So whose spending bill is it anyway?

| March 9, 2009

My latest email from my newest BFFs at Organizing for America tells me to gird my loins for battle against…well…someone. I don’t don’t who I’m fighting, but I need to be ready to fight;

Maybe it’s the oligarchy…no wait that’s Chavez – oh, yeah, the “the special interests and old ways of Washington”. I wonder which special interest I should whup up on first…ACORN or the lawyers.

But wait. Obama is claiming this budget as his own? That’s what the email says. What did Peter Orszag, director of the White House Office of Management and Budget tell CNN yesterday?

He argued that the White House had little choice but to support the $410 billion omnibus spending bill, which it inherited from the previous administration. The bill would keep the government running through 2009.

“This is like your relief pitcher coming into the ninth inning and wanting to redo the whole game,” Orszag said. “Next year we’re going to be the starting pitcher, and the game’s going to be completely different.”

Are we supposed to be supporting a Bush spending bill? Really? It’s not Obama’s like they told me in the email? I don’t thin I want to fight anymore until I find who I’m fighting for. Geez, ya know maybe I ought to screen capture that CNN story in case it disappears;

So in order to come down on both sides of this issue, Obama alternately blames Bush for the spending bill and tells his mindless drones to get ready to fight for Obama’s bill.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Economy, Liberals suck, Usual Suspects

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Ein Volk, Ein Reich, Ein Obama

Think I remember hearing those lyrics before.


I didn’t know you were on the brownshirt spamming list, Jonn. Do they send out ads for Cialis too?



I cut my spam in half. There were the people offering Viagra and people offering to loan me money.

Now I just get an email offering to loan me money for Viagra.