Secret torture memos not juicy enough for Left

| April 18, 2009

Since the torture stories contained in those secret Bush memos never materialized, the Left is twisting itself into knots to just make stuff up now. Like this “article” from Raw Story;

Allow me to summarize;

According to the no longer secret memos, White House counsels said that the CIA could make use of the supposed torture of placing an insect in a box with a suspect. The CIA never did it and eventually the White Counsels changed their minds. But some guy in Pakistan said he heard some Pakistani guards talking about using the torture during the time frame the White House accepted the practice.

So Raw Story has declared the Bush Administration guilty based on the testimony of a father of a Guantanamo detainee. Despite the fact that these were the secret memos that the Left has been waiting years to read, somehow the secret memos aren’t accurate now, so they have to fill in the story they WANT to read instead of the story that’s there.

Raw Story admits the story is second hand, but because it’s “strikingly similar” to other stories they’ve heard, it must be true. But wait;

The use of insects isn’t mentioned in a recently leaked International Red Cross report, in which Red Cross officials questioned detainees about their treatment at the hands of US forces and ultimately judged them to have been tortured.

Now we can’t trust those stinkin’ Red Cross officials either, I suppose.

A second memo released Thursday, dated May 10, 2005, says the CIA told the White House insects were never actually used in interrogations.

“We understand that — for reasons unrelated to any concerns that it might violate the [criminal] statute — the CIA never used the technique and has removed it from the list of authorized interrogation techniques,” Steven Bradbury, a principal deputy assistant attorney general, wrote in a footnote.

So I guess the CIA lies in their own secret memos.

Ok, that all sounds fantastic, right? Well wait until the bobbleheads at the Democrat Underground start discussing it. Somehow the conversation becomes a discussion about Bush being a child rapist and pornographer;

Where’d they get the idea that President Bush raped children and took videos? Well, Seymour Hersh told them;

But thank goodness the “progressive” blogs will keep us safe

Category: Foreign Policy, Liberals suck, Terror War

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Airborne Injun

Jonn…War is nasty and inhuman,no doubt…but in order to save the lives of American citizens and military,I have no qualms about using ANY reasonable method to obtain information!At least we are not sawing off the heads of people.So all I can say about the subject is…Red on positive and Black on negative!!!When will these idiots who are running this country ever going to learn???

Frankly Opinionated

My Friend Airborne Injun said: “When will these idiots who are running this country ever going to learn???” Brother- They AIN’T! I, like you and any other warrior worth a shit agree that war is hell, distasteful, and ugly. But, with people being people, war is a necessary function of life. Since it exists, we warriors answer the call and do what we can with the bad situation. If only our Sheeple, and their politicians truly appreciated us, (dreamer here), they’d give us the opportunity to do it quick, clean and complete. Instead, they’d rather we do it slow, dirty and halfassed. Sorta like taking off an old bandage. Do it quick and it only hurts for a second, slowly and it hurts like hell and only accomplishes the same end result.
nuf sed

Airborne Injun

BTW…I hope that Seymore Hersh can get his fantasies under control!!!


FO and AI,
you both seem to be missing the main issue – the new Left meme on child abuse; the one that NEVER HAPPEND.


Airborne Injun said: “I hope that Seymore Hersh can get his fantasies under control!!!” Hersh is busy looking for the assassins of the JSOC now. You know, the super-secret, Cheney death squad, acting to kill people on Cheney’s list of enemies? Hersh is an asshat, plain and simple, and so are the sheeple who read, or believe him.

Airborne Injun

Olga Darling…I do realize the main issue, as it relates to the abuse of children.I chose to not acknowledge that due to the absurdity of it and due to the fact that it Royally PISSES me the f**k off that these left wing bastards will stoop to any level to make our troops and Intelligence agencies look as bad and as evil as possible!!!I did not desire to dignify that left wing lie in any manner!Please understand that it is not an attempt to condone ANY abuse of ANY children.

Southern Democrat

You said any means necessary. What if a child knows where his dad hid the bombs…what then??

Airborne Injun

SD…What the Hell are YOU smoking? Who said any means necessary? Just like a liberal, twist the facts to fit your fantasy! You are just another poster child for Post Natal Abortion!!!


LOL Injun, nice smack-down.

Airborne Injun

UpNorth…My humble pleasure! I do what I can.


And you do it well. A sane person would pick up and leave if they understood what was being said about them, but then…….Must be on a mission to straighten out all of us neo-con, racist, right-wing, threat to Homeland Security non-believers.


I find it hard to fathom exactly what kind of insect could scare a kid who grew up in a country that has camel spiders.


[…] tortured? Oh, wait, the left is so unhinged that they actually have to make stuff up now, which This ain’t Hell… calls them on. And finds more unhinged liberals making insane accusations Well wait until […]


[…] tortured? Oh, wait, the left is so unhinged that they actually have to make stuff up now, which This ain’t Hell… calls them on. And finds more unhinged liberals making insane accusations Well wait until […]

Richard Romano

Just sad — to think, commenters on those nutty lefty blogs actually live in our communities. I doubt any of them are employed, but ironically a number of them may be academics.

Scary thought.


Wow. Bugs. Oh my. What did they do, bring them to South Florida for an evening? Let the mosquitoes carry them around for a while?

As to the loonies at the DU. No comment. I don’t dwell on something that is best scraped off my shoe.


You know, Ray has an excellent point- and only cushy, suburban American kids are afraid of any insects AT ALL. Jeez, at one point EVERY SINGLE ONE of my kids, girls and all wanted to be an etymologist.


@Southern Democrat:

I still hate the Russians, but ya gotta hand it to the bastards, they knew how to handle a terrorist situation:

In October 1985, Alfa (Spetznaz Group) was dispatched to Beirut, Lebanon, when four Soviet diplomats had been taken hostage by militant Sunni Muslims. By the time Alfa was onsite, one of the hostages had already been killed. The perpetrators and their relatives were identified by supporting KGB operatives, and the latter were taken hostage. Following the standard policy of ‘no negotiation’, Alfa proceeded to sever some of their hostages’ body parts and sent them to the perpetrators with a warning that more would follow if the Russian hostages were not released immediately. The tactic was a success and no other Russian national was taken hostage in the Middle East for the next 20 years, until the 2006 abduction of Russian diplomats in Iraq.
Barry Davies, (2005). The Spycraft Manual: the insider’s guide to espionage techniques. p.108
We used appropriate torture on some of the worst Islamic terrorist scum on the planet. They weren’t run-of-the-mill peons; they were al Qaeda leaders. As a result, we got information that revealed the specific names, locations, and plans pertaining to future attacks.

If you are unwilling to support coercive interrogations that could result in saving hundreds, if not thousands, of innocent Americans from being killed in a terrorist attack, than you are worth less than that pile of shit you stand on and call “moral high ground”. I have absolutely no problem waterboarding cold-blooded, unremorseful, murdering muslim bastards. I hope that we do a lot worse.