My America doesn’t wave Soviet flags

| November 6, 2008

The other day, when he accepted the Presidency, Obama said he wanted to be president of all of us, John McCain said Obama would be his president, too. But folks in my America don’t wave the flag of the Soviet Union at Obama celebrations, here’s the video I found at Michelle Malkin‘s;

And a screen shot from the video;

It really makes you wonder what these little halfwits were thinking when they pulled the lever for Obama. We’re not supposed to question their patriotism, they’re the first to tell us that they love country (although they wouldn’t go out of their way to serve the country in any capacity) yet, apparently, they want to do everything they can to change the country into something it was never intended to be.

I don’t see anyone telling this goofbal to put the flag down, I see smiling faces. I’d like to see my new president tell these uneducated little wantwits that this is unacceptable behavior for a celebration of his winning the highest office in our country.

I wasn’t going to go to the Inauguration, just because it’s usually held in the worst weather, but I don’t see how I can’t go now just to record this nonesense for posterity.

Category: Liberals suck, Politics

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Jonn…I’ll send money for that,man! I owuld love to be there. So I can remind TheCIC that when he says the words “support and defend” I can scream “You better”!!


I’ve heard talk of the Soviet flag incident, but haven’t seen it until now.


Don’t these college aged idiots who embrace communism, to the point of waving a Soviet flag at an Obama victory rally, realize that there were over 100 million civilian deaths perpetrated by communist rulers on their own people. But wait, Bill Ayers is an avowed and unapologetic communist as was Frank Marshall Davis and the Rev. Wright’s black liberation theology which is steeped in Marxism, so I guess it’s quite fitting for an Obama supporter to wave the Soviet flag.

I made a vow on Tuesday evening, right after signing off from the “This Ain’t Hell” election night live blogging, to not be bummed out and to wake up on Wednesday morning holding my head high and to not be bitter. I was able to do that yesterday. With that being said, it’s going to be a long 4 years.


“I’d like to see my new president tell these uneducated little wantwits that this is unacceptable behavior for a celebration of his winning the highest office in our country.”


Don’t bet on it. He’s one of them.

Raoul Deming

Take a Viet Cong flag, you’ll be a Rock Star…


There was a great article posted to Free Republic from the Columbus Dispatch:

Robust dissent, not unity, needed in Washington

We need to adopt what David Harsanyi suggested and incorporate it into our MO.


Raoul…THAT required a spew alert!!


you are so moronic

its DC

a place with MANY FOREIGN people including students from RUSSIA!

Thus Spake Ortner

Hey Moran: Do you not realize the Russian Flag is not the same as the Soviet Flag?

Jonn wrote: You’d think someone who works at Boeing would know that, wouldn’t you?

J Foster

Ye gods I hope he’s not building the damn planes.


Waving a Soviet flag is in about the same taste as waving a nazi flag, Lenin & Stalin killed about 4 times as many people as Hitler, though the did have longer to work on it.

But then remember that Obama is a third generation red-diaper baby. His mother and her parents were all either Stalinist fellow travelers or CP members, plus of coure his friendship with Frank Davis, who was a CPUSA activist, and of course Alinsky. Aside form any party affiliation, Obama’s world view is bone-deep leninist; its how he sees the world for he’s never really been exposed to anything else. I’m sure that flag comforts him.


All I can say is that I tried to reach out to people and let them know of Obama’s socialist/communists leanings and associations and guess what, those folks did the hold their hands over their ears “la la la” routine. Obama fostered a cult of personality that rivaled Lenin’s, Stalin’s and Mao’s.


When American start waving the soviet (failed idea) flag. It tends to make me believe that there is a sub-species that is almost human. I call them sociocrats=democrats=liberals. Or Homo Sapien minorus. How are they going to run the country and fund all there BS programs without any of our money, after we remove it from the banks. Don’t buy anything other than necessities. No point in working hard, or getting a better education, because you won’t get to keep it. I want to know how they are going to run there socialist ideas without investors to create jobs. It can’t be done. If all these idiots would have gotten an education 35 years ago, instead of griping about energy and conservation, they probably could have solved the energy problems by now. But that is what liberals do: whine instead of doing something construction and solving the problem.