DA’s no-gun policy angers ADAs
In Mineola, New York, acting Nassau County District Attorney Madeline Singas last month forbade her assistant district attorneys from arming themselves even when they’re at home. She has since modified her fiat to allow them to be armed outside of their workplace, but they’re still not happy about it.
More than a dozen prosecutors have been killed in the U.S. in the last century, at least eight of them targeted in the line of duty.
The Nassau County DA’s policy didn’t appear to be common among other prosecutors’ offices in the New York City area. No counterparts in Long Island’s Suffolk County or any of the city’s five boroughs prohibit employees from owning firearms, though Brooklyn, the Bronx and Staten Island prosecutors are barred from bringing weapons into their office buildings.
Yeah, I don’t know how the absence of guns make LEOs safer. Especially in the current climate. Of course, the Associated Press sides with the DA quoting about a ADA in Waco, Texas who had a negligent discharge in his office and the bullet went through the wall to the jail next door. Well, then the ADAs need training in gun safety, not be disarmed.
Thanks to Andy11M for the link.
Category: Gun Grabbing Fascists
The DA’s mindset…
“Can’t have the bang sticks at work… cause, you know, the obvious psychological implications that they are extensions of the male phallus and constitute sexual harassment…”
Time to go clean “Mr. Glock”…
I was thinking along the lines of maybe her assistants are slack jawed idiots. Just brainstorming…
We know, for sure that there is at least one slack jawed idiot in that office. You would think a lawyer would know that her authority does not extend to her employees homes. Someone needs to Bitchslap this nutter.
Hehe…”I was cleaning it and it went off!”
For the love of all that is good and holy…please, please, PLEASE tell me that wasn’t an euphemism for masturbation.
I beg you. My sanity depends on it.
Well, I could have said “shine my nine…”
Too much stoopid to process before I can even comment.
If she doesn’t want to be armed; fine, but don’t tell me I can’t be outside of the workplace. If my boss were to tell me that, I would tell him to kiss my beer drinking ass.
Well, if she won’t let them have guns for self-defense, then they could go on strike. Or quit. Strikes are good. I’m sure there are people in NY state who would sympathize with them and drive by that office, honking their horns.
Is she afforded police protection? As only an acting DA, you would think she would avoid trying to alienate folks at the office.
If this were anywhere but NY, LA, Chicago, Baltimore, etc., she’d be updating her resume after next election.
What I think is that the DA’s office needs to determine the motivation for someone’s victimizing a Nassau County DA. Stay with me on this. If the assailant is motivated by animus toward the victim because of the assailant’s prior prosecution by the DA, then the DA should be permitted to defend himself with a firearm. If, however, the DA is accosted in a run-of-the-mill street robbery or sexual assault, then the DA must keep the firearm holstered. The latter scenario places the prosecutors in the shoes of the general public in Mineola and elsewhere on ‘Lon Gisland.’
I worked as a cop in that county for a couple of decades….the current (acting) DA is up for election this November against a Republican who leads in the most recent poll by 6 points. Thank God for that!
Even though Nassau County is part of the state run by the Cuomo regime it’s still a good place to live…..although I absolutely despise the state government and would move tomorrow if I could.
I’m kinda surprised some enterprising journo hasn’t published a map of where those gun luvin DA’s all live.
“Back in the day” (dying to say that for awhile) I knew a couple of ADA’s that carried S&W mdl. 36’s or even some useless .25 ACP auto’s….at least then they had a choice.
The negligent discharge went into the jail, not a school. Simple mathmatical probability dictates that if it hit anyone it was probably doing us all a favor and saving tax dollars.
But it might have made one of the incarcerated an even bigger victim. You know, they’re all innocent and the man is just trying to keep them down.
If a round from a pistol could go through a jail cell wall, that doesn’t say many good things about the security in that place.
One would think that a jail cell wall would be made of something more than two sheets of drywall and some steel 2×4 studs…
But, then again, I’m a gun nut so my thoughts don’t count…
That picture of her reminds me of the song “Gorilla Girl” by the Dead Milkmen!
Target Rich Environment.
And don’t tell me most of them don’t deserve it.
98% of the shysters make the other 2% look bad.
If I was into personal attacks (I’m trying to cut back, the patch helps), I’d say she looks like Adam Sandler in drag from his movie Jack N’ Jill. But I’m not, so I won’t mention it.
That is a pretty accurate assessment. No need for her to worry, though, Bill Clinton would still tap that keg.
SMH…. Of course they don’t want to repeal the 2nd Amendment. Well, maybe she does fucking piece of shit!!!
She’s just letting all those criminals know that when they get out of jail that asshole that put them in jail is vulnerable going to and from work
It ain’t her decision to make. She has zero legal right to tell them they cannot own firearms.