not VFW. I don’t know about the American Legion, but when I was coerced by the Mrs. to join the VFW they asked for my DD-214.


Sorry about that. Too many people talking around me while I was writing that comment. All the neighborhood kids have decided I’m the cool parent and are now hanging out here.

Kinda old ET1

Smart kids.


I am a member of the VFW at large and have never been asked to furnish my DD214(s).

Old Trooper

My Legion Post asked for mine.

A Proud Infidel®™

They obviously think, like all liberals, that his/her/its lying is excused because of its being transgendered, and we’re only getting on its case because “Duane”, “Dina”, whatever, is transgendered.

OIF '06-'07-'08

Damn, I do believe we have found a match for Dennis-Boi Chevalier. Now granted, it is a match made in hell, but just think about it. They are perfect for each other.

A Proud Infidel®

And they’ll be incapable of reproducing, a perfect match!!


Don’t care how much “it” changes “its” plumbing, if “it” has. There’s still that whole X/Y Chromosome business getting in the way. “It” you are a dude! AND a butt nasty ugly one at that. I mean…draw a blister on the bottom of a galvanized shit pot, ugly!


Damn it! I just spit bud light all over my computer screen.


Blaster…I’ll be here all week, two shows a night! 😀

A Proud Infidel®

“Dina” would take second place to one week old road kill in a beauty pageant, ugly enough to make shit scream and run away!!


And now he is an ugly she. I wonder if he has better luck picking up women now that he switched sides.


In San Fran, anything is possible…Thinking she hangs out on a regular basis in the Tenderloin District. Myabe she give guided tours of the former Hunters Point NAS, too? 😎


I could care less if he/she/it has a plastic pussy. This thing is a lying scumbag and deserves all the enmity that can be dropped on it. Isn’t honorable service a requirement for membership in the Legion? I doubt “Dana” met that with a discharge as a E-1 and brig time.


It would seem that at this particular American Legion Post, the only qualification for membership is having been “victimized” by the military for being LGBT. They don’t seem to care about checking credentials themselves, and outsiders questioning them – like this hot mess – are “attacks” because of the person’s gender identity.
It would also seem that the AL District of CA is afraid to confront this particular Post, as they have made a career of their “activism” and being a pain in the ass to the larger Legion.


I for one grew up with a upbringing that left little wiggle room. But for my family and I – we needed that.

I don’t agree with the whole LGBT things- but as an American SM- I respect their choice.

I don’t care on color or preference: Shakespeare’s Henry V paints it the best- “we few, we happy few… For he who sheds his blood with shall be my brother” They risk it- they can choose it. But don’t lie on it

The AM Legion and VFW have treated me well since I was a teenage punk. And after I enlisted. They have been their if I could not speak to my family about what I did or seen.

Am wondering if we need to convince national to start taking measures against that post for not fulfilling its obligations for membership. This one and other Post also.

We trust that when we talk as brethren- be it cooks, supply, grunt or fister we speak plain and true. Some have seen and done more- but we all have the same Uncle.

Old Trooper

Department (state) of California has the authority to act. National does not. I know, it sounds weird, bit that’s how it works.


That particular AL Post will NEVER expel “it”. Why? Because that’s who they are all about. If they are homosexual, lesbian, transsexual, transgender or what have you, they will stand behind them (pun untended) till their dying breath. They could care less about right or wrong, stolen valor or honorable service in the military. They only care about protecting members of their own little community of special snowflakes like Duane/Dina. They have an agenda FAR outside the scope of the traditional American Legion’s. I read the comments back and forth to the Post Commander. He is adamant they will not relent. In the face of all evidence to the contrary he will stand behind “it” and all the other squirrels in his outfit. Turds…every one of them.

Toasty Coastie

Well isn’t this just great…

I’ve done caught the PTSD and the Dumb after reading this again….


Doc Bailey

That’s an actual AL post? Not like a stolen valor version of the AL right?

Just An Old Dog

Just like everyone else has said, this particular AL Post isnt going to budge. Once you get you get to hold a position/office they will never eject you.
Frank Viconti still is a vice commander of a MCL post, despite having presenting forged documents in court on several occasions.
Bouer and Visconti are embedded in their organizations. They are dug in like an Alabama Tick on a Hound Dog’s balls, the only way to to get them out is to burn them off, and the hound will be two counties away once that match so much as touches his dingly dangleys.


Finally a transgenderered Naval Propulsion Engineer who claims Navy Cross.

My life is complete!

That is one hard charging Snipe!

Green Thumb


Kinda old ET1



These clowns are missing the entire point of military service and a few other important parts of American citizenship. Like that we of the military are the most tolerant and inclusive bunch around – don’t care who you are or who your Daddy is, you are pretty universally accepted as long as you do your job and behave honorably.

No one has yet told me why I should give a flip about who this guy/gal/whatever or anyone else sleeps with, associates with, or whines about privately. Anyone who demands my attention or respect for any reason has stepped over the line from their business into my business.

In other words, I just cannot generate a flying fig what choices a veteran who served honorably might make or if they resemble the choices I make for myself. Anyone who lies about military service deserves no sympathy from veterans. There is no excuse for it from anyone, but especially from anyone who served. But, since this clown’s service apparently was less than honorable, no one is really surprised about the choice to lie about it now.

Just An Old Dog

Whoever doesn’t want to wade through the blog about Boyer hers the meat and taters.

Boyer claims that he/she put out a major fire in the Engine Room of the LST which he was on. He/She was the go to person the Captain, A WO and a CPO went to to get the job done.
He/ She rescued two injured Sailors and suffered injury also.
His /her getting the power restored to the engine was a major factor in avioding a collision with another ship.
Several crew members who she describes as “White Racist Southern Potheads” depended on him/ her to act.
He/she claimed on her linkled Profile to have a Navy Cross.
People who served on the ship at the time recall no such fire. The closest thing was a sailor who extingished a small fire in an engine space and was awarded a Navy Achievment Medal. The ship never lost Power and there were no injuries.


“the Legion’s only all-Gay, Lesbian, Bi-Sexual, Transgender Post”


I thought this was a veterans service organization.

Thanks, san francisco…..

Green Thumb

Isn’t that discriminatory?


You may be on to something there. If we applied for membership there and were turned down because we WEREN’T “Gay, Lesbian, Bi-Sexual, Transgender” could we sue them for discrimination based on OUR sexual orientation?

A Proud Infidel®

+10 COOL POINTS to OAE CPO! I’m jealous that I didn’t think of that!


The answer is no. No American Legion Post is required to let anyone join. You can set your own membership requirements as you see fit. There is another post in California that is essentially a yacht club and you have to be worth a minimum amount of money to even be considered for membership. I will admit that this is the first I have heard of an all @%$# Legion Post.

Green Thumb

I disagree.

It could wind up being a state versus federal issue.


I also disagree. If a prospective member meets all the organizations requirements for membership but is turned down because of sexual orientation, I think that would be a discrimination lawsuit in the making.


That’s the thing, you don’t have to give them a reason why they are not allowed to be a member. I have had this discussion all the way to the top. No post is required to admit anyone they do not want. The bylaws at our post state that all prospective members must be voted on for membership and we do that every time. It helps to keep the crazies out.

Red Ghost

From this Legion Post’s own website:All of our Legionnaires are honorably discharged veterans who have successfully served in the United States Armed Forces during a period when our nation was in conflict as defined by the Department of Defense. 
OK, I’m going to guess any service member getting out at 3 years and as an E-1 probably didn’t get a honorable discharge.

Green Thumb

Also, check out the post’s website.

Wow. Just wow.

Doc Savage

The first defense of anyone that steals valor is always “They are just picking on me because I am ( insert bullshit excuse of choice here)”


Fake pussy, Fake service.


What ever. He/she/it still looks like a Duane. Good thing the tournament is coming up. I see a new category in the future……..

A Proud Infidel®

Whatsat, lemme guess, “FREAKAZOID”?


You’re close, I was thinking Douchane Nozzle.


How about “other”.


Wow just read the whole website. That Dina guy is a fucking nut bag. A stolen valor nut bag. What a shitbird lying about the navy cross while bad mouthing his fellow service members. I hope justice is served Dina deserves everything that is coming to him.


Don’t hold your breath, FatCircles.

The post and Boyer are in SF. Outrageous conduct and taking liberties with reality are considered admirable behavior there.


Is this the same person who had pictures of himself as a male wearing a Navy choker white officer uniform juxtaposed with a picture of himself as a female wearing a flight suit? I seem to remember that one floating around a few months ago, but I can’t find it now.


No, I’m pretty sure that’s a different lying sack of shit.


Last I heard, both of the major VSOs (AL and VFW) are faced with dwindling membership, posts closing, members dying off and not being replaced by new ones, etc. Under those circumstances, it’s easy to see why a post might not ask too many questions if someone wants to join.

I don’t know that the likes of the VFW and AL are really sustainable these days. They were built up during a time when military service was fairly common, meaning they had a large “pool” of potential members. But ever since the all-vol force came into being, that pool has shrunk dramatically.

Wife and I tried the AL a few years back but it didn’t really “click” with us. More of an “old man’s drinking club” than any kind of “service” organization. May have just been that particular post, but I really think they’re going to have to transform themselves if they want to stay relevant.


I don’t think it was just that post. I ran into basically the same thing when I was checking out the Legion and VFW. The Legion was more open. The VFW was a bunch of old men sitting around drinking and put out the vibe that they didn’t appreciate a new guy invading “their club.”


My VFW experience is the exact opposite. Everyone was welcoming and there was no drinking. The organization wasn’t based around drinking either.

I did have my suspicions regarding how they verified or for that matter didn’t new members though. I haven’t renewed my membership because there weren’t many young vets attending meetings. In fact I was usually the only young member that would show up to them.

Regardless of how friendly and welcoming the age difference matters.


WOW!! She/he/it (SHIT) is fucking CRAZY!! And not the good kind either!!

And that tool bag American Legion Post Commander not taking action is pretty F’d up too.


@Martinjmpr – “old man’s drinking club” fits perfectly. I was in Sons of Amvets for a while in my early forties and I was the youngest guy around (unless someone brought their grandkids in!)

Toasty Coastie

So what’s for dinner?

Bean and franks or tacos?


Clams or brats?