Clarence “Mac” Evans; phony D-Day veteran

| October 5, 2016

Mac Evans, Martin Morgan

Someone sent us their work on this fellow, Clarence “Mac” Evans, a native of Clarksburg, West Virginia now living in the New Orleans area, who has been claiming for years that he was part of the 29th Division’s assault on Omaha beach in Normandy on June 6, 1944. He claimed that he was with “G” company, 2d Battalion, 116th Infantry in the first wave of the assault on Fortress Europe. For example there’s this account in;

Evans claims

He was 17 on June 6, 1944, when as a 135-pound soldier in G Company, 2nd Battalion, 116th Infantry Regiment of the 29th Infantry Division, he stormed ashore in the first wave at Omaha Beach in a LCVP, a New Orleans-built Higgins Boat. His 11 months of fighting across Europe began at 6:30 a.m., that day.

“It was a slaughter,” Evans said. “Company A and Company B went in right on target, and within 30 minutes, both companies were gone.”

His G Company was supposed to land with A and B companies but was forced to go ashore about 3/4-mile away. There, Nazi bunkers were invisible to the Navy destroyers miles offshore that were supposed to remain in an area already swept for mines. But unable to effectively target the Nazi bunkers, the destroyer squadron’s commander ordered the group to leave the safe waters and to move closer to shore.

“Then the five-inch guns, they could see where they were shooting,” Evans said. “And those five-inch guns were firing flat trajectories, and that’s when things started to break loose. So we really owe our debt of holding the beach to the destroyers of the Navy and to the paratroopers inland that kept the enemy from sending in reinforcements.”

And another link;

Evans Claims2

But on D-Day, June 6, 1944, that made Evans and his fellow soldiers easy targets for German troops as soon as the front went down. When he saw his buddies being picked off, Evans said he cut off all his equipment and climbed over the side, leaving his rifle behind as he dropped into the chilly water that was becoming bloody.

“I crossed the beach with nothing but wet clothes,” he said. “I didn’t even have a slingshot.”

Several hundred people sitting on white folding chairs in the museum’s U.S. Freedom Pavilion: The Boeing Center grew quiet as Evans described the carnage he saw on Omaha Beach and his reaction to it.

His dominant memory was of a soldier “trying to put his entrails back in” his uniform after he had suffered what turned out to be a mortal wound, Evans said. “For 71 years, there hasn’t been one solitary day that has passed when I haven’t seen that boy.”

Because of what Evans experienced on D-Day, “It doesn’t take long to develop hatred in combat when you see your friends fall,” he said. “You lose your humanity, and it’s hard to get that humanity back because there’s so much hatred in you.”

Nevertheless, he said he kept on fighting, advancing to the Ruhr River until he was sent home in February 1945 after being hit with a mortar shell. In addition to that physical wound, Evans said he returned to the United States with what has since been called post-traumatic stress disorder.

“I carried that war home with me,” said Evans, who said he started drinking heavily.

Of course, he has a Discharge to support his claims;

Evans DD24 Forgery

Remember that serial number 35847110, that will be important later on. All of the dates have been changed so that he could be in Europe for D-Day. His actual birthdate, according to records was November 14, 1926, he joined when he was 17 in December 1943 – that wouldn’t have put him in Europe for the invasion, though, so he altered those dates by one year on his discharge;

clarence evans birth

The Army doesn’t know that he was with G Company 2/116th infantry like he says. They think he was with Company C, 723rd Railway Operations Battalion and that he was stationed at Lincoln Army Airfield in Lincoln, Nebraska. At least that’s where he was when he went on leave to get married on June 7th, 1944;

Evans Morning Report 7 June 1944

He was married on June 12th, that year, just six days after the Normandy invasion;

Evans Marriage

Then to celebrate his nuptials and the invasion of France, he went AWOL on June 14th;

Evans AWOL 14 June 1944

He returned to duty on June 18th;

Evans RTD 18 June 1944

He did finally make it to Utah Beach on D-Day+136, October 22d, 1944 with “A” company of the 743rd Railway Operations Battalion. His arrival doesn’t seem as eventful as he made it sound though;

Evans Utah Beach 22 October 1944

Evans spent the remainder of the war in Antwerp with his railway operations unit. It’s easy to keep track of him in Antwerp because he was on sick call several times during his tour there, so he shows up in the morning reports of the company;

Evans Antwerp

Evans Antwerp 20 Dec 1944

He really didn’t get an opportunity to earn a Combat Infantry Badge or a Purple Heart. He reenlisted in Munich, Germany as a PFC on November 29, 1945, and he did make his sergeant stripes eventually, but not until a few years after the war. So much for his claim that he was sent home with shrapnel wounds in February, 1945;

Evans Munich 30 Nov 1945

You can also note in the photos above, the lack of a Purple Heart, no 29th Division patch, no CIB, no Bronze Star in the earlier picture. If you think that there might be two Clarence Evans, you’re probably right, but the serial numbers in the morning reports, 35847110, all match the one on the bogus discharge.

Evans has reaped the benefits of his wild-ass stories, the Légion d’honneur was awarded to him from the French government in recent years;

Evans French medals

He got free trips to Normandy pretending to be a D-Day survivor. Folks tell us that he was a guide on the Stephen Ambrose tours of Normandy until someone put a bug in their collective ear about his lies;

Evans Normandy

If you’re wondering why there is no FOIA, it looks like his records were completely destroyed in the 1973 National Archives fire and Evans took advantage of that by manufacturing his own version of his military career. But his constant appearance in the company morning reports tracks his career pretty well during the war.

A number of journalists in Louisiana have been alerted to this story, but they probably need a little shove to get it told to a wider audience.

Category: Phony soldiers, Valor Vultures

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Kudos to whoever did the leg work on this one. That took some time and effort.

As for this guy: sad. Just freaking sad. Honorable wartime service, and that still wasn’t enough. Wonder if he’s using VA medical care and getting a copayment waiver and/or disability compensation related to his “Purple Heart”?

I also wonder how many others pulled the same stunt after the fire – and got away scot-free because they’d relocated after coming home and no one in their new area knew what they really did “during the war”.


Agreed, good investigative skills. I would have first given the guy the benefit of the doubt with the military records, since mayhem would have ruled the day during those events. But looking at the marriage license it erases all doubt.
Why does he need to ruin his service with lies? Probably just a lonely old man looking for attention, or sick.


The beauty of dealing with someone this old is that his life can be tracked pretty easily through birth records, the 1930-1940 federal census, and marriage records, all of which are available through places like and

I was in the 29th ID, and was able to spend time with some of the true heroes of the 116th Infantry. I hope that this guys gets a boot square in the ass.


His description of the battle sounds like it was stolen directly from the beach landing scene in Saving Private Ryan.

I find it especially impressive that he went AWOL so he could bang his wife while better men than he were actually fighting and dying in Normandy. And now he wants to appropriate their valor by pretending he was there.

What a douche.


“His description of the battle sounds like it was stolen directly from the beach landing scene in Saving Private Ryan.

And wasn’t there a shot of a guy trying to push his intestines back into his body?

CC Senor

Roger that, about the 3 minute mark.


Exactly. He must have been a consultant on the movie set as well…./sarc


That is what I was thinking. Either I had read that or seen it in a movie.


Gee Whiz. Looks as if he also lied about his age on his marriage certificate. It lists his year of birth as being 1922, not 1926, which means he has been a habitual liar for a long, long time.


Yep. Assuming that’s the same guy (and since Clarksburg, WV, was only about 31,000 people in 1944, I’m fairly sure there wouldn’t have been more than one guy named “Clarence S. Evans” of his general age in that town), looks like he shifted his year of birth just enough to make him 21 at the time he got hitched. Wonder if he and the new missus went out for drinks after the wedding?

His discharge document also indicates he was divorced by late Nov 1945 – less than 15 months later. Wonder if she caught on to the fact she’d married a 17 year old kid, or if that claim of being divorced is also BS?


contract marriage maybe?


Marriage nullified due to false birth date on official document?

I can see it now. License went to the county courthouse two weeks after marriage ceremony for filing. Clerk there says “I know these people. He’s not 21.”


Went a little further into this and started punching in the names (1940 Census) listed on the marriage certificate and guess what?

The only names I could verify as being anywhere around Clarksburg, WV were the county clerk and the witness. No parents, no reverend, and not “Mac” or Jacqueline.

Maybe a bogus certificate made up to draw married with dependents pay from the Army?
Maybe he was just stayed in Nebraska for an 11 day AWOL bender and never traveled back to WV for a marriage, but showed up (late) with all the proper paperwork to get that allotment started.

But then again, it could be that all those other people just weren’t enumerated during the 1940 census and I’m wasting my time on a conspiracy theory.

But it does give you something to think about, especially since most everything else in his life has been based on lies.

AverageNCO i.e. the Times Picayune…everyone remember Sir Dr. Master Chef (ex POW) Ronnie Seaton Jr.? also perpetuated his lies for a long time.


I’ve been looking for a complete battle roster of the 29th for years. My wife’s grandfather was in the first wave with the 116th, he died in 1981 and we have a small amount of information of his travels in the war to go on. His last action was in the Ardennes when he was shot in the butt and sent home a month later. My father in law knows nothing about it because his dad never spoke to him about it. Unfortunately his records seem to have been destroyed in the fire as well.
Oh, and fuck this guy.

2/17 Air Cav

Can’t find it either, but I did find a roster of Battle Deaths for the 116th. It spans some 37 pages with about 50 names per page. It will stop you cold.


This might help:

Unfortunately, doesn’t appear to be derived from official sources. Rather, it looks like it allows an individual to submit themselves (or someone to submit their name on their behalf). I have no idea what, if any, vetting process they use to screen out false claimants.

2/17 Air Cav

You need to access archives that include morning reports, after-action reports. You will find more than you ever dreamed. Start with the 29th Divison history for resources and where to look info. Good luck.

The Other Whitey

That seems to be a common denominator, the legit vets usually seem to be pretty reticent about it.

My own Grandpa told a lot of stories about his Navy service during the war. Some were about combat, some were shipboard emergencies, some were about particularly nasty storms. But they were all about “this one guy, I forget his name,” who did something quite heroic. Grandpa himself was always too scared shitless to actually do anything, according to the stories he told.

When he passed away in 1991, my Dad (his son-in-law) found an old box in Grandpa’s closet that nobody knew about, not even Grandma. It contained all of his documents from the Navy, including citations for medals awarded for the events he had told us about. It turns out that “this one guy” was Grandpa. He never wore his decorations, didn’t even keep the medals. The citations went in that box with his other papers when he was discharged in ’45 and didn’t see the light of day again in his lifetime. His wife of 48 years didn’t even know about this.

My Grandpa went to his grave refusing recognition for the thing he’d done. Given that example, you can probably imagine the level of utter contempt I have for this lying shitbag. Fuck Clarence Evans straight to hell.


The same was true of my father-in-law, who was also WWII veteran.

He was in the Black Watch, and he fought at Tobruk.

The only thing that anyone ever heard him say about it was: ‘it was bloody hot’.


During the November 1941 breakout from Tobruk to link up with the British 8th Army, the 2nd Battalion of the Black Watch suffered 300+ casualties within one hour.

In spite of those casualties, the 2nd Battalion of the Black Watch took their assigned objective.

My father-in-law never said a word about it. Ever.

A Proud Infidel®™

I grew up next too an Army installation in the seventies and eighties. I knew WWI, WWII, Korea and Vietnam Vets and one thing was soon known, the ones who went and did the most talked about it the least! My Great Uncle Charlie was ultra-cool I loved every minute I got to spend with him when I was a kid. It wasn’t until after he passed away that I found out he was a WWII Vet that fought in the Pacific Campaign. He had been there, done that, and NEVER talked a lick about even having served, period and I really wonder WTF goes through the heads of lying losers such as Clarence Evans when they do shit like this? They really piss me off!


My Grandpa always said that he was a mechanic that spent an uneventful war turning wrenches. After he passed we found out that he was an Infantryman that landed on D-Day.

Marine 0331

My uncle (my mom’s older brother) was a WW II vet and one of two survivors from his Sherman tank crew that was hit by a German tank. I believe he was the loader. He was wounded and did receive a Bronze Star but I do not know what for because he never spoke of the war and because my dad, himself an army vet but not a combat veteran, would never let us ask Uncle Leonard about the war. I have always been interested in Sherman tanks but dad would never let me talk to Unc about them. Uncle Leonard was a great guy and I always thought that he would have at least answered my questions about the tank, but dad probably knew I would ask unpleasant questions. Fuck this guy though!


I just wanted to say that your Grandpa sounds like he was one hell of a good man. He has my respect. Its the ones that dont talk about it or bring attention to themselves, more often than not, that are the real deal.


God Bless “I forget his name”. He was on many ships…

2/17 Air Cav

While looking for the old goat’s obituary, I found this:

My father, Clarence (Mac) Evans, is 87 years old and his health is steadily declining at a rapid rate. He is still employed part time but each day gets harder and harder for him to make it through his shifts due to pain in his body. He experiences not only severe pain in his legs and feet but also is growing weaker daily. He desperately wants to leave his job but is fearful of financial devastation. The employment only brings in $600 monthly which supplements his Social Security funding that he receives. He knows the SSI simply is not enough to live off of. For the past two years he has tried to retire because of the pain he is in while working. Unfortunately the financial situation is preventing him from living his last years at home and without the pain that working delivers. I am requesting some personal donations for my father so that he will be able to quit his job with some financial stability and peace of mind. If you can find it in your heart to assist me in helping my father, a World War II French Medal Of Honor recipient, we both would forever be grateful.” The fundraiser, which ended in 2013, had a goal of $10,000. (That seems to be a popular amt for fundraisers.) It took in $200.


Hey “Mac” The Dull Knife’s son….take a hike mthrfckr….a 250 mile hike to be exact. Carry a ruk sak loaded with 65 pounds of bullshit your father had PLENTY of. Then donate it to Children of Fallen Soldiers Relief Fund.
If you father is earning $600 per month, did it ever occur to you if he is working a full 40 hour week, he’s only getting $3.75 per hour? The going rate for good liars these day is $15-$18 an hour. Maybe your father is such a bad liar he works as a waiter for half of minimum wage. If you can provide me with change for a quarter, then I’m willing to make a small donation. If the fund you set up for your father only took in $200, can I suggest you hiring a PROFESSIONAL liar named Clark Schreiber? He’s good for at least $880 most any month. Not that you’ll see any of the money, but at least you can get some ideas on conning people.

2/17 Air Cav

He was still kicking as of April 2015.

“I was there, first wave,” said Clarence Mac Evans. Evans was saved on Omaha Beach after he stripped off his clothes and weapons to keep from drowning.”My role was just trying to stay alive on D-Day itself,” he said.

Now he wants to make sure students get the message. “I talk to kids who have no idea what Omaha Beach was,” Evans said.


“Stripped off his clothes”??? His heavy water-filled boots I can imagine. But his clothes??? What the hell was this lying freak a member of..the 103rd Screaming Perverts? Didn’t they land on some gay nudist beach? Was it Hardon Beach by any chance? Probably faced a lot of Silly Putty String being fired at them. Bet they tricked them by first sending in on incoming waves a number of inflatable male party dolls. Too bad the interviewer never asked him about the one and only homo battalion landing during the war.


Off topic but those morning reports remind me of how much of a pain in the ass they were in the 60’s. Not as quite as detailed as these, but there was a lot of detail they still ruled your morning activities until they got in. And they were done on a typewriter…make a mistake and start over.


My father was a veteran of North Africa, Sicily, and Italy. Survived Montecassino.

He never, ever, EVER would talk about what he went through, never mind brag about it.

I don’t know. I just don’t get guys like this poser.

2/17 Air Cav

Your father and mine, although I don’t believe mine was at Montecassino. 5th Army?

wilted willy

I hope the lying bastard choked on the $200 bucks! My Dad was a real WWII vet and never lied about his service or embelished it! He served in the Burma theater and always warned me about the little dot heads! He told me the dot was a scratch off game to see if they won a 7-11 or a motel! Rest in Peace my dear Pa!


I knew that I’d seen that WWII-era photo of Evans somewhere before, and sure enough, he was spreading his lies on the ‘American Rifleman Television’ series on the Outdoor Channel. That’s where I’d seen him before.

‘Clarence “Mac” Evans On American Rifle Television, Still Ready To Take On America’s Enemies’

‘Clarence “Mac” Evans, an 87 year-old D-Day veteran and recent recipient of France’s “Chevalier de la legion d’honneur,” or a French Knight in the order of the Legion of Honor, was on the January 23, 2013 episode of American Rifleman Television on the Outdoor Channel.

He talked about his experiences on D-Day and the rifles he carried and shot during the war. During one segment, he was asked to demonstrate shooting the rifles he used in the war. As he prepared to load and fire the first rifle, a Springfield 1903, he said this:

“Too bad there isn’t somebody real out there that’s our enemy right now.”

The host asks him if he’s still ready to take a shot and he responds:

“I’m still ready to take a shot at anybody that opposes this country and what we stand for.”

God bless Sergeant Evans and all his fellow heroes who saved our country and the free world.


He had perfectly honorable WWII service, and then he decided to go the Stolen Valor route and shit all over it again and again. Pathetic.

And I don’t care how ‘old’ this idiot is now; he’s been pulling this crap for years, and there are no excuses for bullshit like this at any age.

I had several relatives who saw heavy infantry combat in WWII in both Europe and in the Pacific (the one who fought in the Pacific was severely wounded), so this kind of blatant assclownery REALLY pisses me off.

Goddamnit, I hate this Stolen Valor shit.

2/17 Air Cav

I got a shock recently while watching AHC. I heard a familiar voice and speech pattern of a mil historian I have seen many times. The problem was that the person doing the talking was in the Top 5 of the plug-ooglyist women I have ever seen. So, I took her name and googled it. Doh. Same person. New gender.

2/17 Air Cav

May have been the Military Channel.


Yes it did. There’s still a separate Military History channel though.


2/17: I had the identical experience when I first saw that military historian with the new gender on AHC.

It was unsettling to say the least.


I’ve watched that series, so maybe I’ve seen him there, too.

These phonies will do anything to ‘rock the lie’, won’t they?

It’s appalling.

The Other Whitey

That bullshit about “too bad there’s nobody to shoot” is appalling.

My family had 4 WWII vets, two of them combat vets: Grandpa, Navy antiaircraft gunner, Atlantic, Med, Pacific, had a ship sunk under him in Naples harbor, survived kamikaze attacks off Okinawa; Great-Uncle Ollie, Army Air Forces B-17 mechanic, 12th Air Force, North Africa (cool story about how he first met Grandpa); Great-Uncle Trevor, Army Supply Corps, spent the war in Hawaii and never claimed otherwise, but busted his ass to try to make sure the guys facing the japs got what they needed; Great-Uncle Jim, Third Army rifleman under Patton. Each one of them would knock this liar on his ass.


My grandfather was an infantryman with the 88th infantry division in Italy in 1944. He was wounded (not seriously) and eventually came home. He was sent home via train, which stopped about 20 miles from his home and he had to hitchhike the rest of the way. Then he just got on with his life and raised my mom and her sisters and collected a small disability check that supplemented his earnings (he got 10%, I think).

In the comments over at there is all sorts of praise for this old fraud. But my granddad would have just shrugged at that-the war was just a duty he had to preform and what he did was nothing special (I think he told me once that he had seven other brothers or first cousins who also were in the service during the war). It’s pathetic (and more than a little infuriating) that this guy-with service that should have been more than good enough for him and his family to be proud of forever-felt that he had to rock the lie.


I’ve asked this before, and I will continue until I get an answer: if they didn’t really do something, but want attention this badly, why don’t they just take up writing fiction?

That’s what they’re doing anyway.


Because they want people to believe they’re “heros”, Ex-PH2. Plus, in some cases it’s worth significant coin if they can get people to buy their BS.

The opportunity to get “free cheese” makes liars out of many people.


I think a large motivation is the desire to have done something significant – to have made a difference, and thereby be recognized as someone who is valuable.

What many cannot face or realize is that very few people are widely-recognized heroes, and most of what we accomplish in our day-in day-out lives does not appear as important and impactful as the actions of a military hero.

What they fail to recognize is that the most important and heroic actions we take are those that involve day-to-day, monotonous, wearing, mind-numbing actions. Being a faithful spouse, taking care of a spouse with a long-term terminal illness, raising children.
We get down in the dusty, bloody mess that is living with broken and imperfect people, and forget that what we do there may be far more heroic than anything a MoH recipient ever did.

Feeling empty – these valor thieves drift off into something they think will give their lives meaning and worth – and find themselves even emptier than before.

In a way, it is overwhelmingly sad and pathetic.

– You asked for a reason. This is the best I can offer in this venue.


To paraphrase George C. Scott in Patton, some people just don’t want to admit that they spent the war shoveling shit in Louisiana.


I get the ‘free cheese’ motive. It’s always there. But as Greybeard says, it’s also about the hollowness in the soul. Nothing is ever going to fill that up.

Thanks for feedback.


Unearned (and undeserved) respect is simply another form of “free cheese”, Ex-PH2 – one whose benefits are intangible vice economic.


I know every one is different, but my father (103rd ID) spoke very seldom of his time – and then only about certain aspects that taught a lesson or was extraordinary (like his long-range shot with his .30 machine gun to ring the bell in a belltower being used by a German mortar spotter).
Makes me wonder about guys like this.

Former 1st Cav. Tanker

You can tell he’s a fake just by the look in his eyes. Soldiers who have seen that kind of combat have a different look about them. And as many have commented they don’t go around bragging about what they went through. They tend to try to shut it out instead.

mr. sharkman

It’s cool.

Put him in OD greens and combat boots, waist deep in the surf at Omaha beach, and gut shoot him with something firing 7.92mm Mauser.

That ought to balance the books with every brave Infantryman who hit that beach on D-Day and didn’t get to see another Thanksgiving at home, or Christmas anywhere.

Yo Evans. I hope you die bloody and alone.

comment image

The Other Whitey

Make it a GI (gastrointestinal) hemorrhage. He can die leaking tons of blood that smells like shit out of his ass.


The only time I ever saw a reference to something like that was in an historical novel set the Alexandrian era, where the abdominal wound was caused by sword fighting. That was the Bronze Age, and the author of the book did thorough research on the subject of ancient warfare. I don’t recall seeing anything like that in medieval warfare, since the warring armies were using the pikemen and the archers as lead troops ahead of swordsmen and cavalry, which would be the armor-clad knights on heavy horses, what we now call draft horses. Sword injuries were grievous injuries in themselves, but the purpose of the sword blade was to put distance between the wielder and his opponent. A long sword like the German backsword, the Celtic long sword, or the two-handed Claymore worked when not in close quarters, but for one-on-one fighting, a short-bladed sword like a cinqueada worked better for close quarters.

So when someone like this says he saw someone on the Normandy beach with an abdominal wound like that, I’d have to believe he read about it in a book set in the era of Medieval warfare (10th to 16th centuries) or the Bronze Age/Roman or Greek era.

I haven’t read Ewartt Oakeshott’s books on swords and their archaeology. I suppose I should, but this referenced ‘memory’ but the individual under scrutiny (Evans) does not bear close examination.


That’s why most older armies carried short swords… those long swords may buy you a little distance but when it’s shield wall to shield wall, a long sword is as much an impediment as a 30 inch shotgun barrel is inside a house.

However, when the enemy is lobbing a considerable number of mortar rounds and grenades, shrapnel is a real danger and can open you up like a zipper. Hell, I once knew a guy who got unzipped pretty well by a feral hog. No sword needed.

2/17 Air Cav

If you’re male, 90+ and ambulatory, you are automatically a WW II Veteran nowadays.


Not just A WWII veteran, but a WWII Combat Veteran of [insert well known battle here, preferably one that was recently featured in a movie or television show.]

Apparently in WWII (and in Vietnam), nobody was a truck driver, or an airplane mechanic, or an MP in a rear-area garrison, or a records clerk, or a training NCO at a stateside billet, or a cook, or a hospital orderly, or a facilities engineer, or a payroll clerk, or any of the tens of thousands of other mundane, workaday jobs that are absolutely necessary in order for a highly complex and mechanized military machine to run.

I sure hope that in 40 years when I’m in my dotage, I’m not the only one who will admit that I spent my time in Afghanistan behind a computer at BAF or pulling guard duty in one of the towers.

What I did was nothing special or “heroic” but I served at a time when most of my peers didn’t, and that’s enough for me.

No point in asking “why do they do it?” because the answer is obvious: There have always been people who claim to be what they’re not in order to receive attention that they don’t deserve.

Kind of like when someone asked Al Capone why he robbed banks: “Because that’s where the money is.”


Actually, “Because that’s where the money is” was attributed to bank robber Willie Sutton; though apparently that response was actually a reporter’s fabrication. Willie Sutton denied having ever said that.

jedipsycho (certified space shuttle door gunner)

That butcher is more of a real life hero than the turn featured in this post.

jedipsycho (certified space shuttle door gunner)

Turd, not “turn”


My Father-in-Law was a Chinook mechanic in Vietnam and never claimed anything different. I think he is one of the few non-Special Forces Vietnam vets out there. My Uncle was drafted for Vietnam but never left Stateside and never claimed different.


Mine was “just a crew chief”. But we found his papers and he was much more.


One of the finest men in our church was an Air Force mechanic in ‘Nam.

My uncle was an Air Force mechanic in Korea. We always thought he just kept the planes flying. When – toward the end of his life, blind and fighting cancer – I got a video of his stories, we learned that he had gone along in the 2nd seat of some of the fighters and been the target of some flak.
Just another day at the office for him. Proud of his service, but never bragged.


My grandpa, still kicking at 93, was a P-47 crew chief and proud of it. As he says, it was his job to keep those birds flying so they could kill Germans, and he was damned good at his job.

HT3 '83-'87

My Grandfather was an Aviation Machinist Mate (airplane mechanic) during WW2. He worked on PB4Y-1 (Navy B-24’s) from New Guinea through The Philippines. All I can remember him saying is those damn islands were full snakes…big f#$%ing snakes!!!

He did his duty, raised a family, and retired from the Delaware State Police…that’s a REAL HERO to me.


My dad was also an Aviation Machinist Mate (1st Class), and he worked on PBY’s and PV-1 Ventura’s. He was on PV-1 crews that patrolled the Caribbean and Atlantic searching for German U-Boats and surface ships, but his war stories were limited to his claims to have won the battle of “Skid Row” and multiple missions “riding the magic carpet” in Puerto Rico and Guiana.

The Other Whitey

Interestingly enough, Capone was a valor thief himself, having falsely claimed for years to have been a member of the Lost Battalion.

Just An Old Dog

I don’t know if you ever saw the HBO series “Boardwalk Empire” but the Capone character on their made the same claims and was caught and called out ( low keyed of course) by a real Vet who was a low level mobster.
It was a scene where the guy asked a simple question that Capone should have been able to answer but he blew off. There was just a glance exchanged with a ” Yeah Boss, I’m not saying anything but we both know you are full of shit look” from the real Vet.

CC Senor

Evans claims the leadership was mostly dead, which was probably true but how could he have missed MG Cota?

The Other Whitey

“Well, Goddammit, Rangers lead the way!” doesn’t appear in any movies about the war, so he wouldn’t know about it.


Excellent work on the research – what a POS. My grandfather was in the Pacific in WWII – never said a peep about his time there. My uncle only started telling me a tiny bit about his time in Vietnam after I had rotated through Iraq and Afghanistan. Guess the proof of a bullshitter is the amount of hot air they expend.


I have been privileged to meet a number of our WWII veterans in the VA Hospice. For the most part, they do not talk much about their military service. I see the old photos in their rooms. Pretty impressive.

I never challenge them about their service. As a VA Volunteer, it’s not my job


Aww hell naw! He didn’t get all D-Day stolen valor on us did he?!?




“And that’s the way it is.” (smile)

(Yeah, I didn’t much care for the guy who made that line famous once I learned more about his politics and the bias in his news organization. But the line fits here quite well IMO.)


I didn’t care for him much either.


Kick to the taint.


Dude needs a cunt punt…. should have been given to him 70 years ago.

My grandfather served in WWII – didn’t know a lot about it until after his death in 1989, when my grandmother received a certificate from Ronald Reagan thanking the family for his service. She told me he was a Marine and was at Tarawa… I had always wondered why he was proud of me serving as a Corpsman.


My grandfather was Navy in WW2. My great uncle was a B-17 side gunner in the ETO as well. Neither one of them talked about the war. And if they did say anything….it was simply “Yea, I was there” and left it at that.

USMCMSgt (Ret)

Obviously this old fuck is a liar.

According to this site:, it seems the 29th Division, 116th Infantry Regiment, 2d Battalion had only 4 companies attached to it: the Command Group, Headquarters Company, “E” Company and “F” Company.

In fact, for ALL of the 116th Regiment, there is NO “G” Company listed.

I’ve looked elsewhere for anything about “G” Company but haven’t been able to find anything.


I’m not saying he’s not a fraud, because he is, but there WAS a Company G in 2/116. They landed in the first wave on Omaha Beach in sector Dog White.


Had a bunch of relatives who served during WWII. Not one of them felt compelled to exaggerate their service. Several were even attached to the military as civilian employees because their technical expertise was more valuable to someone than anything they could do in uniform.

Of course, those same folks did not lie about other aspects of their lives either. So there ya go.




He maybe a WWII vet, but he is a lying, valor stealing, REMF sack o’ shit. And I hope TAH has made him google-famous. I have known a few men who did some daring stuff in my war and they don’t run their mouths about what they did or the hazards they faced.

Nan Chang

They gave him a walk in tub worth $1,0000’s because “We are simply touched by Mac’s story and his service history,” said Mike Duffer, president and founder of Safe Step Walk-In Tub Co.


What a butt nugget!

Nan Chang

This documentary was on History about a month ago. So much for history.

Green Thumb

Phildo’s Grandfather.

Just another old, gnarly shitbag.

Combat Historian

My late next-door neighbor was a WWII infantryman who served with the 28th Infantry Division in the ETO. He fought in the hedgerows near St. Lo, marched through Paris on his way to the Siegfried Line, survived the Battle of Schmidt and the Huertgen Forest, barely escaped being captured during the Battle of the Bulge, and was shot and wounded while clearing the Colmar Pocket. Being the gruff and irascible character that he was, he probably would have slap this lying doofus silly if he was still alive…

Jody Tollefson

Since i am not old enough for this war, i will relate a story my boyscout leader told me about his time in the 101st airborne. All he told me was that he was a cook. He was at bastogne when the germamns surrounded them, and was so grateful to see patton, that he shook the ggeneral’s hand. To this day, he still carries the symbol for a paratrooper on his vehicle. His name is floyd pratt. I am proud to call him my friend

2/17 Air Cav

Jody. Two things. First, the 101st was relieved, not rescued. Second, I want my damn Cadillac back.


Hey, Jody took my Cadillac also.

What’s he trying to do? Start a used car lot somewhere along 41A?

And Yeah, the 101st never had to be rescued. Not then, not now.

Just An Old Dog

I want a couple Cans of Pork N Beans and my old Blue Jeans too.
You can keep the sow, I miss those Jeans though.


As in most cases, those who have been in the thick of real shit…..don’t really care to spend much time reminiscing over bad memories. Maybe not all, but MOST who continue to run their mouth in public are attention whores who are legends in their own mind of delusion. Now what is it this guy is NOT talking about? Of COURSE!!!!!! He’s Not talking about McDonald’s naming a sandwich after him.
C’mon man, tell us about burger wars!!!!!!


Which one? Surely not the Big Mac, as it was the genuine original, which he is not. If anything, it would be the MacRib.

Green Thumb

They should take his oxygen and give it some one that can use it.

This turd is just wasting it.

2/17 Air Cav

Found a roster for 116th for June 1944–May 1945. It’s in .xls format BUT you can convert it to a Word spreadsheet, as I did. There were eight men named Evans in the 116th for that time period. There was an Edgar, an Edward, an Everett, a Joseph, a Paul, a Raymond, and two Roberts. There was no Clarence. Only one of the soldiers named Evans was with Golf Co. Here’s the link:


2/17, a slight correction.

Not Golf Co. George Co.

No Golfs until 1957 when the phonetic alphabet list was revised.

2/17 Air Cav

Ah. Thanks for that.


(radio static) “Able Baker Charlie, this is Roger Fox Dog. Able Baker Charlie, this is Roger Fox Dog. Come in, Able Baker Charlie.”

“Oh wow, man – someone’s talking pretty bad about Roger.”



In today’s Army Roger’s relationship with his dog would be nobodies business but his own (until there was an officially recognized “Bestiality Pride Month” or something).


Nice find!


I just deleted a soliloquy because all I did in my tenure (VN) was trying to do a good job. Nothing heroic. I did get shot at and I returned fire…both without effect, I’m sure. As a signal guy I can say that my troopers always had the best commo possible and that made dust off’s, arty, log, etc., possible. If a fire base could not call for fires, shit got real and it would be my fault. Same for dust-off’s. Etc.

In base camp I could hear a generator cough at 0345 and be in an oh shit mode because that generator was key to commo. And, the VC could hear that generator too. My kids will never understand the importance of that generator story.

Geeze out.



You don’t really get an appreciation for stuff like that until you’re the one in charge – and missions and sometimes lives depend on your folks doing their jobs. IMO that’s generally true for any military career field.

Then, yes indeed: sh!t gets incredibly real. And losing sleep on occasion becomes routine.

Just An Old Dog

Fuck this guy. On the shelf to my right is a book called “The Bedford Boys”. They were From Co A of the 116th.
An landing craft with over 20 of them put the ramp down right in front of a German MG nest on Omaha. Every single one was KIA.
He wants to piss on their memory with his bullshit?


The picture at the top of the page…..will somebody please send him a replacement for that blue cover he is wearing? Being three sizes too large, it makes him look like his head has shrunk. Hey, maybe that’s it! As is, he looks like the cook in a short order restaurant who handles himself in the back room and then comes out to cook without washing his hands. No mayo for me!


My Grandfather was a Boiler Attendent E-6 with 30+ years in the Navy. WW2, Korea, and Nam veteran. What he was most proud of was retiring at E-6, he would laugh and say I drank to much, and fought to much to get any higher rank in 30 years. I considered him the poster boy career Navy man for his era.


Another side effect of stories like this: you can’t enjoy a program on TV that is meant to honor vets without having a bullshit flag ready to wave. PBS in the Charlotte area just aired a nice tribute to a vet. Before TAH I would have watched it and applauded. Tonight I kept pausing it to look at ribbon racks and sniff out BS. This gent passed……I think.

Willy Pete

I remember reading somewhere that, based on the number of people claiming to be ‘combat infantry’ in America after WWII, that was the safest job to have, as none of the cooks, truck drivers, mechanics, etc. made it back alive.

This guy seems to be a prime example of that.


723rd Railway operating battalion history

Nan Chang

Below is a link to a video of “Author & Historian” Martin K.A. Morgan giving a speech about Mac Evans. The speech took place at Cobb County Republican Women’s Club 2014 Veterans Celebration. The speech begins at the 44 minute mark.