Wednesday Feel Good Stories

| September 3, 2014

AW1Ed sends us our first feel good story from New York where a father and son got to do things together;

Officers were called to a home on Transit Road shortly after 1 a.m. on reports of two people in dark clothing trying to break in. A second call was received a short time later informing police that the suspects were being held at gunpoint by the homeowner and his son.

Police arrived on scene and determined 18-year-old Jacob Rappleye and 22-year-old Anthony Guarino, both of Lancaster, used a ladder to climb up to a second story window and break into the home.

Both are charged with attempted burglary, criminal mischief, and unlawful possession of marijuana.

The second story comes from Chief Tango and happened in Illinois;

Just before 8 a.m. Tuesday, the woman called police to report that two people were attempting to break into her home in 7300 block of Oakwood Lane.

One of the alleged suspects was an ex-boyfriend of the woman’s daughter, Zinke said.

When police arrived on the scene they found two subjects, one with a gunshot wound. Initial reports indicate the woman fired a .25 caliber gun and struck one of the men, Zinke said. The man remains at an undisclosed hospital with injuries that were not life threatening.

It is unclear how many times the woman fired the weapon.

There were no other injuries to the woman, or her teenage children, who also were home at that time. It’s not expected that she will face charges, Zinke said.

But, it’s Illinois, so it’s a toss-up.

Category: Feel Good Stories

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Can I post a Feel Good story of my own here? Don’t mean to hijack a thread, but more like piggyback on this one.

Last July, my daughter and a friend were run down by a drunk driver as they crossed a street in Houston. She had traumatic brain injuries, spent 20 days in ICU (some of that on life support), mostly recovered now but still a ways to go; friend had shattered leg and shoulder, will hurt for the rest of his life. That’s not the feel good part of the story.

This past Wednesday, the SOB was sentenced to eight years in prison. He asked for probation, but since he was a serial drunk, with multiple arrests for same, he’s going away for a while. He’ll have to serve a minimum of four years before being eligible for parole.

It’s really too late for anyone to do anything to help my daughter (and the friend who was run down with her), but the rest of you folks out there in Houston are a little safer now. At least for the next few years. And while it didn’t make us feel as good as we hoped it would, it does make us feel good to know that one of you will get to miss out on all we went through this past year.


OldCorpsTanker72…Glad your daughter and her friend are still with us. I am very happy to hear the drunk SOB is going to do hard time. I know it won’t help your daughter but it may save another life.


This is a really “feel-good” story. Sorry to hear that it was your daughter, but glad that recovery is happening, and that SOB is going away for a bit.


Thanks for sharing your story. Best wishes for your daughter as she continues to recover! Semper Fidelis!


You’re welcome, Top. My daughter is involved in a study of traumatic brain injuries sponsored by the Dept. of Defense(probably because of all the IED injuries these days), and she mentioned to me the other day that of all the patients in the study, the only one doing better than her is a Marine (motorcycle accident). Which means the top two recoveries of the 25 people being looked at are a Marine and a Marine’s daughter. She asked, “Do you think that’s a coincidence?” She doesn’t. I don’t either.

jason nasrallah

So sorry to hear about your daughter. Personally I think the guy got off too light. Your daughter has a life sentence, while he will be out and about in 4 years. I think serial dui’s involving injury or death should be a MINIMUM of 10 years before eligible for parole. They CHOSE to drink and drive. It didn’t just happen. Anyway back to the other lowlifes I cant stand, the stolen valor types……………


FUCK THAT!!! 4 years? Wtf! That’s not a feel good story! That’s a story that pisses me off! People go to prison for that same amount and a lot of times, MORE for non violent crimes, or crimes that didn’t hurt anyone. And yet here’s a dirtbag that continues to drink and drive and seriously injured your daughter, and he gets off with 4 years? Bastard needs to be in there for life! He obviously isn’t a responsible adult and he obviously doesn’t need to be behind a wheel ever again! Fucking judicial system here is bullshit.

Hack Stone

You may not want to read this article. A lot of loopholes in Pennsylvania is allowing serial drunk drivers to keep driving.


“Attempted burglary”? Did the father and son get them off the ladder? If they got into the house, I would think it should be burglary.
Old Corps Tanker, thank you for sharing that, hope that your daughter and friend are healing. If there’s any justice, maybe the drunk will collect a shiv in the prison yard.