Wednesday morning feel good stories

| October 5, 2016

A homeowner in Atlanta, Georgia heard someone breaking in to his home through a window, so he greeted the intruder with a shotgun. The intruder is in critical condition at the hospital.

In Statesboro, Georgia, the police arrived in time to interrupt a home invasion. They took one suspect into custody rather easily, but the second fellow was more of a challenge. The police tried to taze him, but he escaped that endeavor. The police took off after him. When he stopped, they noticed that he had a gun, so they put him down in the traditional manner and he was DRT (dead right there).

Category: Feel Good Stories

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Frankie Cee "In the Clear"

When they threaten your life, your family or friends, or your livlihood, just put them down like a rabid dog. It is a proven fact that a dead thug will not be a future thug.


Well, some friends and relatives of a deceased perp now have a good reason to have “them Statesboro Blues”. But not for the same reason.


ironically I was listening to Taj Mahal’s version of that on the way into work today.

wilted willy

I just love good news in the morning!


Wonder what kind of load was in that shotgun that the perp is only ‘critical’ and not ‘DRT’…


Reading the stories, I was struck by a fact I had not considered before.

If a homeowner makes a perp DRT, there is no need for him to go on leave until the investigation is finished.

If a LEO makes a perp DRT, they have to go on leave, be subject to all sorts of harassment for the Perpetually Offended, and all sorts of other issues.

So, if we as homeowners make a perp DRT, we save our LEOs all sorts of hassles.

Support your local police. Aim well, shoot early and often.