IVAW protests at Presidential debate

| October 16, 2008

Pirated photos added below the jump.

I got an email from a reader who sent me a link to Democracy Now! (one of those moonbat news organizations that specialize in overblowing the importance of the moonbattiness) which reported that Iraq Veterans Against the War (probably more accurately Veterans Who Served Since 9-11….Not Neccessarily in Iraq) made complete goofballs of themselves once again at Hofstra University, the site of the presidential debate last night.

Outside the Obama-McCain debate, at least 15 people were arrested at a protest organized by Iraq Veterans Against the War. IVAW member Nick Morgan was left bloodied and nearly unconscious after being trampled by a police officer on horseback.

I’m pretty sure the horse didn’t sneak up behind Nick and surprise him. You have to really try to get trampled by a horse being handled by a police officer.

The most ridiculous part of the article was that it was led by Matthis Chiroux who is supposed to be in hiding because he went AWOL and he’s worried for his life from the Gestapo or the DC Metro cops or the FBI or some-damn-body. So where does he show up while in hiding? At a television event covered by all of the major networks and attended by most of the cops in the tri-State area. Way to hide out Chiroux.

And completely misunderstanding the debate format, and the fact that no one seriously listens to IVAW anymore, they make demands on poor old Bob Scheiffer;

Last week, Chiroux sent a letter to CBS debate moderator Bob Scheiffer spelling out the demands of IVAW and demanding that at least two veterans be allowed entry into the debate to ask Senators Obama and McCain one question each. He did not receive a response.

Here’s a video of Goldsmith and Chiroux bullhorning their questions to the crowd.

So? Did he expect a response? Look fellas, the media fell for the drama of the VFP and VVAW forty years ago…they got played for fools by all of the phony soldiers and they’re not EVER going to take you seriously again. Especially with such ridiculous antics as these. Maybe all of you goofballs should go into hiding. Out of shame.

Nick Morgan may have been trampled by horse, but these guys have trampling on common sense for a few years now.

The blog has been acting up, so I put the pictures below the fold. If you’re squeamish, you might not want to see them.

Here’s Chiroux and Goldsmith, miles from the nearest Hair Cuttery, I guess

According to an author at IVAW actions this is poor Nick;

So what can YOU do about it? My fellow veteran brothers need you. We need to call the NY police department and ask them why they would trample IRAQ WAR VETERANS exercising their FREEDOM SPEECH in a peaceful manner. Is this the way members of the military who don the uniform and make an oath to defend the constitution, America, and it’s people are treated? We MUST NOT ONLY hold the Police Department accountable but the Presidential Candidates as well for allowing this to happen. THIS IS NOT DEMOCRACY, THIS IS A POLICE STATE.

Below are the numbers. Call now and anytime until November 10th when the court date is set for the detained veterans. Stay posted for a possible action then.

Yep, that’s how you avenge someone getting trampled by a horse – piss the police off some more, you goobers.

More pictures from last night;

Now, how does a horse step on your eye?

Category: Politics

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LT Nixon

IVAW has become the Rodney Dangerfields of veterans organizations. No respect whatsoever. Except Rodney was hilarious, and these guys just need to get haircuts if they are going to wear their uniforms around.

Raoul Deming

Free speech doesn’t give you the right to fight with cops to cross a police line.


Raoul Deming

Funny how IVAW’s VVAW puppetmasters set up “security” to keep people off the campus of the Labor College.



What do you expect if you try to preform unnatural acts on a horse…The dumb bastard is lucky the shiner is all he got.


Why is that silly son of a bitch wearing an army uniform after bitching INCESSANTLY about being called to active duty? Seriously, what the F is that dudes major malfunction?


Wow, even the freakfest that gathered for the RNC convention to protest everything and anything were smart enough not to get kicked in the face by St. Paul’s mounted police.

Frankly Opinionated

IVAW collectively is a bunch of gelded dipshits. Veterans to ask 2 questions? WTF?,O! How about a couple of satisfied active duty sorts, NonComs at that? Why stinky hippie deserters?
Nuf Sed


What do you expect when you mess with the PoPo, especially 4 legged ones. Most importantly, is the horse okay, who cares about an IVAW idiot.


I’m looking at these pics…. Are you sure that one in the front of the first pic is a guy? He’s going to be VERY popular at Riker’s LOL. As for the injuries… next time when the PoPo says “Move along” Move the f*ck along dumbass.


“what the F is that dudes major malfunction?” Answer: Brain dead.


I’m willing to bet, Nick won’t be trying to get close enough to pet the “nice horsey”…..

Raoul Deming

Notice you didn’t see Liam Madden throwing his body on the wire.