Sotloff murdered by ISIS?

| September 2, 2014

Steven Sotloff

ABC News reports that the other journalist held by ISIS in Syria, Steven Sotloff, may have been murdered on camera by those cowards in Syria;

In the video, which appeared online today, Sotloff addresses the camera, saying, “I’m sure you know exactly who I am by now and why I am appearing.”

“Obama, your foreign policy of intervention in Iraq was supposed to be for preservation of American lives and interests, so why is it that I am paying the price of your interference with my life?” the journalist says calmly as the black clad militant holds a knife casually at his side.

Later the video then cuts to the militant who says that as long as U.S. missiles “continue to strike our people, our knife will continue to strike the necks of your people.”

The camera cuts again and the militant appears to kill Sotloff.

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So, I’m not surprised, mostly I’m not surprised because ISIS still exists. As long as one of them still draws a breath, they will continue to kill. Only a fool would think that there’s a political solution to the ISIS/ISIL/Islamic State situation. But maybe we can send John Kerry anyway.

Thanks to Chief Tango for the link.

Category: Terror War

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Combat Historian

Yeah, send Lurch to Paris to talk some sense into them over a cup of tea; that’ll do the trick…///


Better yet, send Lurch and Holder to Mosul to negotiate with ISIS and to try and bring to justice those who murdered those Americans.
I am certain between the two of them, they should be able to work something out with ISIS…
Meanwhile, we can always spin up recrutiment a little and prepare to leave no stone unturned until every last member of ISIS and those who think like them are destroyed by whatever means it takes.


Fucking savages. Some folks in this world just need to be killed..period.

Old Trooper

Yep, as my friends and I say “some people just need killing”.


And here sits the U.S. Military, completely impotent. More worried about social experiments than fighting our nations enemies. The frustration….

Veritas Omnia Vincit

For some things there’s never enough napalm….nothing says welcome to hell courtesy of the great satan like unending, burning, horrendous death from jellied fuel.


If only we had the political will to make that happen. But the stinking hippies would cry to whatever entity they purport to worship if we were to loose real hell on those ISIS assholes.


Plus, spending money on the military takes money away from the free phones, welfare and the other handouts obama keeps throwing out there.

Retired Master

Yup, and our non America loving politicos, won’t stand up to the plate.


I am so very sorry for this man and his family. I only wish our President were sorry as well. But alas he’s not concerned. True concern would require making decisions that are hard and he won’t make decisions which are easy. Unless they are platitudes to placate liberals, fund raiser attendees and anyone with their hand out in our country. This ISIS group went beyond the pale of humanity and decency months and months ago. Since their inception in fact. They have made no bones about their stance and intentions. Yet our President thinks there is an answer for them that doesn’t involve bombing a truck or an artillery piece here or there. They have declared all out was on America and every free people the world over. It use to be when someone declared war on the U.S. we answered the declaration with force and might. Not any more. If Obama waits long enough, all this will go away for him in 2016 and in my heart I believe that is exactly what he wants to happen. Leave an ever growing bunch of murderers and war mongers to do as they please, kill all they want, and let the next President deal with it. At this point Obama has all he wants. A pension, Secret Service for life, good, speaking circuit money and of course…his library. The rest of the country can kiss his ass in his opinion. He’s got his now. I realized long ago and Obama proves me correct at every incident like this. He has no shame. He has no care for America or Americans whatsoever. Never has and never will. To say he is the worst person to ever sit in the Oval Office is an understatement. To say he is a traitor to his oath, his office, his country and the Constitution is far more correct. It is now bordering on aiding and abetting the enemy to me.

God bless and keep America safe because no one in this administration will help do so.

charles w

Well stated Sparks. Could be he is one of them. Deep down Obama is doing exactly what he wants to do in the middle east.


I’m guessing ISIL or whatever they’re calling themselves now hasn’t really thought this through. Murdering journalists is not a goo idea because pretty soon no journalist will want to cover the “opposing side” in many of these conflicts. This means that the only side that gets a “voice” will be the “government” side, and that will significantly erode the ability of these groups to influence public policy in the Western world or even in other parts of the middle east.

I know, I know “they don’t care” because right now, they’re winning. Well, that can change. The ash heap of history is full of examples of armies that started their “victory dance” just a little bit prematurely….

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Death and early exit can’t come quickly enough for this band of murderers.


Pres says it’s all due to social media and such so ya’ll just move along.
F’n pathetic.


We need to nuke these pieces of trash off the face of the earth.

A Proud Infidel®™

Did B. Husein 0bama himself even bother to think about this murder while he was on the golf course?
YOU CANNOT trust or negotiate with radical muslims, the only constructive thing you can do with those animals is to wipe them off the face of the Earth!


Aircraft Carrier
Amphib Ready Group
Air Power and Continuous Bombing
Spec Ops
Airborne Rangers
Tac Nuke Weapons

Ronnie would say and do by now!

Old Trooper

Shit; Ronnie would have lost his mind after the first one!

19D1OR4 - Smitty

Ronnie didn’t do anything after the Marine Barracks were bombed, just saying.


That has always perplexed me.

Roger in Republic

I say we take any Al Qaeda in Iraq prisoners we might have in Gitmo and hang them, in prime time television. One at a time until either the ISIS held hostages are released, or they are all dead. And any ACLU lawyers that are offended can join them on the gibbet. Hell, CNN would broadcast it just for the ratings bump.




Roger in Republic, even Al Quaeda have distanced themselves from IS/ISIS/ISIL/whatever. Killing AQ to get to IS is somewhat similar to killing French/Japanese/Italians to get to us, with the difference that we probably care more.

Commissioner Wretched

Do I hear a motion to begin carpet bombing? 😉


Second. Sorry Roger.


I haven’t read Roberts Rules of Order but I’m pretty sure a “Motion to Carpet Bomb Islamic Radicals” is always in order. 😀


Secon… damnit! nbcguy beat me to it 🙂


Is that incendiary carpet bombing, or just plain old carpet bombing?


Why not a little of each? Maybe throw in some kind of flechette ordinance for shits & giggles.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

As they believe us to be the great satan nothing says welcome to the fires of hell like copious amounts of napalm used as indiscriminately as possible.

The old trick of mixing white phosphorous and napalm works well to ignite just about everything except dirt on God’s green earth….and even the dirt will burn for a little while.


I honestly cannot wait for whatever “strategy” this administration is going to come out with. I am sure it will start with some waiting, morph into some strong words and end with a red line that must not be crossed.

The current bombing amounts to shaking a hornets nest. It does no long term damage and pisses off the hornets. You have to use lots of bombs, with lots of sorties if our air power is going to have lasting effect. And in order to finally defeat these shitbags, we are going to have to put infantry on the ground and kill them.

So our dear leader had better think long and hard about what he wants to do. Words have meaning. He is using strong words right now. My guess is that is about all that we are going to see. He is hoping for some other event to come along and dazzle short attention span America. He needs another Ferguson so he can do what he does best, stoke racial tension.

We are really fucked internationally. The world is on fire and our very own Nero plays fucking golf.


1) Begin secret preparations for ground takeover of Mecca
2) Wait for Obama or Biden to leak preparations to the press
3) Allow a few weeks for IS to heavily fortify Mecca
4) Arc light.

Hell, let the rest of the world participate:

Here’s a little war
you can all join in
It’s very simple
And I hope it’s new
Make your own rules up if you want to,
any old rules that you think will do.