Debunking Yet Another False Claim

| September 18, 2017

Something happened recently that bothered me.  And since it may have happened to other TAH readers, I decided to write this article detailing the facts – just in case someone else might need them.

The other day, I was conversing with a friend who’s more liberal politically than I am.  They informed me I shouldn’t use the term “special little snowflake”, as it had a dark history.  They weren’t much more specific.

Now, unlike some I tend to do a bit of homework before running my yap.  But something about that claim just didn’t sound right to me.  I decided to check into it.

What I found leads me to believe that someone is trying to create a false meme for political purposes.  Once again, the political left is trying to redefine language – this time through blatant falsehood.

If you search the Internet, you’ll see claims that the term “special snowflake” or “snowflake” is of Nazi origin and is a racial slur.  The claim is that the Nazis used it to refers to Jews – more specifically, their remains in the form of crematoria ash from Nazi concentration and/or death camps that “fell to the ground like snow”.  There’s even an Urban Dictionary entry to that effect.

Well, that means it must be true, right?

In a word:  no.  Those claims are absolute bullsh!t.

There is no evidence that the Nazis ever used the terms “snowflake” or “special snowflake” to refer to Jews or crematoria ash.  Those claims are a baldfaced lie.

The US Holocaust Museum’s Holocaust Encyclopedia does not contain the terms.  Their archives do not show the terms used in that manner.  Museum officials are unaware of Nazi soldiers routinely using the term “snowflake” or “special snowflake” with that meaning.

The same is true of the education team at the Illinois Holocaust Museum.  They were also unaware of that use of the term “snowflake” or “special snowflake” by Nazis during the Holocaust to refer to crematoria dust or Jews.

Don’t believe me?  Well, don’t take my word for it.  Check out Snopes – who actually researched the claim and found it to be BS.  Snopes may lean a bit left, but they’re generally extremely good at fact-checking questionable claims like this.  And they’re honest about what they find.

As far as Snopes could find, the sole purported source allegedly “documenting” Nazi origin for the terms is an entry in an Internet site called the “Racial Slur Database”.  To put it charitably, the “Racial Slur Database” is unreliable as a source.  As Snopes states in their entry I linked, the “Racial Slur Database” site freely admits that their entries are “entirely from data gleaned off the ‘net and via submissions from people like you and your parents.”  In plain language, that means they just put any and everything they find on the Internet or that someone sends them in their database – NQA, and without fact-checking.

In reality the sarcastic phrases “special snowflake” and the variant “special little snowflake” probably gained popularity as a variation on the following quote from the 1990s book and movie The Fight Club.

“You are not special. You are not a beautiful and unique snowflake. You are the same organic and decaying matter as everyone else.”

Couple that with the common knowledge that every snowflake is unique, and the phrases “special snowflake” and “special little snowflake” – used sarcastically – practically suggest themselves.  Indeed, one commonly accepted definition of the phrase “special little snowflake” is as follows:

A below average kid who is coddled and rewarded for mediocrity, usually by an overprotective mother, a ‘sensitive’ dad, or the public education system. The term stems from the concept that, like a snowflake, all children are special and unique and thus they should be treasured just the way they are so as to build their self-esteem.

Use of the phrases are so ubiquitous today that they’ve spawned a related term, Special Snowflake Syndrome:

A malady affecting a significant portion of the world’s population wherein the afflicted will demand special treatment, conduct themselves with a ludicrous, unfounded sense of entitlement, and generally make the lives of everyone around them that much more miserable.

. . .

So how did the term become falsely associated with the Nazis?  Dunno for sure, but I’ll hazard a guess.

Here’s what I think happened.  One day, some bozo was acting like an immature, conceited, childish twit – a “special little snowflake”, if you will – carrying on and acting as if they were the center of the universe while demanding special treatment they didn’t rate.  When they got called on it, the person calling them out used the term “special little snowflake”.

The jackass in question didn’t like being called out – and particularly didn’t like the perfectly descriptive term used in calling them out.  So they decided to try and “poison the well” regarding the use of the term by creating the false entry in question in the “Racial Slur Database”.

What they apparently didn’t count on was the fact that although the Internet makes it easy to spread lies, it also makes it easy for someone who wants to fact check bogus claims.  And there are reputable sources out there that do the latter.

In other words:  someone tried to pull a fast one using the Internet and got caught lying.

So if you run across someone who tries to tell you that the term “snowflake” or “special little snowflake” is “racist” or has a Nazi past, tell them they’re full of it.  And then tell them to check Snopes for verification, since they probably won’t believe the truth from you.


Author’s Note:  Definitions above for Special Little Snowflake and Special Snowflake Syndrome are also from the Urban Dictionary.  I won’t repeat their thoroughly-debunked-as-bullsh!t definition that falsely associates the term Special Snowflake with Nazism, as it’s been proven bogus and was obviously written by someone on the Left with a political agenda.

Category: Politics, SJW Idiocy, WTF?

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Whoa, whoa.

All my warning flags went up.

Please splain your meaning, Mister Sparks.


That’s the Hashtag for Stormfront discount tours of Auschwitz.



Cultural appropriation of the ovens.


Yeah, but the honeymoon suite is freakin awesome


Not as disgusting as the “Auschwitz BBQ Team” grilling apron.


Don’t get upset Yef. It was a direct reply to Sapper3307 regarding “melt the snowflakes” and my reply was “I have an oven to melt them in”. Nothing more than that. Lower your flags.


You are not fun.
You are supposed to bite back.


No, you really don’t want that, Yef.

A Proud Infidel®™





That.was.GOOD, Ex!
👏😉 Definitely a keeper!


HONDO, you are such a snowflake!

Stuff that in your pipe!




Out of curiosity, what was your friends response to your research?


I have no doubt they (snowflakes) will find another reason to make it socially incorrect to disagree with them.


Keep us posted please.

E-6 type, 1 ea

My guess is it will go one of two ways:

A) Well it COULD HAVE been used to describe Jews by Nazis, so that still makes it offensive.


B) You’re a racist.


I put my money on option B


Good job, Hondo.

My reality is that yes, while we are each unique, that we have differences because each of our life experiences vary, those subtle differences are far outweighed by our commonality. Pretending otherwise is silly, and that is what many of us find amusing among the snowflake class.

Maturity may be inversely related to self-centeredness. “Me, me, me” and “I want, I want, I want” are not adult cries. They are particularly irritating when coming from folks old enough to be much better than that and identify them as probable useful idiots.

Veritas Omnia Vincit


Wow, lies, damn lies, and statistics….you’ve schooled me twice in a single article today.

No one has attempted to tell me it was a Nazi term and now I know for certain that’s bullshit should I encounter it.

I used to use the term frequently in the 90s to refer to my less gifted athletes whose parents thought they had another Eric Wynalda or Mia Hamm on their hands….I use it less now though primarily because it’s lost it’s bite.

Both sides of the aisle seem to have their whiners who don’t like hearing bad shit about their guy or gal…which to my line of thinking means that there are probably more snowflakes out there than folks who understand that the give and take of politics gets ugly and crying only makes you look weak and ineffectual.

Call Hillary Ms. Cankles and the left goes apeshit…call Trump Drumpf or the Orange One and the right has an equal number of folks pissing and moaning…neither side much likes when they feel their candidate is being disrespected and both cry like stuck pigs when it happens.


Same here VOV. Coaching Little League was fun and it was about playing baseball and having some fun doing it. But instilling the pride of doing well as a team and winning was worth its weight in gold to the kids when they came together. There were always the kids with both parents in tow who showed up with a plastic glove and demanded they be played. Even though snowflake was scared shitless of the ball, the bats and most running in a straight line and didn’t like any other kid. I often wanted to tell them you have a great kid and maybe someday he’ll prove Einstein wrong, but right now, maybe you could try him out for the croquet league cause he’ll NEVER play baseball. But his parents thought he was the next Tony Lazzari.


Fuck I hate snowflakes……they will try to badger and belittle when you don’t agree with them, then claim racism/sexisim/ageism/whateverism when all else fails.

Bernie Hackett

And if none of that balderdash works, NAZI. Horrors! Endlessly predictable and sophomoric.


I remember a book on baseball lore from the 80’s…in which the author talked about players who were known as “flakes.” He said the term came from “snowflake” (indicating one-of-a-kind) and wasn’t considered derogatory among players (there were other terms for prima donnas).

If I understood the context, the term was decades old at the time. (There was a list of “flake” pitchers with Satchel Paige at the top.)–I had heard “flake” used in a more derogatory way as “weirdo” before I saw the book, though I hadn’t connected it with “snowflakes” until then.

No indication or hint of any racial content anywhere; it’s just that more recently I’ve heard the “snow” put back on explicitly, with the ironic meaning that the person isn’t really unique, strange, or special, but thinks he is.


(And the “weird but not necessarily bad” meaning is, I assume, the meaning of Gallagher’s old line from the 70’s….”California’s like granola. What ain’t fruit and nuts is flakes.”)

Bernie Hackett

Alberich, believe it or not, I hadn’t heard that before! Great line! Jerry Brown springs immediately to mind…

Just An Old Dog

A bit going off topic but the baseball thread hear got me remembering Billy Bean coining the phrase ” put a Milo on him” when dealing with prospects in the Red Sox ( or was it the A’s?) system.
It turns out the team had used a draft pick to select a pitcher who immediately turned around a day or so later and committed armed robbery.
They ate the loss of a draft pick but Bean had several small mug shots of Milo printed up and whenever they had a prospect who showed some quirks or a propensity for trouble Bean would say ” Put a Milo on him” and they would put Milo’s mug shot by the prospect as a red flag of sorts.


Yes, you ARE special and unique.

Just like EVERYBODY else.



The word for today is “paradox”. Cool.


Meanwhile, you RACISTS, death threats against Obama are up 400%.
But I’m no grad student.


But….It’s right here on page 45 of my personally signed copy of Mein Kampf that was given to me by my uncle, Heinrich Himmler. 🙂

Roger in Republic

It doesn’t matter if it is true or not. A lib friend of mine spouts falsehoods as if they were the very words of God. These people have been conditioned to repeat absolute balderdash as fact, even though the rest of the world disagrees with them. The liberal mind believes that they have a pipeline to truth because to them the truth is what they wish it was. Trump is Hitler, the seas are rising, 2016 was the hottest year on record, the polar bears are suffering, extreme heat and cold are both the result of global warming because CNN says so.

They are so certain that these things are true they will not even listen to countervailing arguments. It must be true because they think it ought to be.


We’re just all lucky the great bird flu epidemic of 2008 didn’t kill us all.

A Proud Infidel®™

DITTO with the Zika Virus!!!

Silentium Est Aureum


MSG Eric

No kidding. A friend of mine is well-researched on the vaccine issue and is currently in a discussion with someone so pro anti-vaccine it is ridiculous. She throws “doctors” out there and his response of, “yeah that guy’s paper was retracted and he’s no longer a doctor” is irrelevant. She just puts up ANOTHER bogus claim identifying vaccines causing autism and bad things.

He and another have dropped so many links to show her sources are wrong it is crazy, but she still won’t relent about vaccines killing children and being bad!

Just way too often this is the case. People don’t want to change, ESPECIALLY if they are given evidence of being wrong. They just fight harder because they can’t relent and acknowledge that they are wrong and the evidence they cling to in order to be “right” is false.


Make sure you ask about getting your TDAP and MMR vaxes renewed this fall. You DO NOT want mumps, and it’s going around now, as are whooping cough (pertussis) and measles. It’s getting truly scary. Polio will start creeping up next.


I very much dislike the fact that TDAP is the only way to get the other vaccines.. unlike the irrational fears cited above, there are some risks associated with tetanus vaccination (for those with certain medical conditions, or a family history of them) and it’s created quite an issue for me and my son. The flu vaccine has similar risks.. just something to be aware of, and a far cry from the anti-vac hysteria of some folks

MSG Eric

I see that as a legitimate issue. If you have a bad reaction or allergy that is totally different than just “no vaccines!” like some of these extremist anti-vaxxers spew.

Getting a flu shot while in the service is unavoidable as it is mandatory, but I do get the false flu often from it. I’ve still gotten the real flu a couple times, but I’m still alive so I can deal.


Squalene, and thimerosal are neurotoxic mercury adjuvant preservatives used in most vaxes, aborted fetal tissue is also used as a biointroduction vector and dead viral compounds too. Plus vaxes aren’t placed on the same level of safety, efficacy and long-term damage studies that are required for medicine by FDA. Yhe vaxes fall in a totally different system of protocols for human use. Many aren’t tested at all by comparison to pharmaceutical products. Plus the makers are straight up EVIL INCARNATE see Austrian investigative journalist Jane Burgermeister’s huge story on the conspiracy to commit global mass murder by Baxter-Novartis. Who intentionally sent 72kgs of seasonal flu vaccines to 17 European countries which were purposefully contaminated with both avain and swine flu virus. These assholes were going to kick off s global pandemic for billions in vax sales profits. If it weren’t for you lowly Czech Republic lab tech that inoculated four ferrets the night before the vsx was to be used on people where all four died it would have been a horror show. Hell Bayer the asprin maker who just merged with MonSATANo intentionally sold HIV contaminated hemophilia meds to France after the US refused to accept it. Bayer infected thousands of people who were already ill with fuckin HIV. So save your condemnation of antivaxxers. There’s a reason we don’t trust or like those scumbags.

Aut pax aut bellum!
Clan Gunn Pensacola Florida


Yeah, I looked that up, since YOU cited no facts. The HIV contamination you refer to was in the 1980s, some time before screening for HIV infection was readily available. The people who received Cutter ‘s contaminated blood component were hemophiliacs, NOT recipients of some peculiar vaccine. The blood component they received was meant to help them stop bleeding to death from a minor scratch that would harm none of the rest of us. There was ZERO vaccine involved in this. A blood-clotting agent is NOT a vaccine, you idiotic nincompoop.

Furthermore, Bayer has paid out millions in compensation for that egregious error that happened over 30 freaking years ago.

YOU did not cite facts, just slammed a hysterical and inaccurate statement against the wall, with nothing to back it up except your own hysterics. No one with any common sense would OR will listen to anything you have to say, Defender.

You are SO wrong on this that you can’t take it back.

Four ferrets died of a disease that takes a specific time period to reach infectious stage? Prove it, Defender.

Go ahead and be hysterical. You are wrong, wrong, wrong. No one will listen to anything you have to say.


“There’s a reason we don’t trust or like those scumbags.”

Right off, your info regarding thimerosol is incorrect and oudated… was removed from the majority of vaccines years ago (not due to any demonstrated harmful effects). Not even going to address the rest of it…lol


That’s a different thing altogether, Fyrfighter. It’s one thing to have a bad reaction to a shot.
Some vaccines are developed in chicken eggs, and there are people who are allergic to eggs.
But that’s a real issue, not the hysterics and nonsense about autism being caused by vaccinations.

A Proud Infidel®™

I like citing facts like the childhood death rate in the USA prior to vaccines.


Typhoid fever, mumps, and scarlet fever (scarlatina) and measles are diseases that you, as an adult, do no want and are vulnerable to if you haven’t renewed those vaccines you got in boot camp. Ask the CDC about it.

A Proud Infidel®™

I’ve been vaccinated at least three times, once as an infant, once again at BCT and yet again before going to the Middle East to include another Smallpox vaccination.

A Proud Infidel®™

And yes, I had a bad reaction to the Smallpox vaccination but I still didn’t mind getting it.


I sent an inquiry about smallpox immunity to the CDC last year, because I had two: one as a toddler, and the second at RTC(W). They said the immunity for the first one fades after 5 years and the second is good for 5 years but starts to fade at 10 years.
And don’t tell me it’s gone: there’s someone, somewhere, carrying that without showing it.
Anthrax was supposed to be gone, but heavy rains in 2006 in the Plains States revived the spores, which had lain dormant for over a century, and cattle had to be vaccinated for it.
All those anthrax scares followed afterwards.


If Trump is Hitler, why aren’t those idiots in concentration camps right now?


The construction of the camps is being held up due to EPA and Corps of Engineers regulatory requirements. Endangered species protection, groundwater contamination, air permits, etc.

Speaking of concentration camps. The Germans used to have a reputation as being excessively bureaucratic. I wonder what would have happened had Himmler had to contend with our regulatory maze when building his camps.

Silentium Est Aureum

Bullshit. Reagan funded them, Bush built them.

Alex Jones said so.


Or they ‘feel’ that those things are true, so therefore they are true, and any facts to the contrary be damned.

As with the perpetually ‘offended’ on the liberal left, it’s all about how one ‘feels’ about things.

Emotion takes precedence over reason in the left-wing/liberal world view.

Always has; always will.


You said it Brother.


“or the public education system”

Great read Hondo. Thanks for the effort.


‘snowflake’, like ‘libtard’ ‘Drumpf”Cankles’ and several others, have been so overused that when I see them I automatically assume the author is an shallow-thinking idiot. It’s especially disappointing when I let one of ’em slip…


I don’t see any point in using epithets like that to refer to anyone on either side of the political spectrum. It may make the user feel better, but it backfires as a strategy to get the opposition to listen to facts and reason.

Lars Taylor's Narcissism

I’m so special, there’s nobody else like me!

A Proud Infidel®™

When they made you, YOU had a shit-fit and broke the mold.

Dave Hardin

Ahh, the modern lingua franca. It has become a fascinating thing to observe as it evolves, at an alarmingly accelerated rate, in our times.

It seems to me that the only accurate description of communication today should be called Slanguage.

One would think “they” would come up with terms more linguist friendly than…oh…LGBTQ for example. I would give anything for a vowel these days.

Someone told me I should use the term “Brite” to label my lack of belief in supernatural things. I had no idea I needed a new label…silly me.

My only true quest these days is to milk that GED of mine for all its worth.


Someone told me I should use the term “Brite” to label my lack of belief in supernatural things.

The traditional term “freethinker” is more flattering, more sonorous, and more polite, all at the same time.

Just An Old Dog

I think the term the kiddies use now is “Woke” or in extreme cases “Woke as fuck”

Commissioner Wretched

“I would give anything for a vowel these days.”

Pat Sajak sells them for $250 each … price unchanged since the 1970s!


” ….I would give anything for a vowel these days. ”

Karmic payback for all those Polish jokes?


Ever since he read a discourse on a previously unknown marsupial hominid species, Dave Hardin has refused to indulge himself in anything related to non-corporeal evidence.

He knows quite well that taking the the “t” out of ‘Brite’ and making it “Brie” is just another cheesy move denying The Unknown & Supernatural .


Originally posted by Dave Hardin

Ahh, the modern lingua franca. It has become a fascinating thing to observe as it evolves, at an alarmingly accelerated rate, in our times.

Old English :mrgreen:


Wundorlic! Ealdgenîðla oððe pron ðe ic forgiefan âdôn fricgan!

And I’ll bet all those symbols don’t translate well here.

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

Okay, the real deal down here in South Florida is that if you own a home somewhere like up north, and a condo/house down here and come down during the winter, you are a Snow Bird and if you come down numerous times during winter and summer, you are called a Snow Flake. And this is no Snow job I just told you.(I just had to add that snow job in).


This is strange. I wrote an article on Samuel Johnson, the author of “A Dictionary of the English Language” – 1755. It will be up shortly. It’s his birthday today. It’s strange, because he was a dyed-in-the-wool conservative, too, well-known for his acerbic responses to trying and political idiocy.

I included some of his definitions, too.

I suppose that since he defines snow as ‘small frozen particles of water as they unite into drops’, he’d subsequently define a ‘snowflake’ as ‘small collections of icy particles which, when heated, become drips’.

“Drip” is a mild epithetical adjective from the 1960s, meant to invoke the annoying image of a dripping faucet.


Let no man be a sailor who hath contrivance enough to get himself into a jail; for being in a ship is like being in a jail, with the chance of drowning . . . In a jail there exists more room, better food and commonly better company.

~Samuel Johnson


Another educational failure on my part, I should have read that before I raised my right hand. 🙂


He also said…”Every man thinks meanly of himself for not having been a soldier, or not having been at sea.”


Huh. so, to summarize, I’m stupid but proud of it! Thanks SARC for clearing that up for me. :p


” “Drip” is a…”

I remember (barely) it being a noun, as in “He is a real drip”. And I sort of remember using it before the ’60s.


You’re right. My bad, it was mostly used as a noun, but I do remember it occasionally being used as an adjective.


So…the kerfuffle over the term “snowflake” is just another attempt to shut down debate with pretend outrage.

I’m shocked. SHOCKED I SAY!!!!

Perry Gaskill

If memory serves, the term “snowflake” was used in the Civil War film Glory from 1989. There was an early scene in a tent with the black soldiers having a discussion. One of the soldiers was Pvt. Thomas Searles (Andre Braugher), a well-educated free black and friend to commanding officer Col. Robert Gould Shaw (Matthew Broderick). Another soldier was Pvt. Silas Tripp (Denzel Washington), a sort of cynical street-smart runaway slave who holds Pvt. Searles in some disdain.

Tripp asks Searles’ opinion on something by saying, “How about you, snowflake?”


In today’s academia that counts as documentary proof that it was a racial slur dating back to at least the 1860s. Also an example of the white man’s appropriation of language from the black man.


Snowflake in these parts does have racial overtones. It is a term for a white person that dates a black person. It is most commonly used by black males in reference to white females. It’s much gentler than the many other prejorative terms.



A Proud Infidel®™

I always heard them use the term “Oreo” for that.


Oreo was a disparaging term meaning ‘black on the outside, white on the inside.’ Other race equivalents were ‘apple’ and ‘banana’ for American Indians and Asians.

The Other Whitey

So, in a nutshell, someone created a Commissar-ish fallacy. Got it. Thanks, Hondo.


Good article Hondo, good call.

A Proud Infidel®™

Aren’t they referred to as “snowflakes” because they melt so quickly and easily?

SNOWFLAKE,SNOWFLAKE,SNOWFLAKE, it’s SO much easier to use than “bedwetting candyass”!


Jonn! What’s happened??? Who hijacked TAH???

I open it up this morning and find Ex-PH2’s panegyric on Samuel Johnson followed by Hondo’s linguistic disquisition on the term “snowflake” complete with erudite observations from your readers.

It’s like a nightmare where I’m trapped once again in the faculty lounge without means of abscondment.

Please Jonn, post something typically jejune by Lars to take us back to some sense of corporeity.

The Other Whitey

Fuck Lars straight to hell.


Thanks Whitey, that’s more like the TAH I know and love although, truthfully, I was hoping for someone to tell Lars to eat shit and die.

Mr. Pete

Tell us how you really feel about him. Don’t hold back this time.

A Proud Infidel®™

WHO IS this “Lars” everyone talks about in such a disparaging way? NO WAIT, wasn’t that the spastic airhead screeching about how we were all supposed to be DEAD from a Zika epidemic by now?


Zika viruses are being studied as a means of fighting brain cancer in adults. They only destroy growing brain tissue, as in tumors, but do no harm to mature brain cells.

Another example of someone who shall remain unnamed not bothering to do due duty on subject matter.


Things are looking better all the time. Healthy cardiac tissue is being grown on spinach leaves.

Jonn Lilyea

I was in the Army, I never went to Camp Jejune.

Just An Old Dog

You didn’t miss nuthin’. Its just a low budget version of Fort Bragg with swamps instead of drop zones and uglier hookers outside the gate.


plenty of drop zones on Lejeune and ugly hookers need love too

Bernie Hackett

John, classic!


Snap out of it, Poetrooper! Someone whose named rhymes with cars may have evaporated into one of the circles of Dante’s Inferno. Don’t know. Haven’t checked. Don’t want to check. I have other chicken wings to fry.

Enjoy the sound of silence.

A Proud Infidel®™

I myself am enjoying the civility AND the absence of shit-for-brained snowflake-ism!


Excellent work.

I know sooner or later somebody is going to call me a snowflake, and now I know I can call them back racisss or nazisss or some other emotionally charged term while hiding that I know is all made-up bullshit.

– “You are a snowflake!”
– “What? That’s racisss, fascisss and anti-semenite! Check the Urban Dictionary, you nazi pig!”
– “Sorry Yef, I didn’t know. I apologize….”
– “Apology not accepted. I am reporting this to EO!”
– “Oh noooo!”

Tea rolling have never been this easy.


“anti-semenite”? Is that some form of contraception?


Wait – isn’t that supposed to be reported to the EI-EI-O instead of the EOI?

A Proud Infidel®™

Snowflake NO, from time to time you sound like a freshly-minted 2LT fresh out of college before Ooficer basic.


I have the theme music of ‘Rawhide’ running through my head, substituting the word ‘snowflake’ for ‘Rollin’, rollin’, rollin”.

I don’t know if I will survive this potential musical epoxyclypse.


Damn. I used to sing that theme song to my dog while rolling down the road.
Now I’m gonna cry.


Just talk to your dog about herding cats. The dog will understand.


As John Wayne said, “Life is hard. It’s harder when you’re a snowflake”. Or something with the exact meaning.

A Proud Infidel®™

Or like Red Foreman said, “Life is hard because you’re stupid. “.


Well, those Snowflakes better start behaving. Don’t they know the End of the World is suppose to take place this Saturday, 23 September 2017?


How much are the tickets? Will there be hot dogs and popcorn at the concession stands?

I want a good seat for The Official Snowflake Meltdown!

Wait – is there a baseball game? Cubs are on top right now.



Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

No two snowflakes are the same when looking through a microscope.

RGR 4-78

Yes you are correct, but on the inside they are all made of the same thing and they all go to water easily.