Christ Arendt checks in
I will have more to say about his response, but we have received this email from Camp Delta commissar Chris Arendt:
I just wanted to thank you for your hard working investigative journalism. I like your blog the best. I’d love the opportunity to explain any of the issues you bring up. Maybe I should try, or cower to your absolute superiority. I’ll try. I did say that some of the members of my unit were psychotic. I meant it. I meant it like psychologists mean it. I think they didn’t care about people. I think they liked hurting other people. I think you might be like that too. But I haven’t met you.
Escort Control was definitely a funny post, and I’m glad you appreciate how out of place I was at my pay grade, because it caused me a great deal of stress. If you get those emails from my unit you should ask them about it. Chances are it will not be one of the psychopaths, it definitely won’t be the pedophile who was already apprehended.
And we did plenty of i.r.f.’s to try just about every combination of hairstyles, but you probably think they were just rag headed terrorists so you don’t care about that, do you? I hope your unit hates you. I’m going to make it my goal to get your soldiers into the IVAW.
I do this so that more people don’t die for corporate interests, so if you care about those boys, shut up and let me work.
SPC Arendt
Jonn added: For those of you who’ve forgotten Arendt, here’s his picture. We won’t be disputing his chest full of medal;
Category: Politics
OK men. All I ask is that you don’t start charging admission for what I can only imagine is going to be written between y’all and Arendt. Oh, sure it’d be worth it to pay the admission and I would cuz I know the procedes would go to a worth cause supporting the troops who don’t live is la la land and who put pink panties on every morning.
Bring it on!!!
Oh boy, we got a future MOH or POS.
It looks like Chris’ indoctrination by Moonbat Inc. (another corporate interest, Chris) is nearly complete. Just wait till after the inauguration when they discard you like a freshman cheerleader at a frat house keg party.
By the way, Floyd the Barber, you could have saved us all a lot of taxpayer money, Chris, if you just joined Code Pink (another corporate interest, Chris) in the first place, ya wuss.
Keep comin’ back though. The depth and breadth of your poignant, well- written prose is an example for every kindergarten class in America.
“I do this so that more people don’t die for corporate interests”
Capitolism bad mantra… Whoo-doogie, emo hairdo boi, I’m guessing & I could be wrong, that you’re infatuated with that gnarly Karl Marx dude and you sport a Che t-shirt.
Again, assuming you’re a commie, or you worship the EU-SSSRsocialism, I’d like to school you a bit. Your economic “God” Karl was a bougeois who never worked a day in his life, partied all night, and slept late into the day, oh, and he never ran a business. Marx sponged off Engels until he got an inheritance from his peeps. Once the Communist manifesto started making money, he never worked again. Engels BEGGED him for more work on commie economic theory, but ‘ol Karl was living the dream, bashin’ on the bougeois, despite the fact he was one himself. And tools like y’self get all bleary eyed about Karl & bash capitolism.
And groovy dou’Che… MAN, RAGE AGAINST MY ALLOWANCE has that kat on their t-shirts… Do a little research on your commie idol & you’ll find him making cute comments about blacks and mexicans that get him kudos on the Stormfront web site.
Get rid of capitolism & no nation will exploit other nations for resources, strategic ports, minerals, etc??? Well, young revolutionary, the anti-capitolist commies of the USSR and Red China turned the African continent into a charnal house to have acess to the minerals and oil it posesses. Doubt me? Take a cursory look at who sponsors folks like Mugabe and other dictators in Africa.
“I’m going to make it my goal to get your soldiers into the IVAW.”
Molon Labe, red pioneer. I’m a Michigander, too. Have met beaucoup Red Legs from the Batteries of 1/119FA. You don’t rate dog chit in boot cleats and they’re glad to be rid of you, blue falcon.
What a wuss. He needs a pacifier to suck on to stop him from whining.
Is that a guy? Looks like a girl to me.
Wow, he’s a psychologist? Man, I take back everything I ever thought about him. I stand by my statement in another thread, my niece in Charlotte could whup his ass, one handed, and blindfolded. What a douChe’!!!
“so if you care about those boys, shut up and let me work.”
Child, I’m a 40 year old man, not a boy. BTDT twice to Afghanistan, been shot at, and I don’t need a snot nose like you to “advocate” for me.
The use of the word boys tells you all you need to know. Those that are serving are soldiers or men not boys. Boys and girls is the phrase used by liberals and parents, not sargeants. (I purposely didn’t use the acronym NCO, he isn’t one). It is designed to invoke an image of a helpless little child needing your protection.
If working above your pay grade caused you stress then you were ill suited for the job. All through out my career I worked above and at times below my pay grade. I made it my business that no matter what it was I assigned to do I learned all I could about and did my best, whether it was a Platoon Sergeant of an Infantry platoon, working S3 and G2, or Instructor at the Infantry School. The only stress I experienced was self imposed and not the result of outside influence.
So Mr Arendt if you thought members of your unit were psychotic, which I am sure many of my men thought I was at times, it was job to get them help, not to enable them and now be crying in your Wheaties about them.
One exit question. Why do all of these IVAW feel compelled to wear their military ribbons and awards on their chest while at the same time railing against the very institution which gave them to them? You sound like a bunch of hookers complaining about getting stiffed on the tip.
Why do all of these IVAW feel compelled to wear their military ribbons and awards on their chest while at the same time railing against the very institution which gave them to them?
Good point, JAG. They want to cop the general good will of the public towards soldiers in order to get attention, typically media, then use the pulpit to back stab their fellow soldiers.
Arendt states: (in case he forgets)
I did say that some of the members of my unit were psychotic. I meant it.
I would like to thank SPC Arendt for giving me something else to say when I’m arguing my intellectual points. I think the “I hope everyone hates you” statement will work so much better than the “So’s Your Face” and “Your Mom” that I’ve been using!
Adirondack Patriot ,
he doesn’t have a barber, he’s got a “stylist”. Who obviously hates him,..
Just A Grunt,
“One exit question. Why do all of these IVAW feel compelled to wear their military ribbons and awards on their chest while at the same time railing against the very institution which gave them to them?”
Psychotic, ain’t it?
I’m guessing you’re right. He was the guy who couldn’t get a prom date in high school, so years later he joined the military thinking he could cover up his personal shortcomings with a nice, shiny military uniform. When he couldn’t get any tail even when he was in uniform, the despondant wuss saw some bra-less protestors on the internet and decided that if he joined them as a “veteran against the war”, he could score. I’m betting he still hasn’t and never will.
His next move is to pull a Scott Ritter and marry a Iraqi women.
My gosh, I thought I was reading something written by a 12 year old girl on the verge of hormonal teenage years, ready to pout and cry over anything. “I hope your unit hates you.” sounds a lot like “Billy told me to tell you he doesn’t like you anymore”. Time to grown up there, boy.
Who knows, FORMER SPC Arendt might actually believe he IS a pre-hormonal 12 year old girl. He could just be projecting his own psychological issues on to members of his former unit. Ever notice how the IVAW people are either NCO’s, worked above their pay grades, or allegedly were awarded all of the high speed badges and awards? That to me is slightly suspect. Most of the Soldiers in my Reserve unit only annotate those when they put together their Promotion Packets.
Whats with this kids picture? Looks like he’s posing for the NAMBLA Newbie of the year Calender
Chris Arendt is a dipshit and a half to even imply that men are dying for corporate interests. He must have been reading the DU, Kos and the like before he was forced (cough) er, volunteered to serve.
Arendt has not only alleged that some member of his unit was psychotic but demonstrated it. I don’t know that his shrink has officially diagnosed it, but he seems compelled to execute his right to free speech, demonstrating the validity of the diagnosis, rather than his right to remain silent, which would serve him well.
ARENDT: You couldn’t convince members of my unit to go to the KBR mess hall when the Hooters Girls were serving after a 3 day patrol. I would invite you to try your hand at convincing them to join the group of pansies, but that they don’t like being annoyed by dung flies.
He sure does like the word “boys” doesn’t he?
ewwww… another one of these metrosexual doodie heads.
Arendt…boy get off the bong pipe!