16 illegals sue landowner

| February 9, 2009

Rurik sends an article from the Washington Times about 16 illegal aliens who have chutzpah to sue an Arizona landowner for protecting his own land. Some highlights;

Trial continues Monday in the federal lawsuit, which seeks $32 million in actual and punitive damages for civil rights violations, the infliction of emotional distress and other crimes.
In the lawsuit, [Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund (MALDEF)] said Mr. Barnett approached the group as the immigrants moved through his property, and that he was carrying a pistol and threatening them in English and Spanish. At one point, it said, Mr. Barnett’s dog barked at several of the women and he yelled at them in Spanish, “My dog is hungry and he’s hungry for buttocks.”

The lawsuit said he then called his wife and two Border Patrol agents arrived at the site. It also said Mr. Barnett acknowledged that he had turned over 12,000 illegal immigrants to the Border Patrol since 1998.
Mr. Barnett told The Washington Times in a 2002 interview that he began rounding up illegal immigrants after they started to vandalize his property, northeast of Douglas along Arizona Highway 80. He said the immigrants tore up water pumps, killed calves, destroyed fences and gates, stole trucks and broke into his home.

Some of his cattle died from ingesting the plastic bottles left behind by the immigrants, he said, adding that he installed a faucet on an 8,000-gallon water tank so the immigrants would stop damaging the tank to get water.

I wonder if anyone has bothered to point out to these people that if they hadn’t broke the law in the first place, they wouldn’t have been on Mr. Barnett’s land so he could do that to them (if it even happened). Do I have proof? Yes – I didn’t break the law that day and I didn’t meet Mr. Barnett.

Category: Illegal Immigrants

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Jonn, the fact you pointed out about the illegals breaking the law needs to be pointed out to the jury. I’m hoping Mr. Barnett’s attorney does that, over and over and very forcefully. If the federal government would do it’s job and let the BP do theirs, Mr. Barnett probably wouldn’t be in a courtroom today. And if he prevails, I hope Mr. Barnett goes after the “Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund” in court for all of his expenses for them filing a suit that appears to be false, on it’s face.

Frankly Opinionated

It is a damned shame that a property owner gets put into this position. It is a far bigger shame when the liberal judges and ignorant jurors side for the bad guys. Somehow it is wrong to cause the arrest of those committing a crime? Until the gummint can fast track a good, (key word-“good”), sound, method of checking on people entering the country for temporary or seasonal work; we will continue to have this problem. I do believe that Americans need Mexicans to assist in the care and harvest of crops. I do not believe that they need be “Illegals”. The Bracero Act, after WW-II allowed my father and many others to hire low priced labor; allowing the price to be kept down for our American buyers. That same effort would work today, but the bureaucracy is so screwed up within itself that they can’t process the people fast enough.
Find, arrest and return the Illegals, at the same time that we “fix” this broken system. Personally, I don’t want to pay “scale” price for having my onions picked and packed. I rather like it that Mexicans are doing it, and allowing the farmer and packing house some relief on their money.
Just fix the damned mess.
nuf sed

Southern Democrat

So the mexicans are good enough to pick your crops, but not to stay here in the country? How small minded. We need to open the borders completely and allow those living in squalor down south to move up to American and be a part of the dream they all hope for. Yes, I know money is sent back to Mexican families, but so what? Those people are earning money for hard work that US citizens wont do, and you want to make their families suffer? We dont care about Canadians coming into the country, but people of color, namely the mexicans, are a problem???

Jonn wrote: Who are you talking to? Nothing you’ve written relates to anything anyone else wrote here. Please pay attention. I suppose you were so anxious to call us racists, we could have written about rainbows and got the same response.


When Canadians come here, they do not break into citizens’ houses along the way. they do not strew our northern states with discarded trash. They do not kill the local farmers’ cattle when they want a snack. They do not kill the local dogs. They do not vandalize, rob, rape and threaten. When Canadians come (in smaller numbers, too) they are generally literate in at least their own language and have enough education to hold better than minimum wage jobs. Canadians do not dontribute a vastly disproportionate number of criminals. Canadians respect, and even share, or basic culture. Canadians also are not waging a civil war between rival drug armies. The illegals coming here, do not seek the dream you imply…Their dream is to get fat on selling drugs and collecting welfare. That does not apply to those Mexicans who immigrate through legal channels with intent to assimilate. SD, your comment trying to make this an issue about “people of color” reveals your dishonest intent. Few of the southern illegals are Black, some appear White; it is about culture or the lack thereof, and respcet for laws and even civilization. Remember that the richest man in the world is a Mexican; if he doesn’t want his fellow Mexicans, why should we?


The people who whine and pee their panties about the poor people violating US law and sovereignty just to buy beans for their emaciated bambinos, are never the people who live in border states and deal with the reality of armed drug smugglers cutting their fences, walking or driving across their land, threatening them and shooting their dogs, leaving human waste and trash scattered where their own kids play.
Tell me how Americans are treated in Mexico if they enter illegally, bypass Customs, and ignore all of their national and local laws.
When an old Marine friend of my Dad’s was living in Texas many years ago, he said that the rule for dealing with smugglers and other criminal trespassers in one’s immediate AO was, “Shoot, shovel and shut up.”


When someone signs their name with any use of the word ‘democrat’ – as in ‘southern democrat’ – you can pretty much forget any chance of intelligent comments.


It doesn’t matter what the defense attorney says to the jury. Criminal Mexicans run the legal system and are assisted by American lawyers who are in it only for the money. The best thing is when the criminal Mexicans figure out the lawyers have lots of money and nice stuff in they’re homes. Look for the rich to suffer a rash of breakins, robberies, Rapes and murders. I’ll just smile as it happens.

AW1 Tim

I can guarantee you one thing.

If this trial is allowed to proceed and finds in favour of the illegals, then the rest of our property laws will be forfeit. Precedence will have been set regarding the defense of property, and the rights of ALL landowners will be severely curtailed.



Southern Dem-
Are you freaking serious?? If you come into this Country illegally, you do not deserve any of the rights afforded US citizens. Got that? Good. Now, when those Mexican people move on to private property, squat, piss, steal and kill livestock, I’m all about giving them a pop to disable and turn them over to the Border Pat.

Why does it become our responsibility to give them what their own Country cannot? See, asshole, THAT IS PRECISELY WHY PEOPLE COME HERE!! To live better, but most people do it, legally. You don’t see any of those poor bastards running to get out, do you? Why not???

But I’ll kill any bastard who thinks what’s mine is his. It has not one mother loving thing to do with his damn skin color. It just so happens that no blacks, asians, europeans are coming here illegally. Only those with light brown skin seem to be getting caught, including Obama’s Auntie Z who might just be a tad darker than Oreo boy claiming to be black.

Do you know that the Mexican leader promotes his people taking advantage of the US and all it has to offer because they print pamphlets telling people how to skipt the border. Yep. And why are Americans the bad guy for you idiots? Because we want their own fucking country to make them responsible? Geesus H. Christ I am so sick of you people and the double standards.


And what the hell do yo think happens to any American (go ahead, pick any Country where a visa is required and the American doesn’t have one)– if he decides to border hop and is caught? Well, let’s see, if he isn’t shot dead, then “go to jail, go directly to jail, do not pass go!” Shit, son, you could even put the word Terrorist in for the word AMerican. After all , The COW wants to bring em here. I digress.
Now go on git outta here.

Southern Democrat

Jonn, you wanted racism, you got it.
I was curious how long it would take for someone to slip, and by calling the Pres. An Oreo boy, I got my answer.

Our immigration policy is flawed. Our ancestors got here by standing in line for a day or two. Today the process is hosed, so you have to be motivated to get in otherwise.

Just because your mommy and daddy got here 100 years ago, doesn’t make you a better person then someone trying to come here today.

Jonn wrote: Funny how you didn’t get upset at Condi Rice having Oreos tossed at her. Be that as it may, my wife, my step-daughter and my granddaughter all “stood in line” and I paid the “hosed” price to do it all legally. We all jump through the hoops to keep them here legally. It’s really not that hard, considering. Sorry, but you’ll get no sympathy from me.

Oh, I forgot to mention that they’re all varying shades of brown. And every time I go to their country, I get a visa, passport, obey the laws and speak the language.

airborne injun

DefendUSA….Shit,take a breath and calm the hell down…You’re starting to sound just like me.LOL Now for the puke sucking southern dildocrat…Splain to me,the plain old Native American ,about fucking Injustice and Mommy and Daddy standing in line 100 years ago!!! You dont have a Fucking CLUE as to what discrimination is, You just praddle off at the mouth like The douche bag you are. If you want justice for all of us poor little brown/red people PACK YOUR SHIT AND GO THE FUCK BACK TO WHERE YOUR ANCESTERS CAME FROM AND DON’T EVEN ATTEMPT TO SPEAK FOR ME OR MY PEOPLE…If any one has the right to hate the “GREAT WHITE SATAN” it would be me. Now go get a life, a job, and your very own cause, ASSCLOWN and leave this conversation to the adults!!!

AW1 Tim


No different than going to a nightclub. You stand in line, pay the cover charge, get your hand stamped at the door, and then obey the dress and behaviour code. Nothing hard about it at all.

And as to that great leftist lie about “doing the work Americans won’t due”, what a load of horse shit. Americans cannot AFFORD to do the jobs at those wages because we have to pay the effin TAXES in order to pay for all the GD social service crap for illegals. Illegals are bankrupting communities, hospitals, schools and depressing real wages throughout the country.

This has nothing to do with the colour of their skin or the language they speak. Whether they are from Mexico or Ireland, if they are here illegally, they need to be arrested and deported, and their home country billed for the costs of roundup and deportation.

The American dream is for AMERICANS and those who wish to become CITIZENS. Everyone else can bugger off. You’re either part of the solution, or part of the problem, and leftists are ALWAYS a part of the problem.

AW1 Tim

Yo, AI,

Word, heyok’a, word.

airborne injun

AW1 Tim…Its assholes like him that make want to take my bad leg off and beat them with it! Respect

Jonn wrote: If you can take it off and beat someone with it, that makes it your good leg. 🙂

AW1 Tim


Yes indeed, brother, yes indeed. You get him with your leg while I hold him down with my cane 🙂


There was already a precedent where the owners of the ranch lost the civils rights suit against illegals under the same circumstances and had to sell the ranch to pay off the settlement. He lost his appeal. I do not remember which border state but it was done sometime in 2004-2005. So, this guy is going to lose his ranch, too, that’s guaranteed. As long as the f##king Hispanic Lawyers Association provides the trial lawyers to bring up the case and the civil case juries continue to be the dumbest juries in the entire American legal system…


Next time he should just shoot them, bury the bodies and forget about doing the right thing and turning them in. I can’t believe this even made it to court.

Frankly Opinionated

Just found this at another mil-blogger that I read. It is good, but would cause Southern Dhimmicrat to piss himself just thinking of the concept. Enjoy: Does the government want vigilantism? Because if they do, all they have to do is keep on keepin’ on, not doing the job that is required of them, and allowing US citizens to get shafted. Lotta coyotes out in that part of the country, and I don’t mean the border-hopping wetbacks who funnel in drugs and illegal aliens. I’m talking about the four-footed varmint. Now see, back when I was in high school, living out in the country, we had a lot of coyotes as well. And when one of our animals died, a cow, a horse, we would just drag the carcass out into the woods and leave it. A week later, it was gone. Those coyotes will pick every scrap of meat off the bones, and then take the bones to gnaw on. And a man has a lot less meat on him than a horse does. I figure a pack of coyotes would pick that carcass clean in about two days or less. Now, we have certain facts that are carved in stone at this point. 1) The Federal Government is willfully negligent in it’s duties to secure the border and protect the country. 2) US Citizens are being negatively impacted by the FedGov’s negligence, to the point of being threatened in their own homes, losing property to theft from illegals, etc. 3) When protecting themselves and their homes, US Citizens are now being punished through the judicial system by the very illegal aliens they have to protect themselves from. And the FedGov is doing nothing to stop it. Now, given that we have those three facts carved in stone, what are our options? Because I’m going to give you the option that a lot of people are looking at now that they’ve been backed into a corner by the willful negligence of the Federal Government – Shoot, shovel, and shut up. Remember that little post I had up a while… Read more »

Southern Democrat

Thats what you all would love..the chance to go kill miniorities and get away with it.

Im not surprised.

Glenn Cassel AMH1(AW) USN RET

Maybe he should have just shot the fuckers.


Considering how bad the Mexican mafia is rooted in the local government, they seem to be doing just fine at killing each other on their own.

Also considering all the work that the people have done to get here legally, how will it encourage people to continue to do this when you have cases like this that make breaking the law easier. It would be a slap in the face for all those that took the time and effort to get here legally. If you are as concerned about the people crossing the border illegally consider all the deaths due to human trafficking and not being prepared to cross barren lands. If they do survive they have a huge “fee” that the will be paying off in some kinda of sweat shop. But none of that seems to bother you.



Jajaja I’m sorry Jonn, but this Southern Democrap is too much. Maybe if he were to go on the Mexican side of the border, let’s say Ciudad Juárez just to make things interesting, and see what the cartels and Zetas do to Americans they don’t want on their turf, he might rethink his positions. SD, are you as illiterate as you are dumb? I am pretty sure Jonn wouldn’t want to go “kill minorities and get away with it,” as you so eloquently put it, considering he’s married to a minority.

I’m with Mia on this one: I can’t believe this ridiculousness even made it to court. Barnett didn’t kill anyone, but apparently the civil rights of illegals were violated, so in this day and age, that’s sufficient. Unfreakingbelievable.

Oh, and before you come up with some pathetic retort, I’m a minority, not born in this country, here LEGALLY, and a naturalized citizen.


Southern Dem-
What a piece of work.
Does it not bother you that illegals are draining source in our economy?

Does it bother you that none of the money they earn in our Country is taxed?
Yet, they get can sue for violation of civil rights as ILLEGALS or have access to all the things WE pay taxes for?

Is Obama not a self-described half white and half black person?

And, does Oreo not accurately describe him? It is the truth. Oreos are black and white.
Is it not true that he is the accidental President? That would mean that people voted for him because he said he was black, but he’s half white, too. They didn’t vote for him because he had a record to stand on. It was because he was black. That’s the truth as I see it.

Did you care when SOS Rice was mocked and called Aunt Jemima?

Bush was called a Nazi. Did you care? That’s as racist as anything else out there.

Southern Dem, you’re a fucking hypocrite.

Southern Democrat

You people are ridiculous. We’re here trying to move forward and you keep bringing up the past. Condi and Bush are out of office, they’re gone, goodbye, see you later! Stop feeling sorry for them as an excuse to allow the same treatment for the great people we have in office today!

Just because someone isn’t a citizen, they don’t get the same civil rights? That’s absurd. Everyone in the world deserves them. Don’t we ridicule china for horrible injustices against thwir people, and now say its ok to do it to Mexi’s?

These people were not the ones tearing up this mans land. They were walking through it. And last tme I checked, brandishing a firearm is illegal. This man should have called the police or border patrol if he saw illegals. He should have stayed in his house and left them to the proper authorities. We have police to handle this, its not an excuse that since you liked the idea of citizens on patrol from a crappy police academy movie, that you can go play sheriff.

Jonn wrote: If I’m driving a car without a license and someone runs a red light and causes an accident with me, I’m still at fault and charged with being the cause of the accident because i was driving illegally. The same principle applies. If they weren’t in this country illegally, they wouldn’t have been treated as they claim.


You have never been to that area have you? Considering how spaced out people are there at the border, unless your at a major city’s your really on your own. If he did call the police, they would have been long gone. Also why should a person have to be restricted on his own land and worry about who will cause trouble every night?

The guy did not shoot at them, and considering that he was most likely by himself so it is understandable if he was armed.


Let’s cut to the chase, shall we? Their citizenship is virtually irrelevant, except to left wing bedwetters who want nothing more than a “one world” approach to national sovereignty. What’s at issue here is this: were they trespassing and did the landowner have legal right to defend himself and his property? They claim he threatened them…maybe they’re lying…I mean I know it’s hard to imagine someone who would break international law and travel across private property could lie in order to score $32m, but we should at least entertain the concept, right?

AW1 Tim

Southern Democrat,

I tell you what. Why don’t I and a couple of my close friends, come ever to your place. We can camp in your back yard and when we need a shower or a toilet, we’ll just come inside and use yours. We’d also help ourselves to your food when we are hungry, and maybe when the weather turns cold, we’ll build a shanty on your back lawn. I mean, you won’t mind at all, correct? Since you don’t believe in private property, then we’ll just help ourselves to yours.

Oh, and when we get sick or injured? We’ll just have it billed to your medical insurance, right? I mean, that’s what the illegals here are doing, you know? Our kids can go to school with your kids, and you can pack their lunches and buy their school supplies too, because the illegals sure don’t pay for school lunches or the school supplies their kids use. You can pay for ours as wel. because you’re that kind of person, right?

Later on, we’ll invite friends over to join us. They can camp out in your backyard as well. Maybe tap into your powerlines and cable too. After all, you are employed, you don’t mind paying higher taxes so we can have a better life at your expense, right?

Then, when you get tired of us and call the cops? We’ll sue the living shit out of you and your family for violating our rights to use your stuff as we see fit.

It ought to be nice being able to live in your house, because that’s what we’ll be doing soon enough. You’ll have to move to a camp somewhere, in order to afford to eat after we garnish your wages to pay off our lawsuit 🙂

Karma’s a bitch. Especially when your limousine runs out of gas… heh. 🙂


AW Tim…
(hears the baseball crowd roar…)

DefendUSA standing,roaring, and clapping.

airborne injun

Jonn…I hate to keep beating a dead horse, but I just saw an Associated Press artical, dated 10 Feb 09, written by Alicia A. Caldwell about Mexican drug violence spilling over into the U.S. Maybe you could post a link for A.P. for southern democrate and any other fair haired liberals. thanks.

Jonn wrote: This one?

airborne injun

Jonn, Yes Sir, Thats the one. Thanks


“And last tme I checked, brandishing a firearm is illegal. This man should have called the police or border patrol if he saw illegals. He should have stayed in his house and left them to the proper authorities”.
You continue to amaze with your ignorance, SD. If a person is on their own property, they can carry, and even brandish a firearm. If you aren’t breaking the law by trespassing, you won’t know if they do or not. And I will never, ever be forced to stay in my house because some trash is on my property. That’s why I pay to own it, so I can use it, any time I want.
I’m coming over with Tim, why don’t you come out and join us?


@AW1 Tim,

Bravo! You described the behavior of illegals to a ‘t’. Let’s see if suthern dhimmicrat takes you up on the offer. I’ll even stop by and ‘make a deposit’ so to speak, in his front yard.


AW1 Tim,

I’ve altered your post a bit. Tell me what you think:

I’ll bring over some friends and relatives to your place, and camp out in your yard. We’ll use your toilet, shower and laundry, and raid your refridgerator when we get hungry. We’ll plop our asses down in your living room (I hope you have some recliners) to watch your cable T.V.

If one of us gets injured or sick, you can take us to the nearest hospital and bill your insurance for any treatment we need. Make sure you pick us up when we need to come ‘home’.

Some of my relatives with large families will drop off their children for you to babysit, feed, and clothe. You can also register them for school and pay for their lunches, since illegals can sponge off the educational system without paying for it.

Don’t like the idea of uninvited guests? Go ahead and complain or try to evict us. We’ll sue for civil rights we aren’t entitled to, and Judge John Roll of the 9th U.S. District Court will allow the suit to go to trial.

By the way, I’m sure you won’t mind paying higher taxes to finance our American dream.

To quote the Obamessiah: “Spread the wealth”.

Su Casa, Mi Casa. Right , Amigo?

AW1 Tim

Senorita Jane,

Si! Esta muey bueno.

Muchas gracias mia amiga!

Uno buena vista, no?


Southern Democrat is just a troll. You’d all be better off ignoring him/her/it. You’ll never change the mind of someone like that.

I’m a first generation American (father born in Guadalajara, Mexico) and a Revolutionary War descendant (mother’s side). I consider myself to have a fairly balanced perspective. My father came here legally and is now an American Citizen. It took him many years to do that. I don’t speak a word of Spanish. My father gets irate listening to the nonsense about illegals. “If I can do it, so can they”.

What infuriates me are those that cannot (or will not) comprehend the fact that there are people all over the world that are in horrible situations in oppressive countries yet don’t have the convenience of being American neighbors. Why do we allow Mexicans to jump in line simply because they’re next door? How is that fair to all the others around the world that want to come here to?

I’m all for helping people lift themselves up to a better way of life. But be consistent and fair. And FOLLOW THE LAW.

One final point: Maybe I’ll have a bit more sympathy for the Mexican Illegals on the day I see one, just one, sue in court to be allowed to join our military and fight for us. I hear time and time again how they just want to be part of the American way of life, yet never once have I heard about an Illegal here to fight for it.

AW1 Tim


You hit the nail square. My mother was also an immigrant, and a naturalized citizen. My fathers family has been here since the early 1600’s. My mom went through all the hoops, the tests, the waiting periods and finally took her oath as a Citizen of these United States.

Like I’ve said before, if you can get into a nightclub, you can become a citizen. You just got to get in line, pay the cover charge, get your hand stamped, and then follow the dress and behaviour rules. Easy enough, I’d think.
