Maryland’s O’Malley; spending cuts as a threat

| October 24, 2007

Isn’t it funny? When Republican Robert Erlich was voted out of Maryland’s governorship nearly a year ago, he turned over a year-over-year surplused budget to incoming Democrat Martin O’Malley – now O’Malley is threatening to cut spending in Maryland if the Legislature doesn’t raise taxes on Marylanders according to the Washington Examiner;

Big cuts in aid to counties, libraries, schools, universities, health care, state police and dozens of other programs will be needed if the legislature doesn’t pass tax increases next month, Gov. Martin O’Malley said Tuesday as he unveiled his own version of a “doomsday” budget.

“There is a price to doing nothing,” said O’Malley, flanked by his Cabinet. “When we understand what the price of doing nothing is, we will find a way to move forward.”

In a move clearly designed to put pressure on lawmakers, the governor listed $1.7 billion in cuts he would propose if the General Assembly he has called into session next Monday does not pass most of the eight revenue measures he has proposed.

Well, that’s what O’Malley should be doing any-damn-way. Cut the damn spending, idiot. It’s not Maryland’s fault that you spent the year-over-year surplus. Tax hikes aren’t the answer – cut those damn government flunkies’ jobs, cut teachers’ pensions, cut grants to college students. Ya know what’ll happen if ya do? The cost of government willl drop, the cost of education will drop, the tuition at colleges will drop – stop being a tool of the unions, Marty.

You can’t keep promising more and more government services (like O’Malley did in the election) and then tax the livin’ shit out of working Marylanders. Try cutting spending just once Marty m’boy. You never know – you might like it after awhile.

The Washington Times’ Tom Lobianco reports that O’Malley’s poll standings are falling as he reaches for hie “doomsday” prophecies;

Public support for Gov. Martin O’Malley has dropped sharply since he took office in January, according to a statewide poll released yesterday.

Mr. O’Malley’s approval rating dropped six points, to 46 percent, and his disapproval rating increased 10 points, to 31 percent, since the last statewide poll conducted in March by Gonzales Research and Marketing.

The poll results were released on the same day Mr. O’Malley outlined his “doomsday budget” proposal, which includes $1.7 billion in cuts to education, health care and other state programs.

Of couorse he’s in a freefall – he’s pissed off everyone by threatening either tax hikes of program cuts. If he’d just threaten program cuts, he’d only piss off half as many people.

Category: Politics

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