“It’s like deja vu all over again”

| October 6, 2015

Well, it looks like one or more of those “fine individuals” that we all “know and love” have been running their yaps.  Once again, some Dorkish Royally Clueless tool has wrongly identified someone else as being me.

And just like before, I’m both honored and a bit peeved.


For at least the fifth freaking time.

Apparently, someone out there has determined that I am in reality Larry Bailey, former SEAL and CAPT, USN (Ret). Yes, THAT CAPT Larry Bailey.

Yeah, right.  GMAFB.

Oh, don’t get me wrong; that would be quite an honor.  Except . . . it’s a load of bullsh!t.  It’s just not true.

To whoever is out there claiming I’m CAPT Bailey:  listen up.  I’ll make this simple for your benefit.

  1. I’m not a former SEAL.  I previously made that fact quite clear, but hey – maybe you missed it the first time.
  2. I was never in the Navy.
  3. Other than a commercial boat ride or three, I have never been at sea.  And those commercial boat rides were littoral, not open ocean.
  4. Best I can recall, I have never set foot on an active US Navy ship – though I have been to more than one Naval installation over the years, and I did visit a museum ship that was once a USCG cutter.
  5. I left the military many years after CAPT Bailey did.  So I think he’s got a few years on me.

Given the above, even someone who’s a totally clueless fool should be able to figure out that I can’t possibly be CAPT Larry Bailey.  That includes whoever is out there spreading the false rumor that CAPT Bailey and I are the same person.

Sheesh.  Are you for real?  Do you have enough common sense to p!ss in the toilet vice the trash can when you use the bathroom?

Let’s recap here.  First, close to two years ago supposedly I was a retired and relatively well-known Army GO (don’t I wish).  Then I was wrongly identified as being The Hair himself, Don ShipleyI’m not, of course.  Or maybe I was supposed to be Don Shipley first, then the retired GO. Hell, those particular bogus claims were made approaching two years ago now, and the claims change so often it’s hard to keep them straight.

After that, I was allegedly a retired Special Forces Sergeant Major.  Um, no.   Not even close.

And a while after that, purportedly I was a serving Army CPT (or maybe by now MAJ) teaching ROTC. It would be nice to be that young again, but – no.  Incorrect.

That’s only the four I’ve heard about and can think of off the top of my head.  My guess is there are a few other similar false identifications out there that I don’t remember or just plain missed.

Give it up.  You’ve been wrong every freaking time so far.  This time around, supposedly I’m CAPT Larry Bailey – and guess what?

You’re wrong again.  You’re still batting oh-fer-whatever.  And based on what I’ve seen, that ain’t going to change any time soon.

Still:  this foolishness is getting old, and I’m getting kinda tired of it.  Maybe I should finally tell anyone who’s interested precisely where to go if they want to see Hondo.


(My apologies, Mr. Berra – wherever you are.  But that quote was simply too perfect a title for this article.)

Category: "Teh Stoopid", Usual Suspects

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“Maybe I should finally tell anyone who’s interested precisely where to go if they want to see Hondo.”

And then you could tell them what to do when they got there.

jedipsycho (Certified Space Shuttle Door Gunner)

I might have some suggestions…
I’m helpful like that!


And where to put the first thing they find when they get there.


YOU…..are Hondo.

Not to be confused with a rice burning Honda or the little town of Hondo, just up the road from me.

Have you been accused of being Sybil yet?

I think The WHO wrote a song about you too…


Wait! Wait! I remember the tune!

(from the commercial jingle…)

“Follow the Leader! He is a Hondo!”


I am Groot !!!


Will the real Hondo please stand up?

Jonn Lilyea

I am Spartacus….er, Hondo.


Candygram for Hondo!

Hondo likes Candy!


er… did I garble that one too?


Hondo only pawn in game of life…


I am A Proud Infidel… wait, wrong time.

I am Hondo!

A Proud Infidel®™

I also MIGHT be Hondo as well. After all, WE DO “hide behind fake names”!!! :mrgreen:


But, that’s just not right. I AM A PROUD INFIDEL©℠!


There are only two Hondos.

One of them is John Wayne. The other is not John Wayne.

Mike Honcho

I AM Hondo……or is it Honcho (H/T Talladega Nights)? I’m so confused.

HMCS (FMF) ret

Drunk e-mailing again, DuLlAs? Must be missing those “anal diction therapy” sessions in the local lockup with Thor, Bubba, Julio and Mr. Tiny… or the hearty servings of cockmeat sammiches and tube steak that he loves its incarcerated.

Silentium Est Aureum

Nah, that mental deficiency is not chemically induced, although his approaching 50-year battle with the bottle certainly hasn’t helped.

And no, I’m not Caitlyn Jenner, or Bruce Jenner, or a 60-year old woman.


Bernasty had it on his abortion of a website. See he’s eliminated a lot of it now. He’s just libeling other people now. His family must be so proud of him.

Silentium Est Aureum

So question here, since I’m not a “lawer” and I didn’t stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night.

Granted, if in the incredibly unlikely event the DRG did manage to find out Hondo’s real name, etc., given the fact that Bernath either 1–has no insurance, 2–lied his ass off to get coverage (but that’s another story), what sort of exposure does Bernath have?

Even trying to “hide” his assets isn’t foolproof, and I know Florida is a lot more liberal when it comes to protection of trust assets.

Just a thought.

HMCS (FMF) ret

I was Hondo last week… this week I’m Juan Hung Lo!


Are you related to Long Duk Dong?

HMCS(FMF) ret.

He’s my cousin, on my father’s side of the family…

Frankie Cee "In the clear"

Makes you wonder just who wipes his drool for him. He couldn’t identify which pocket his handkerchief is in, let alone most of those here.

Silentium Est Aureum

I don’t want to know how long he’s had that hanky, or how many spank shows he’s taken it into.

Memo to DRG members: even the sickest individual washed their deployment socks every once in a while.


Hondo are you Vladimir Putin?
And has Don (The Hair) Shipley proven that you are not a Navy Seal?

Silentium Est Aureum

Senior Chief has already proven that no person with the name Hondo has ever attended BUD/S.

Not that he needed to–after all, he’s HONDO.


I am Hondo

Clyde Diddit



I like to think of Hondo as a 12 Star General, with a shiny black Tesla staff car and flags on all the corners. He travels with a bevy of beautiful buxom women that can kill with their bare hands, but he tells them not to, and they adore him for it.


You sure about that buxom beauty thing? Maybe he had a chopadicktomy and is Jennering?


I always pictured Hondo as traveling with Fembots and kept sharks with frickin laser beams as pets.


I like to picture Hondo in a tuxedo T-Shirt because it says I want to be formal, but I’m here to party…


Hey gawdammit! I was supposed to get the fembots!!!! That damn Hardin guy…

A Proud Infidel®™

The Kraken and Cthulu were stolen from Hondo’s aquarium and got released back into the ocean.

Clyde Diddit

Und tomorrow I vill be BEETHOVEN!! 😀

Al T.

Hondo, I’ll vouch that you are actually you. We probably know some folks together…. 😀

Data Dawg DV X

Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh, and Shigata Ga Nai, Hondo. Adopt these, and live well. The first is I AM WHO I AM, as in one name for God, but not insisting you’re God. I merely use the Hebrew as a sentence. And the second is Japanese, as in What you are you are, and variants thereof.


Shigata Ga Nai = “it can’t be helped.”
The contracted phrase is “Shō ga nai.”

Itta, yatta, T-shatsu wo moratta.
[been there, done that, got the t-shirt]

A Proud Infidel ®™

Hey Hondo, I think I’ve got everyone else beat. That blubbernecked fungus-faced back alley abortion refugee that never has been and NEVER will be a USN CPO has accused at least eight innocent Men of being me, and his slug snot-sniffing lackey *SLUURRP!*41 STILL hasn’t paid me the visit it promised. I see he still has two or three of the accusees on his IQ-depleting abortion of a webpage and he doesn’t even remotely Mention me anymore! I’m sure that fercoct drek of a shmendrick STILL trolls TAH, so I say to him once again, “GEY STRASHE DI GENS” o fertummelt alter cocker!! I think he’s SO STUPID that he’d take the #5 Bus twice to make up for missing the #10 and then he’d sue the bus company for not making it to his destination (That and he’d bawl about his opposing counsel not shuttling him around!).
I think he’s MORE 8UP than a stray dog in a run-down Oriental Restaurant!

Silentium Est Aureum

Just when you thought these idiots had hit bottom, they grab another shovel and keep at it.


They have even unmasked you, doncha know.

Silentium Est Aureum

News to me. Given their proclivity to sue people, at this rate, I’d be doing life without parole if he knew who I was.

Meh, Caitlin Jenner it is. Ya got me, Bernath. Send your paperwork next time you’re in LA.


Dullass has a Google+ page. If you go there, tyvek suit and forced air. Don’t catch anything.

A Proud Infidel®™

I recommend level A HAZMAT protection while breathing from a SCBA.


Shovel? They’re using backhoes and dynamite now.

B Woodman

You should feel double honored, Hondo.
1-That the DGC continually and consistently thinks of you as such fine, upstanding examples of manliness.
2-That you have such a perfect cover and camouflage, that the DRC STILL hasn’t found you out yet. Any spy working undercover would be jealous.

2/17 Air Cav

Of course you are not Larry Bailey. You are Harry Bailey, Medal of Honor recipient and brother of George Bailey, the richest man in town!

MSG Eric

This is the internet, meaning is nothing.

Peter the Bubblehead

No joke. A friend of mine in Sub Vets is named Dick Teas.

Silentium Est Aureum

I hope you’re not Dick Swett, either.


,,,and you’re not Dick Handler, either.

A Proud Infidel®™

You’re not Harry P. Ness, Hugh Jepeeness or Hugh Jeballs either, or are you?

Seaman Stanes


A Proud Infidel®™

Maybe I AM HONDO too!! 😀


Hondo is everywhere , Hondo see everything.

Hondo spelled checked the 10 commandments and the Declaration of Independence .

People often thank Hondo when he sneezes.

The pope asked To kiss Hondo’s ring

When Hondo writes a check people never cash them, they frame them and light candles in front of it.

When Stephen hawking is stuck on a problem he calls Hondo for advice.

Using only a bar napkin, 3 peanuts and the salt of of a pretzel Hondo once built a cold fusion reactor

Peter the Bubblehead

Jonn really needs to adda ‘Like’ button to the comments!


When Alexander Bell invented the telephone he had 3 missed calls from Hondo

Hondo can win a game of Connect Four in only three move

If Hondo is late, time better slow the hell down

A Proud Infidel®™

HONDO once ordered a Big Mac in a Burger King AND GOT IT!

A Proud Infidel®™

The Sun rises in the east and sets in the West because HONDO TOLD IT TO!!

MSG Eric

Hondo’s tears cure Cancer. Only problem is, he’s never cried.

HMCS(FMF) ret.

Honda can split atoms… WITH HIS MIND!!!


“Using only a bar napkin, 3 peanuts and the salt of of a pretzel Hondo once built a cold fusion reactor”

Hondo went to Texas A&M?


Hondo #1. Bernasty #10.


I have it on good authority that Bernasty is a #2 and should be flushed.

fake honorary chief

Hondo builds shit with napkins? That’s nothing. With an airplane, a duct-taped dog and an empty gas tank, I built an entire crash site. Didn’t take me long, neither.

Hondo is an amateur.

A Proud Infidel®™

Chuck Norris took badass lessons from HONDO.


Why am I picturing the end of “The Thomas Crown Affair” in my head? A bunch of TAH-ers running about in derbies and overcoats while these maroons try to figure out which one is Hondo?


Because you have good taste in movies??


Because you know we’d all do that in the sequel, “Thomas Crown was an amateur “.


Where do you go if you want to see Hondo?

Why, here:


dennis - not chevy

You’re getting old if you remember when OTS was at the Medina Annex and the pilot screening program was at Hondo.

Roger in Republic

I let Hondo assume my identity about sight years ago. I didn’t need it any more because I went into the Chilean witness protection program. If the DRG tries to find me they will have to go through a platoon of Chilean Spec Ops killers. Before I give Hondo up, I will bite down on a Ghost pepper.

Dave Hardin

Do not click on this video if you are envious of HONDO or on heart medication, or offended by HONDO Honey.

The saddest thing is, he thinks they are joking.


MSG Eric

I was going to show my similar devotion to envy of Hondo. But I think there was a guy in there at the end?

Dave Hardin

If they find out where he is, I can not be responsible for their actions. He has no idea what they have planned.


I once aspired to be HONDO, but I was unable to attain such a lofty goal. I live and work on the border, so I shall become Obi Juan Kenobi.


Stay Busy my Friend ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^


Hope you weren’t surfing today Skip!


a little bit 🙂
the bunn is about to pop.. and I guess I need another surgery on me right knee.
I’m done with being a cut doll for a doctor. but I guess next time I’ll do what my doctor say to do 🙁


Momma Bear is ready for the cargo to go bye bye….
she is getting real grouchy so the sooner the better Lol…

A Proud Infidel®™

Just think, NO MORE midnight errands for pickles, ice cream and onions!! 😀


it can’t happen soon enough but just between me and all on here I hope it’s a Hoalloween Baby…..


Yep, instead it will be midnight runs for formula, diapers, and infant teething medicine.

MSG Eric

I am Hondocus!

I feel like I’m not working hard enough here. No one is coming after my identity. Granted I’m just a lowly Civil Affairs type, but still. I’m going to start viewing youtube videos of Sad Pandas before too long.

MSG Eric

By the way Hondo, my favorite quote of Yogi there. Perfectly perfect for this situation.


I AM HONDO ! ! ! ! ! !
I AM HONDO ! ! ! ! ! !
HOOOOOOOOOOOOOAH ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

Dave Hardin

Ok, everyone knows I am not Hondo, but since he is wanting to do a “coming out” I can tell you he is in one of these pictures.


Wow. You really are sacrilegious.

Dave Hardin

At one time there was some speculation that he might be this guy:

Dave Hardin

That claim always gets your attention. If you are “Comming Out” do we get some kind of ribbon to show our support?


MSG Eric

Still a tough call.

What are your feelings on ManBearPig? Hmmmm?

Dave Hardin

I am always nervous when I smell canned salmon. ManBearPig is real, I’m serious.

A Proud Infidel®™


MSG Eric

Wait, I thought you were Hondo.

Wait Wait, if Hondo might be Al Gore….

Infidel is Hondo is Al Gore is ManBearPig.

Mind. Blown.


smoking weed is or maybe hazardous to your brain ! ! !

A Proud Infidel®™

Al Gore Jr. claims to have invented the Internet. Thus if it’s on the Internet, IT MUST BE TRUE, right?


I hope that they have finally stopped paying that investigator that is supposed to find out who we all are. Even when they know where a few of us live they can’t come up with a name. They did get close to Hack Stone on that Philly hit, though.

Silentium Est Aureum

Was that the one who got an OTH from the Marines?

Hack Stone

That was a close call for Hack. He barely made it out alive, but apparently, the Hit Squad did whack his girlfriend.


As far as I know, Bernath thinks that I am a film maker. It turns out that there is a film company in Baltimore named Hack Stone a Film Group, so the Honorary Catheter Quality Assurance Inspector decided that it must be me.

A Proud Infidel®™

I sure they’re very short on cash flow after replenishing the vehicle fleet for TAH’s upper echelon, I wonder if they pay him with T-bird and FirsTech stock?


BTW, for the DRC members in the DC area, I’ll be at the Cosmos Club again next month. I’d tell you to swing by for a drink on me, but you’d never make it past the doorman.

Hack Stone

Another TAH summit? I better get busy cranking out the corporate bling. It was a smash hit last time.

Silentium Est Aureum

The DRG would make a roadie to DC, but the APL corporate cards are all maxed out and selling open-source LINUX software just doesn’t pay like it used to.

And let’s face it–oil, spandex, catheters, and MD20/20 adds up fast when all your contingency funds go to buying the TAH fleet vehicles.

Clyde Diddit

I AM A PROUD INFIDEL, so you DRG BITCHES can come seek me out with your papers in say, Western Wyoming, then maybe Western CO. I might have been train-watching in Rochelle, IL recently as well!

A Proud Infidel®™

P.S., I might be enjoying a few libations at Kevin Barry’s in Savannah, Ga next weekend, it’s on Riverfront Street. EXCELLENT food, atmosphere, and genuine Irish Entertainers from the old Country!!

Frankie Cee "In the clear"

The DRC still hasn’t figured out where I moved the TAH Uniform shop to. But then, they also think that I have a swimming pool at my house.
They’d shit themselves if they knew where I really live, and what I really do with my time. Hell,they can’t even figure out my e-mail address.

Green Thumb

These losers can’t properly identify an individual through common sense and a little ingenuity, but I bet they could identify a meaty ball sack in the dark.



Only after it hits them in the chin…

A Proud Infidel®™

The Dutch Rudder Gang CAN’T FIND ME, but I’m sure they can find a wino’s nut sack in the dark behind a bus stop in NOTHING FLAT!!


DRG weapons grade stupidity. What’s their fascination with poking real SEAL’s with a sharp stick? To quote a line from a book, they’d be “better off sandpapering a lions ass in a phone booth”.


I know Capt. Larry Bailey. Capt. Larry Bailey is a friend of mine. Hondo, your no Capt. Larry Bailey

mr. sharkman

I’ll vouch for him.

There’s no possible way Hondo of TAH Fame is Capt. Bailey.

Hondo is way, way too nice. 🙂


Hey, Hondo – at least they think your alternate identities are pretty awesome people! Hell, I’d be honored if someone thought I was The Hair!

OSC(SW) Retired

Hondo’s name was Robert Paulson!


Hondo: DRC, you Dorkish Royally Clueless tool! You’re going to have to do your own dirty work now! Do you hear me? Do you?

DRC: Hondo? Hondo, you’re still alive, my old friend?

Hondo: Still, “old friend”! You’ve managed to name just about everyone else, but like a poor marksman, you keep missing the target!

A Proud Infidel®™

They’re less than half as competent as “The Gang that Couldn’t Shoot Straight”!


Oh, here! I’ll solve the whole problem.

Hondo’s real name is… Spike Narde.

While they’re sorting that out, who wants cupcakes?


I thought his real name was Lance White?


Yeah, you just want to take a hose to this problem and use it, don’t you? Clean sweep, and all that.


I’m just trying to help.

*Tries to look innocent*