What’s in a name? Paul Wickre of FirsTech becomes Palmer Wickre

| September 2, 2014



…and the song remains the same.


I am really glad to here Jon Lilyea is dying of MLS. A wart of a man and a pox in public. You too should take an exit. Your sins are not forgotten and many people that you offended are taking note.

See ya soon.


Boy are you ex military types stupid, broke, with bad Internet skills and desparate outlooks on life. Just as I said, you are all low life thugs, from blue collar backgrounds, living life “large” in blogs.

You poor attempts at any kind of communications are only masked by your low brow intellects.

Two years have shown that you will contimue to live in the bottom 5th of society, and embittered by you betters.

Several of you I am looking for as to your tongues. The blond bitch form the little por town in AL, wise ass Chip NASA and just an old dog. Lets see how much you like looking over your shoulder until the inevitable rattle in the night.

Slugs, cretins and worms.

You lose


Wow, even after being discovered, you stupid ex-military types are dumb, broke and with bad hobbies on the Internet.

You have nothing to show for it and are really purile. NO worries all still being tracked. Lilyea is dying and seavey got suspended. Little pecker games, you worthless mutts and mongrels. Caht amoungst yourselves.

Imbeciles– nothing to show for it.

Fat stupid, drunk and with a finite lfespan is no way to go through life.

White niggers & low lives

Wickre Sep 1 visit-3

Wickre’s new website for FirsTech.

Palmer “Paul” Wickre, CEO & acting VP of sales has a storied past in startups, turnarounds, launches and public IPO’s. A graduate of Catholic University with a BSEE, an MBA from the University of Pittsburgh and a MS Law in Federal Contracting is his pedigree. Paul launched his career with IBM whereby he led the team that created the entire back office for MCI Communications, entitling the deregulation of US Carriers a $36B business at the time, He went on to US Sprint, and was the founder of the FTS 2000 effort, leading to competition in the Federal deregulated Telecommunication market, removing the AT&T Monopoly. During his tenure, US Sprint went from $17 to over $60, He has worked with a dozen startups consulting, on the way to IPO, successfully.

NOTE: Picture there is not Wickre. It is a Shutterstock image of “Portrait of Young Businessman.”

Karen Wiliams Chairman, majority shareholder is a long standing participant in US Public Policy, legislation and appropriations for the public sector, from her venue on Capitol Hill. She served in the White House for President Bush. Schooled in legislative affairs she has a lengthy history in the FL delegation, serving Jeb Bush, Charles Canady, Adam Putnam and now the Congressional (R-12-FL) representative, Con. Southerland. Karen’s reach is in International trade and oversight into security matters through the Department of Homeland Security. Karen is a graduate of Sweet-Briar College, and holds an JD from her graduate studies at George Washington University. She is known as the “best friend” of the US Trade Representative in matters of US export policy.

NOTE: Picture is not Williams (Wickre’s wife). It is a Shutterstock image of “Business Woman in a black suit.”

Note also that the business involves Federal Contracting, and Karen Williams is using her status as a federal employee of a Congressman for puffery.  She is the Legislative Director for Representative (“Rep” not “Con”) Southerland.

Contrary to the bio, Representative Steve Southerland is a Republican Congressman in the 2nd District, not the 12th.   It has been suggested that a Legislative Director steering federal contracts to a company which he/she is the Chairman and Majority Shareholder of may run afoul of Federal Acquisition Regulations (FAR Clauses).  I have contacted a lawyer friend specializing in Congressional ethics cases and will have more shortly.

Representative Southerland’s race is considered a “Toss Up” by Larry Sabato at the University of Virginia Center for Politics.  His opponent is Gwen Graham, who has no employees or campaign staff who have ever to my knowledge threatened to kill my wife, get me fired or sent me racist, homophobic or sexist emails.  Also, I can not confirm that she has pure Viking blood.

According to usaspending.gov FirsTech (#030506036) has 3 transactions.


Transaction # 1 (Purchase Order)
PIID/MOD: DOCSB134114SU0638 / 0
6915 WILSON LN, BETHESDA, Maryland
Program Source: 13-0500
Department/Agency: Department of Commerce: National Institute of Standards and Technology
Product/Service: 7030: ADP SOFTWARE
Signed Date:
Obligation Amount:


Transaction # 2 (Purchase Order)
6915 WILSON LN, BETHESDA, Maryland
Program Source: 16-0200
Department/Agency: Department of Labor: Bureau of Labor Statistics

Third….oh wait, the third was canceling the 2nd one:

Transaction # 3 (Purchase Order)
6915 WILSON LN, BETHESDA, Maryland
Program Source: 16-0200
Department/Agency: Department of Labor: Bureau of Labor Statistics

Apparently Karen Williams, wife of Paul Wickre (AKA Palmer Wickre), Legislative Director for Rep. Steve Southerland of Florida continues to solicit government contracts.

When last we left this story, Paul Wickre, AKA Palmer Wickre of FirsTech had filed suit against Phil Monkress, APL Logistics.  I will have more on that case later this week, but from the initial complaint:

Wickre v APL Complaint-2

Failing that, because failing is what he excels at, Wickre offered Peace in Our Time:

Subject: A peace Accord backed by circumstance and events

Dear Mark,

My wife, business assoiciates, government officials and interested
parties have come to the conclusion that we should, after a year,
disinvolve ourselves from the TAH interests, Stolen valor zeal, the
American Legion, Yourself and Jon Lilyea, Matt Burden, Blake Powers
and all the rest as no longer in our interests.

Recently, there has been a decided declaration in our litigation
involving APL, your initial target. I have control of documents and
evidence, in a gesture to you, that would support your aspirations as
to APL and Phil Monkress, even more than you suspected, or originally

I would like to have a frank discussion, as to how to end our enmity,
after many months, give you specific information on the case at hand,
that would allow you to posture and actually show that your drumbeat
was correct and there is much more afoot, that you did not know, all
under oath, admissible anywhere and the facts and documnents
supporting the TAH position.

I am suggesting some very frank discussions, as to support of your
position all along, as I am now legally concluded with Phil Monkress
and no longer need be an obstacle to your position. Naturally You
would end and sever mY mention for providing conclusive embarrasing
litigious proof as to Monkress and APL regarding TAH.

The olive branch comes with proposition of the handshake, as to lower
the sword. The facts in eveidence in Court will startle you as to the
bald facts as to what actually occurred. At this time I see no furhter
purpose of opposing your group interests, converging supportive data
as to your TAH Blog, a win for you and walking off the field. .

Loving the movie ” BraveHeart” ” Peace is made in such ways.

I still believe after the disarming of Lilyea under my and other peace
orders as to a humiliating search and disarmamnet of his house by
conjoint foes into MIneral County, that we would cease any action as
to that effect. My wife is a called witness in four days to support
Bernath. Another Federal Court action has been formed in FL. WE have
allways had the presntation to Capitol Hill to Jeff all the way back
to the Legion.

It seems to me, in History, that Nixon, in bitter rivalry, summoned
the VietCong to the Peace Table for conclusive discussions. However
Nixon had the sword of continued B-52 strikes back to the stone age if
the peace emissisaries would not gather.

I have the ear and attention of my prior IBM collegues down to
SoftLayer in Abuse, Sobpoenas, and my IBM Greeenwich school friend
Dody LIra in the Copyright section, in Dallas on 4849 Alpha Road.
LIke Winternet, then RackSpace, then Softlayer we have calculated that
each move presents you the costs of reassmably of 8700 backlinks and
18,700 html pages, in WordPress, fees, start up and programming.

If you will come with clean hands to discuss matters with me as to
non-iterfernece with the Stolen Valor drive and apparutus, we would
drop all of it, walk away and hold nothing in reserve as to veritas.

We would agree to special terms as to surrendering all of this
shutting up Bernath, never irrititaing Lilea and again and reverse our
momnentm, shutting off all adversarial actions under a durable
agreemenet to you and TAH, stand down and provide legal transripts
condemning your Stolen Valor Enemies with comment or interference,
with follow up of VA malfeasnace to support our story line.

I approach you with certainty, that I control all adversarial forces
and issues, end them and provide out a blockbuster headline eveidence
and truth, as to give you monmentum and all my arrayed forces wrill
dissiapte and stand down say for a 2 year written agreement.

ONce we can discuss the evidence and the form transferred and many
express agreemments to reverse out foe voices, I wold think you would
be very interestsd. MY offer is sincere, and this prposal is good.

PLeasd pick a time thisi weekend when we can discuss as leaders, not
as adversaries and end a senslelss dissipation of both our energies.

Paul Wickre

Paul K Wickre
VP DHS Business Development

FirstTech, Inc.
6915 Wilson Lane
Bethesda, MD 20817

As Mr. Paul Wickre, (AKA Palmer Wickre) and his wife Karen Williams of Steve Southerland’s (Republican Congressman) office apparently have once again decided to take on TAH, I have crafted this eloquent response 5 months late.

Dear Mr Angry Homophobic Racist Viking;

Pog mo thoin.

NOTE: Do not contact Wickre or Karen Williams by phone, email, mental telepathy, strippergram or any other way. I’m only posting this as information, since Wickre is apparently once again all out for us. Ergo it is purely defensive. I do believe that Representative Southerland should know who he has working for him, but that is a political matter, to be settled by the voters of Florida. And frankly I really don’t care. What I do care about is that clearly Wickre is ramping up to his old tune of threatening people and stirring up trouble. Jonn and I have retained counsel and are pursuing possible action. We’ll have more on that later as well. But read the Wickre v. APL lawsuit and hear how we are the “Blogsters that wouldn’t yield.”

Category: Dumbass Bullshit

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Eye jus finnished reeding da complaent abuv.

Eye feal dumberer’er four reeding it!

A Proud Infidel®™

Kinuv killz brayn sells don’t it? *DUUUUHHHHH!*

Jonn Lilyea

I just think its funny that he starts this ten days before Bernath v. Hyatt et al goes in front of a judge.


Well, we know what he will do for the promise of $14,000 a month. And we know he grabs for the nearest olive branch of convenience when he gets stiffed. I wonder if he found a new sugar daddy all of a sudden like?

Green Thumb

Now keep in mind that that $14,000 that Phildo used to finance Palmer (of the Ballsack) in his attacks and threats was taxpayer money.

The All-Points Logistics standard.


Everytime I here the name Bernath … I just laugh!

Green Thumb

I generally think of him when I flush the toilet.


I don’t know whether it is the Zen in me, the Christian in me, or the demented little voice that tells me ‘fire is pretty and explosions rock,’ but the only emotion I have toward him is a great swelling of pity.

Kinda old ET1


That should get your day off to a good start Master Chief.


And yet, he still bores the living daylights out of me.

Pineywoods NCO

I forgot

Mr. Wickre, you can change the name, but the shit stench is the same.

And you belong in the bottom of the deepest part of the ocean, next to the rest of the scum like your ex-buddy, Phil.

Green Thumb

Roger that. Phony Phil must have been a tough habit to kick. Or maybe not. Maybe they are still bumpin’ uglies.

Yo, Palmer (of the Ballsack),

Phildo my balls….deep in your mouth.



Yep Paul Wickre can change his name and borrow a jacket from a hobo you just serviced behind a dumpster at Denny’s. But you cant polish a turd.
Paul Wickre, Paul Wickre, Paul Wickre made famous in the US of A.


“FirsTech believes the trend to e-commerce through reverse auction portals are trending, will grow and represent the future of IT selling efforts.” No, actually is not going that way, first off, reverse auction portals are well from the 1990s, yes they are here, have a nice look at a presentation about them (second hit in google too) http://www.slideshare.net/GabrielleD/analysis-of-reverse-auction-websites … now that we have established that no, they are definitely not trending and hell no they are not the future, you could have said that distributors and congregator websites (such as amazon) do show potential, too bad they don’t make anyone else compete, they just conglomerate and offer good prices by bulk buying (thus why they serve and not the third party in 90% of the stuff you buy in amazon) “In short, CFO’s and CEO’s love the FirsTech numbers and business model” <– no they don't so much that you have been able to only sell RedHat Linux Enterprise to one company .. "FirsTech is more a trading firm for manufacturers and distributors, rather than a time consuming engineered one-off solutions provider" <– so you basically create nothing .. well done *slow clap* "In the Inernet age, market knowledge is perfect and instantanous." <– WTF is an inernet age? I guess it is perfect as well I have never heard of it, now on the Internet, that's a hooooole 'nother ballgame Psul, and no market knowledge is definitely no perfect and unless you have a hardcore mongrelDB is not instantaneous either (ever worked with a couple of terabytes DB? go google SAS and come back when you have grown up on big data to this point) "by use of time proven Bell Curve (normal distributions) market modeling, and "finding the tails" <– we will shop around and try to find the stuff that is obsolete and thus is cheap or we will go for something that is so new and ppl don't think it will work that is also cheap and full of bugs! . there I translated it to reality for ya .. *sigh* I read the list of… Read more »

Hack Stone

FirstTech Inc is to the software industry as The Stunning Agency is to the travel industry. It sounds as if the same guy wrote both websites. Now, has anyone seen my Flaming Squirrel?

A Proud Infidel®™

*OOP!* Sorry hack, I,… like,… kinda partied last night,… and,… I… *UUuuhm,… like, lit it off and threw it up a tree. HEY, like, buy me a hamburger, and I’ll split it with you!!


Flaming squirrel succumbed to Psul’s StOOpIdItY, M/E’s report should be available soon. Remains were then flown to the DC office of Holder & Company for a second autopsy.


I like how they’re all that and a bag of chips and then down at the bottom it says “Powered by WebsiteBuilder”. //FAIL!!!

Like Chevy boasting he was once a member of MESNA


Isn’t this the Enron business plan? Oh wait, he’s using the MCI/Worldcom business plan. That plan worked real well.

LostOnThemInterwebs: I love the totally retro language of his site. “Portals”, “e-commerce”. I wouldn’t be too hard on him, he has no clue what a reverse auction is. Well, he might think that it’s when the auctioneer speaks in reverse.

And it’s clear that his “knowledge” of the industry stopped back in 1999. Or maybe earlier, since IBM is such a big deal to him.

It’s funny that he’s explicitly eschewing the VAR model entirely. Who’d want to be paid extra to actually help implement things?

Oh and I love how he screws up explaining the long tail (which doesn’t really apply to his business). You know, he could’ve just said, “long tail”, but no, he’s gotta show how SMRT he is. Yep, you sure showed us.


It’s as if FirsTech wrote their web copy via the Web Economy Bullshit Generator http://www.dack.com/web/bullshit.html circa 1998

Virtual Insanity

Okay. So.

Reading the filing, we find Monkress used Wickre to attack TAH after a reporter approached Phildo about his fakery.

A year ago Phildo screwed Psul, and Psul filed the suit in Maryland, but kept up his jackasery against TAH, even falling in with Dullass and Blobfish to continue it.

Is that reporter reengaging on Phildo with this info?

Please tell me this filing can be used in the et. al. case….


Well, it’s nice to see that he is sticking with his tried and true technique of litigating civil cases with his real estate attorney. Disappointingly, I didn’t make the cut this time on his hit list. I knew that I should have been the one to threaten the side trip to Parklawn Memorial Park.

I’m no lawyer, but isn’t most of what Psul has stipulated to in paragraphs 16-53 illegal? Maybe it’s time to reengage the Maryland DA.


Doesn’t this whole dispute originally have something to do with a guy named PHIL MONKRESS?

And how a guy named PHIL MONKRESS didn’t like seeing his name on the internet?

Whatever can we do to address his concerns? PHIL MONKRESS‘s concerns, that is…

About not having his good name (PHIL MONRESS) associated with Stolen Valor and all.

Green Thumb

Roger that.

Commander Phil Monkress at All-Points Logistics is continuing to avoid calls seeking clarification of his Native American, Law Enforcement and SEAL claims.

Specifically his tribal affiliation, status as a Brevard County Sheriffs Deputy and commissioning source to be a SEAL Commander.

Also, he is avoiding clarification of his DUI revocation, associated transportation costs (taxpayer funded?) and security clearance concerns.


It is a crying shame that we can’t contact his ass.
I would love to offer a constructive critique of his MS writing skills.
In that aspect, Mrs. Lawrence, God rest her soul, would have absolutely killed me with her ruler if I had written anything that juvenile in the 8’th grade.
What a friggin’ knob this clown is. Can’t write, can’t spell and no doubt can’t get it up…
That little weenie of his just won’t get going !!!


Wickre pioneered the transactional view of Federal Task orders, using the trading tactics from the CME Futures market where he holds a Series 7 License and built a sideline as an S&P trader, beating the market, 3 years out of 4. It is this discipline to trading commodities, that is the FirsTech basis. Markets are statistical formations that can be predictively modeled through advanced distribution statistics, derived stochastics and probabilty theory. Rather than form transactions on manufatcurers differentiation, in a crowded field, FirsTech is able to generate sustainable and predictable cashflow and orderflow via advanced statistics, and locating “Black Swan” events in commerce with regularity, resulting in high order rates.

So what I gather from this is that someone who can’t spell worth a shit can model and predict the futures market like a wizard, but prefers to sell RedHat linux as the lowest bidder. Go MESNA!

Dave Hardin
E-6 type, 1 ea

“I am really glad to here Jon Lilyea is dying of MLS”

The only MLS disease I could find is a minor skin abnormality or a disease that affects dogs.

“You have nothing to show for it and are really purile.”


I’ll stop. The guy is a dipshit.

Hack Stone

MLS = Major League Soccer? I think that earlier this summer, Jonn (not Jon) mentioned that he was not a big fan of the World Cup. And congratulations TAFKAP (The Asshole Formerly Kbown As Paul), after 15 months, you still cannot spell your arch rivals name correctly.

Hack Stone

Damn IPhone. Please change “Kbown” to “Known”. Hack Stone Publishing regrets the error.

James in Gulf Breeze

I really am not that big of a fan of soccer… but dying from it seems extreme…


Have you heard some of the announcers? I swear they come close to stroking out whenever someone scores a goal.

E-6 type, 1 ea


HMCS(FMF) ret.

I wonder what a competent Federal Prosecutor would have to say about everything that was disclosed in the lawsuit? Looks like there would be a whole lot of people looking at some serious jail time for their actions when the smoke clears.

Jonn and TSO – good luck with this

gas tank

Oh, Paul K. Wickre. Sigh

Posers, embellishers and sock puppets, oh my.

Their first mistake was assuming that there aren’t many readers of TAH. With a quarter of a million hits in a slow month, I would think that there are people who would take notice of SV involving fraud. Bigger, badder and more connected than any SV phonies or embellishers.

Prosecuting government contract fraud is all the rage these days. It’s easy to find the results of many IGs steadily marching along with their prosecutions of contracting fraud.

To late to be a whistleblower Psul. You are barking up the wrong tree. If you commited goverment contracting fraud then you have bigger worries than TAH. Trying to bribe and/or negotiate with TAH is another one of your idiotic impotent moves.

A phony SEAL claim was all TAH was interested in. The snowball was rolling downhill before anyone ever heard of a Navy SEAL Imposter Phil Monkress of All Points Logistics ( aka APL ). Everything else was out of TAH hands by your own or the embellisher’s actions before we ever knew of your existence.

Good luck in the Federal Pen if that is where you end up. I’m sure it’s just like county jail, no? Just think of the big party waiting for you when you finally get out! Red SOLO Cup!!! Let’s have a par-tay!!!

As always, stay thirsty my friends.


Just in case anybody really wanted to know…the FTS 2000 contracts went out for public bid in 1989.

ATT was broke up by the fed in 1982….which had nothing to do with the FTS contracts for the federal government.

I was building long distance microwave towers in 82, 83, and 84 for MCI and Sprint all over America.

The Other Whitey

My dear God in Heaven, how in Christ’s holy name did Wickre ever complete kindergarten? I have a headache from trying to decipher that alphabet soup of misspelled gibberish he sent you. He clearly went full retard a long, long time ago and never came back.


I think you are incorrect, Sir. I think he is from a foreign land and only learned english as a second language. It is some fun reading though, almost as good as the crap the boys were getting from Vlad the Impaler a couple of years ago. Which is why it sounds like a bad Yoda impression.

“The knowledge of Monkress you seek, I to you will give…”


Early Morning … NETTED OUT!

Up early again because I have to save the world today, like yesterday and similar to tomorrow …

So I watched the series Houdini over the past two nights and last night I had a dream (nightmare) … Wickre was Houdini in my nightmare and I was the locks and chains … He kept picking those damn locks just before passing out from oxygen starvation. I am looking forwardd to the end of my nightmare, we all know how it will end … A hard swift punch to the gut and based on the condition of Wickre’s liver … He most certainly won’t survive!

So, back to netting out:

1. If this is a cheap attempt by TSO and Jonn to propell Wickre to the top of the Stolen Valor Tourney “list of potential winners”, I ain’t buying it! My man is still the front runner.

2. I reviewed Wickre’s invoice’s for thug services and no matter how I did the math (based on 40 hour work week) I kept coming back to the same notion: his rates are lower than that of a really bad unlicensed plumber (blue collar) and the rates reflect that he resides in the lower 6th of those who provide consulting, management services, extortion for hire et al, to wit and as to … Rates for such services (on the lower end) in this market are 275 to 400 per hour.

Ta Ta …


The Round Ranger, William Derek Church (google hit), is a lock.


Yea! A fellow backer of the “Ranger”. Yes, he’s been silent for a long time. It is a strategery: go full Wickre just before the Tournament. Hell, he and Chevy may be teaming up to knock off the presumed winner, just like Dear Leader did with Shrillery. Over.


I’m still going to push for a certain PO1 to win. If he doesn’t, I say we award him an HONORABLE mention.


Looking past Psauli’s bad grammar for a moment, Phildo, the limp dildo, is notorious for writing worthless contracts to “consultants” especially his friends, to do business development for him. Many of these agreements resulted in no net revenue gain for APL. His contract with statement of work to Psauli is one of the first in many years that included measurable performance criteria. Phildo is basically a terrible business manager who is not focused on the company’s financial health, reputation, and well-being of its employees. DUMBASS!

Green Thumb

And from what I am hearing, it is starting to show.

Another APL purge in 3….2….1….

Combat Historian

Aww jeez, look who’s back, complete with rotten spelling…


Mr. Wickre claims that the bloggers and the commentors on this site have “bad internet skills”. However his letters, comments and assorted communications contain more spelling and grammar errors than notes written by my six year old daughter.

“The facts in eveidence in Court will startle you as to the bald facts as to what actually occurred.”

Wow…my head hurts.

Mr. Wickre should take the advice of Lawerence Taylor…

“Don’t smoke crack.”

Hack Stone

He says that we have “bad internet skills”. I say that we have “Mad Internet Skillz”.

BTW, is failing to yield on the internet considered a moving violation?


Of course! Hand me your keyboard operators license, computer registration and internet insurance card. Didn’t you see that big, bad IBM Super Computer coming up on your left clearly marked “Psul Moves Quick” on the side?


Well, even though I wasn’t mentioned by name (this time) I am sure I am, along with the rest of y’all in his twisted sick little thoughts.

Good old Psulie-boi, demonstrating weapons-grade fucktardery isn’t limited to just the west coast, Texas, or Florida.

I’ve half a mind to drag up the MD/VA court websites and see what this fucking mental midget has been up to of late. Be interesting, I’m sure.

Oh, and Bernath, nothing like getting buddy-fucked in your court proceedings right before your “big win”, right, stud?

Rustle, rustle, bitch.

HMCS(FMF) ret.

Just think if this goes to a Federal Prosecutor and all of Psul’s/Pslmer’s “buddies” have to talk to the Feds? I’d pay to be a fly on the wall when each one of them are in the spotlight and answering questions about their activities… and if there was any money exchanged between Psal/Pslmer and them?

A Proud Infidel®™

Speaking of the wannabe devil, he still has Pslmer’s pic up on his page of drivel, that’s one sick bunch of LOSERS!


Bwahahaha I see Psulie boy got drunk again, what an ass.


Wickre was getting paid $14,000 dollars a month to try to shut this blog down. I’m in the wrong business.

HMCS(FMF) ret.

Question for the TAH legal scholars out there – Would RICO come into play if a prosecutor took this on?

As for Psul/Pslmer’s “buddies”, he’s wanting to throw you under the bus, just to end this… as I predicted a long time ago.

“We would agree to special terms as to surrendering all of this shutting up Bernath, never irrititaing Lilea and again and reverse our momnentm, shutting off all adversarial actions under a durable agreemenet to you and TAH, stand down and provide legal transripts
condemning your Stolen Valor Enemies with comment or interference, with follow up of VA malfeasnace to support our story line.”


Just to clarify, according to the way I read it, the offer to call off the idiot squad was made 5 months ago and by his latest actions is presumed to no longer be valid.

But I think we can safely assume he still loves Braveheart.

Old Trooper

I…………I can’t even comment on this guy, anymore. There’s just too much discombobulated bullshit to try and sift through.


I was just reading through the filing again and saw the email chain at the bottom.

Paul AKA Palmer AKA Paula (http://www.intelius.com/people/Paul-Wickre/0cc4dsxnj7p) says to Phil Monkress “adn you broke my heart”.

Was there some ghey manlove going on too? Was bringing suit just a “desparate” move on Pslmers’s part to come out of the closet as a PROUD GAY MAN and heal his broken heart? Given that Pslmer loves to SUCK BALLS, I am sure he was bitter, hurt, and angry when Phildo terminated his love and affection. Phildo probably regrets that now. Meanwhile, Pslmer has a pretty birdbath! To the new couple I say Masel Tov! (Old Viking Term I think… I found it on a picture of an old headstone).

Kinda old ET1

GD I caught that love sick missive as well. AS TO at least he found a new set of balls to gargle.


Me think somebody got to drunk and confused the K-Y with Ben-Gay agene. And may need to ride side saddle with his Apple Dumpling gang of Vikings.

Hack Stone

So, can we assume that the bromance between these two star struck lovers is over?


Isn’t there like some kind of a “felony stupid” law he’s violating? Geezus…


All I can say is “Build a man a fire and he will be warm for a night. Catch a man on fire and he will be warm the rest of his life.”


I used to have a poster with that saying as my desktop image on my work computer until my boss told me it had to go. I then replaced it with a Jolly Roger and a quote that has served as my personal motto: “There comes a point in every man’s life when he must be tempted to spit on his hands, hoist the Jolly Roger, and start slitting throats” -H.L. Mencken. My boss liked it even less, especially since I added a cartoon quote bubble coming out of the skull saying “Fijate Pendejo!” (Those who know Spanish can edify the rest)


I thought it was ‘chingese ud., pendejo.’


My old outlook email signature was “people sleep peacefully in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf. “


A rhetorical question for Psulie-boi and the rest of the Insane Clown Car Posse: How can you reverse your momentum when you’ve already gone over the cliff, so to speak?


I’d argue that he has momentum, he’s just going in the wrong direction.


You can say what you want about Phildo, but he was smart enough in his agreement with Palmer (nice name change faggot) to pay for his meals but not his alcoholic beverages.

If Phildo had agreed to pay Psulalmers liquor bill, he would be out thousands more!

Glad to see that time and distance have not improved Psulalmers sentence structure, spelling or grammar. What a maroon!!!


I like how Wickre accuses Monkress of stealing his rug. It, like, tied the room together, man.

I always thought Monkress/Wickre were engaged in an extortion scheme ie remove the blog posts or we’ll bury you, based on the facts over the past year or so. Who knows how much of this complaint is accurate given the source, but it does generally fit with what many of us had previously thought. Yikes.

Is the next big thing going to be a bucket challenge to raise money for MLS? I thought soccer was doing well.

Seamus M

“I am really glad to here Jon Lilyea is dying of MLS.”


I hate soccer as much as the next guy, but I didn’t realize it could be lethal.


Ahhh so you haven’t seen the peruvian league! I believe is used as torture and banned by the Geneva convention … or a comic convention, or maybe just in psulie’s house … I couldn’t understand anything he wrote in blabbing jibberish, I was never good at that language in college :S


MLS is Mary Lou Spears, Was in School with her. She got real big in Jr High but lost all the weight by sophomore year.

That girl could suck a golf ball through a garden hose.

Hell of a way to go Jonn…

Green Thumb

I wonder how many of those men in the photograph above are still associated with Commander Phil Monkress and All-Points Logistics?

And I have always wondered, did no one ever ask HOW and WHERE he became a Commander?

I mean, by all intents and purposes, the “less than honorable” COL W. should have, but did not. Being that they were both former Field Grade Officers and such. Makes me think he sold out his ethics.


He probably became a Commander in the same place as this motherfucker:

However, at least the subject of the photo was amusing and the stories were done in about a minute and a half, unlike Psalmer here who, over a year later still ain’t done!


Amazing…even with all that money he was allegedly paid, Wickre still is a low life racist piece of shit. Money can’t buy him class or a bar of soap.


Or a door for his mailbox, apparently!

A Proud Infidel®™

Or a LIFE!


Somebody tell At Drum that Wickre is back. It will make his day.


That made my head hurt…me just dum veteran after all.

Hack Stone

I think when this entire issue finally gets settled, we will discover that Paul/Palmer Wickre is actually Keyzer Soze, the usual DUI suspect.


I just checked in with the “Squad” (aka 12A-DB/DG), no person named Wicker (or whatever his name is) is tracking me.

However, they are tracking on him.

Note: IA’s in IC report that anyone who changes name from Paul to PALMer may be expressing a need to work out issues in an agressive and furious manner.

Nothing further.

Jonn Lilyea

I think Palmer was his father’s name.

Hack Stone

I am surprised that when he decided to assume his father ‘a name, he did not have his name legally changed to Dad Wickre.


Palmer? I always thought that he would use that as middle name and face as first name that way he is a facepalmer .. 😛

Which we all know he is … just thought he would make it a statement and official

Jedipsycho (Certified Space Shuttle Door Gunner)

Three of my braincells just committed suicide after I read that drivel.

Hack Stone

I am currently watching the “Breast Cancer Show Ever” episode of a South Park, and for some reason, Eric Cartman reminds me of the subject of multiple threads on TAH. Cartman starts a lot of shit with Wendy, and when it gets to the point of her kicking his ass, he cries like a little bitch to get the adults to save his ass. Sort of like harassing people on this board, then going to court to file restraining orders against them.

Hack Stone

Is “Fat, Drunk & Stupid” the motto for FirstTech, Inc. or All Points Logistics?

Hack Stone

I was just scrolling through some of the older Wickre threads, and if you get the opportunity to look at “The Paul Wicker Chronicles; Paul in his own words”, if you look at my comments on 9/17/2013 at 10:01 PM and 9/19/2013 at 8:21 PM, you will see that my Ouiji Board nailed it with my entry saying that Paul was working under direction of a Phil, and Phil was funneling money to him with bogus contracts. In later comment on that thread, I told Paul he would have more success suing APL for wrongful termination, since he was acting under direction of Phil Monkress.


This has me wondering when they do make a movie on this whole charade, who gets to play which characters? I am thinking Bill Macy for Paul Wickre, as long as he uses the same mannerisms as he did in the film Fargo. I am going to need a bit of assistance to cast the part of Phil Monkress. As to (see what I did there?) Hack Stone, it’s either Frank Stallone, or the deal is off.

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Palmer (of the Ballsack) got stiffed by Phildo.

That has to suck.