Richard Hollingsworth back at pretending

| July 8, 2016

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Earlier this year, we wrote about Richard Hollingsworth, a former VFW Post commander at the Pocatello, Idaho VFW Post 735 who wore a bunch of infantry accoutrements that he didn’t earn during his service in Vietnam as well as claiming that he was an aviation officer.

We were assured that he had made a deal with the state VFW department that he wouldn’t wear any of the phony things that he had claimed – that he’d stick to his Specialist Five rank and stop wearing the Combat Infantryman Badge, along with the Infantry cord and the blue backing on his branch brass.

Well, they had a parade in Pocatello this past weekend for the Fourth of July, and since Hollingsworth is still in their honor guard, he was there. Folks tell us that he showed up in an Honor Guard uniform and after he took stock of who was around, at the last minute before the parade began, he changed into his Army jacket with the same old bullshit badges that he didn’t earn. Here’s the link to the photo above at the Pocatello parade website.

He’s not Post Commander, but he’s still an officer in the post. Obviously, the Pocatello post doesn’t have much respect for the uniform if they don’t take this thief seriously.

Hollingsworth VFW Post 735

Category: Phony soldiers, Valor Vultures

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Brown Neck Gaitor

VFW Post Official: “Now Rich, don’t do that again.”

Brown Neck Gaitor


HMCS(FMF) ret.

Was that before or after Dick fellatated the VFW leadership?


LyenPriekBasterd. Fhaq’heem.


He’s even a post “trustee” and that is sweetly ironic…I think he is better suited to be a trustee in the prison laundry

Silentium Est Aureum

VFW is going the way of IOOF at this rate.

And Hollingsworth? Fuck you, shitbag. You know what you did was wrong yet you still did it anyway. Here’s hoping you get tossed. Probably not, but it’s a nice thought.


Who is IOOF?


Independent Order of Odd Fellows


And since Jonn mentioned Toney – here ya go, Oddman.

A Proud Infidel®™

FUCK YOU sideways with ten tons of rusty barbed wire wrapped in diarrhea-soaked asbestos, Richard Hollingsworth!!! THE INTERNET IS FOREVER, you Fuck Apple-headed lying-assed douchenozzle Sparkle Pony! What’s next, you gonna lawer up with a non-CPO?

A chronic ATTENTION WHORE, that’s what you are, Richard Hollingsworth.


Once a Bernath always a Bernath.


With that fuzz on his upper lip, I thought Dullass had hung up the purple tiger stripe for more fuckery.

HMCS(FMF) ret.

FUCK YOU, Dick Hollingsworth.

Frankie Cee "In the clear"

When a VSO doesn’t have worthy standards, and worthy people to enforce the standards, they are hardly a true VSO.
Duty Honor Country mean nothing to them?


Eerily similar to the goings on at the DAV chapter 55 in Simi Valley.

Anyone that abides this kind of fuckery is just as guilty as the rat bastard committing the act.


208 221 00XX is Dick’s contact number.


One of my great stress relievers (as taught to me by another poster here) is the fun of calling these ass-for-hat clowns that I find contact info for. Thanks Usafvet509! By the way, Phil Monkress and All-Point Logistics are a hoot to call and try to info from about Phildo.

Green Thumb



Good work Usafvet….Here’s another good phone number. The Idaho State Journal is the news provider for the Pocatella area. Phone number is (208) 232-4161.

ALWAYS remember…There are NEVER too many calls!


Did PV9 Gainey conduct the uniform inspection prior to the parade?



THUMBS UP and KUDOs! Still LMAO on your comment on the famous AWOL 1st SEAC, AKA PV9 Gainey.


Thank You!


Glad I quit the VFW after they had Bill Clinton
speak at the annual convention. They didn’t want us Nam vets anyway until the bar started losing money.

A Proud infidel®™

I said to hell with the VFW after their PAC endorsed every liberal dildocat they could in 2010 INCLUDING the demorat opponent of Allen West (LTC, USA, Ret.).

Brown Neck Gaitor

My cancellation was in the same pile.

I actually called the PAC and got explained to me the most idiotic formula I have ever seen or heard for endorsements.

All challengers all got scores of zero because they had never actually VOTED for an issue that the PAC was scoring, positions be damned.

All incumbents only had to have voted for 1 issue (amendments counted) that the PAC was scoring to exceed that zero score and get the endorsement. Boxer and Reid being two of the most egregious examples.

Green Thumb

A serial poser.

The “turdidity” is strong is this one.


Recommend a new membership drive slogan for the VFW Pocatello Post 735

Please join our post with a long rich tradition of accepted personal behavior to include:
Bull Shit Artists
Total disregard for ethical behavior
Open willingness to create a false war hero status
Inability to be shamed, even when faced with the truth
A champeen card player’s ego
Just a general no good S O B who does not mind shitting on the graves of others publicly because most members lack the balls to stand up. Change organization name to Cowards of Foreign Wars.

B. Johnson

since when do you wear a white shirt with the dress greens?


When your honor guard and have to match your gloves. Get with the stylin and profilen


And (while on active duty) a white shirt with a black bow tie was the proper wear (in greens) for a dining out or dining in.


Well, that settles it. I am done with this VFW Post. Never going back. And honestly, I am glad my family and I skipped the parade this year or I would have had to say something to him. And I used to like the guy.


Limp Dick has a defender named Janice over on the TAH Facebook page.

She says we are all wrong because she knows Limp Dick was an enlisted pilot in Vietnam because he refused a commission as a Warrant Officer. She has seen all of his flight records and we are just wrong. Wrong. Wrong.

B. Johnson

There were 55 enlisted pilots remaining in the Army in 1946 at the end of World War Two but only two left in 1947 when the Army Air Force became the USAF. The last enlisted pilot, Master Sergeant George H. Holmes, retired in 1957.

B. Johnson

So she says this: “Richard was initially wearing his Honor Guard shirt. But the other members of the flag detail wanted him in Uniform and coerced him into wearing the uniform with the white Honor Guard shirt. As for the Combat Infantry Badge he has acknowledged it is not authorized and will remove it.” So they convinced him to wear his uniform that he happened to have with him with all the stuff he told the VFW he removed. Than he acknowledged that the CIB was not authorized but yet chose to wear it anyway, show me anywhere on his damn records where it says he was an 11B, because I sure the hell don’t see it listed. So was he the only enlisted pilot that flew in Vietnam and where is his flight training records why does it say repeatedly on his records Aircraft Maintenance Crewman

Green Thumb

Did he acknowledge the Phildo in his pocket?

Serial poser and shitbag.

And it seems the VFW supports the above.


3/17 Air Cav

Everyone wants that CIB! Just don’t want to go thru that whole infantry thing!


This Janice…couldn’t have been Janis Joplin by any chance? A hunch says “Janice” is really Hollingsworth himself.
From an absolutely reliable source, Hollingworth was spoken to by phone yesterday when the phone number in full was available. Source says Hollingsworth had NO IDEA he had been outed on T A H. That would stand to reason why no other defenders such as Jumpin’ Todafence Janice would only now appear.

B. Johnson

Jarhead, I can tell you for a fact that Mr Hollingsworth was well aware he had been on this site. He was aware of the first time he was outed and even seen the site himself and that Janice must have informed him of the second one since they live together in the same town. I live in Idaho Falls which is about 45 mins from Pocatello and I guarantee you he has seen the site and that is coming from a reliable source that still attends their VFW meetings after a New Commander was put in place


I may or may not have had something to do with the VFW becoming aware of his “errors.”

B. Johnson

Now here is something interesting that Janice said in her statement on TAH FB page: ” Richard is an honorable vet and flew many missions in slicks and gun ships, he even saved the lives of 4 men 2 of whom I have met. Richard was an enlisted pilot in Vietnam Nam and I have seen his flight records as a co pilot and pilot.” Im just curious on this article that Farm Bureau did on him he states “He watched close friends die in horrible ways. He wanted to rush to their side to protect them but couldn’t. He screamed
their names out silently in his mind, and,
at the same time, locked his heart up deep
inside.” How come in that article he gives no mention of saving 4 men. He states he wanted to rush to their sides to protect them but couldn’t why doesn’t he mention that he flew the helicopter and saved 4, isn’t that doing something. The article can be found here on page 28:

3/17 Air Cav

Claw……it’s the “dream team” straight from Vietnam! Hollingsworth enlisted pilot, Killam crewchief/ gunner, Visconti supply/doorgunner. We just need one more phony to round out the flight crew.


3/17, that’s easy.

Left Low Ball Jimmy Walls, the Spec4 parts man pilot.


Yep, with those four crewing a Huey, the nose art on the helicopter would read:

“The Leper Colony.”

The biggest bunch of losers in Aviation history.

Silentium Est Aureum

And I just saw that movie the other day.

Still a classic.

A Proud Infidel®™

Bernath in charge of refueling, THEN they’d crash land and claim POW Status as well…


O. K., I D SARC…..the last link, the lady in the blue. We are waiting patiently. Would you hit or not hit? A room temperature bottle of M D 20/20 says you would. BTW, bottled 2014, a VERY good year!