Medal of Honor stamps

| November 5, 2013

MOH stamps Navy-Army

The Postal Service sent us some of their press stuff for the release of their newest stamp issued to honor Medal of Honor recipients;

More than 16 million Americans served in the armed forces during World War II; 464 were singled out to receive the Medal of Honor. Of that, nearly half died as a result of their heroic actions to receive the honor posthumously. Only nine are alive today. The Postal Service is issuing the stamps depicting the Medals of Honor and including photographs of the living recipients on the stamp sheet as an appropriate way to recognize the living while still paying respect to all 464 recipients whose names are included in the Medal of Honor World War II Forever stamp prestige folio.

MOH Stamp

Pictured (clockwise from top left) are Charles H. Coolidge of Chattanooga, TN (video); Francis S. Currey of Selkirk, NY; Walter D. Ehlers of Buena Park, CA (video); John D. Hawk of Bremerton, WA (video); Daniel K. Inouye of Honolulu, HI; Robert D. Maxwell of Bend, OR (video); Vernon McGarity of Memphis, TN; Nicholas Oresko of Creskill, NJ (video); Wilburn K. Ross of Dupont, WA; and George T. Sakato of Denver, CO (video), all of whom served with the U.S. Army. Arthur J. Jackson of Boise, ID (video); and Hershel W. Williams of Ona, WV (video); served with the U.S. Marine Corps.

Category: Real Soldiers

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2/17 Air Cav

“Woody” Williams is the last of the Iwo Jima MOH recipients–and there were nearly 30 of them (27; 22 Marines and 5 Sailors.) Woody is as sharp as a tack. Here’s a link to a 2011 Legacy Project interview. Remember, the interview questions aren’t for knowledgeable Veterans.


Definitely worth a purchase.


Three words:

Christmas Card Stamps!

Old Tanker

Now THAT is the Cool right there!


I’ve been putting off stamps and mailing things until these come out. Cannot wait to buy and use them to honor, in a very small way, these American Heroes


Yeah, I think a purchase is definitely in order here.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

These men will all be gone soon, this is a really good thing the Post Office is doing. We should remember always and honor always those who die in our name, or do great deeds at the risk of death in our name.

My hope is that someday these people will be honored by our entire society at level far above some pantyless skank in hollyweird….


WWII produced the only Medal of Honor recipent from the Coast Guard, Douglas Munro. I wish that his picture had been included.


I like this, and I do use stamps. I’ll be getting some of these.


These are great stamps. Sadly, Nicholas Orseko died last month.


My girl works at the post office so I had her
get a set before they went on sale. Took them
& had them framed. They now hang in the entry
hallway of my house where anyone coming in or
out sees them. We have loads of little ones
coming over to play so they see them daily.
It’s a great way to tell them about the people
we looked up to and aspired to be when we were

Curt Kastens

If you were to stack the observable courage of every member of the US Armed Forces of the last 40 Years end to end it might reach half way to the moon. None the less this stack would be small in comparison with the courage of just one of the Freedom Riders of the Civil Rights Movement.
I will take the protection of just one Jim Zwerg or the black man, whose name is unknown to me, who pulled Jim out of the white mob that was beating him to death, over the entie US military any day of the week any week of the year. (Coast Guard Excepted)


Curt, don’t you have a grenade to suck on or something?

2/17 Air Cav

@13. Why, did he run out of dicks?


@12 “…the observable courage of every member of the US Armed Forces…”

Spoken like someone who’s not only never been in the military, but someone who’s never known anyone in the military.

You really should be quiet in your ignorance.

2/17 Air Cav

Curtsy can’t get the story straight, either. Can you imagine a mob of angry whites allowing a black man to wade into them to save Zweig? You can’t becxause it didn’t happen. Zweig, the do gooder, got the shit beaten out of him and believes that his unconscious state saved him from being killed. So, Curtsy here would compare his make-believe character with Medal of Honor recipients. What a royal asshole.


Typical libby snot. As if their opinion does anything to dent the egos of those who understand the meaning of the word honor.

Silly, willfully ignorant fool.



Jonn, you know I am all for free speech, but Curt is an idiot and I am dumber for reading his post. Further, I wonder whose courage he would prefer when the Islamists are at his door dragging him and his family away for his beliefs. Thus I ask for a clean up on aisle 12. Thanks.

vietnam war protestor

There should have been a captain john brown stamp ;but the south is still scared of him over a 150 years later! He deserves the medal of honor too!


vwp – John Brown was already dead 150 years ago, dipshit, and was never a captain – he was a simple border terrorist.
You have to be military to be awarded a Medal of Honor, in case you missed that in your extensive historical research and military experience.

Curt Kastens

OK on a more serious note. There will be a secret flag burning ceremony on November 11th 2013 at 17:30 near Wiesbaden Germany.
A confederate flag and a Vichy French flag are to be burned. These two flags best represent the views of the American Republican and Democratic political parties repectively. Anyone who shows up is invited. If you do not show up it means that you were not invited. I just said that to imply that I will not be the only one there. I just said that to imply that I will be the only one there.
The fact that such dribble does not get removed might make someone wonder, whose side is Jonn really on?. Of course that is what is so diabolical about it. Jonn wants me to think that he is secretly on my side when the horrible truth is that Jonn is not really on my side. Or Or Or Or

2/17 Air Cav

I love secrets that are announced publicly. What a ma-roon.

2/17 Air Cav

@21. I wrote a comment a few years ago in a WV paper that described a fellow. The reader was no doubt sure, after I laid bare the facts in the description, that I was talking about OBL (a/k/a fish flakes). In my last line, I ID’ed the subject: John Brown. It raised a stir but the parallel between the two is uncanny.


Yo, Kastens – this clip’s for you (Warning: clip is NSFW, children, clergy, or prudes).

You should watch it. Then you should go . . . implement the instructions therein.


Though he might have had good intentions, at Harper’s Ferry John Brown committed what was by Constitutional definition an act of treason. His raid on the US armory at Harper’s Ferry, the occupation of same, and his defense of the seized armory were all acts of “war against the United States”.

Brown was indeed tried and convicted of treason – against the Commonwealth of Virginia – and was hanged for that crime. That likely spared the Federal government the trouble of doing the same thing.

I find it telling that vietnam war protestor has at least one proven traitor as a personal hero.

By the way, vietnam war protestor – get back to work. You’re supposed to be mopping floors and taking out the trash where you work, not playing with the computers in the offices you’re cleaning.


@22 Curt, fair warning. Despite all of your rambling nonsense, Jonn will summarily boot you off the blog for only one thing. Other than that, he set up the blog to get reactions and opinions and dialog, and unlike most liberals, he doesn’t get his knickers in a knot when someone voices an opinion that he doesn’t agree with. He’s a man of honor and his word, and he keeps both.


Kasten … your are a moron of epic value to all retardoes stationed in shitty little countries that we saved.

Keep up the good work in verifing that Darwin was most certainly correct!

B Woodman

I still use lots of stamps for various mail. Guess what I’m stocking up on soonest? And displaying with honor.

vietnam war protestor

If john brown was a traitor then the slave holders must be patriots right? Rosa parks was a criminal for not giving up her seat on a bus right? By the way armistice/veterans day is coming up next monday I will give my top 20 patriotic american songs for the occasion.



Hey, vwp, are you still holding out for Obama to declare himself dictator and arrest dissenters?


I haven’t collected stamps since I was a kid, but I may order a set of these.

A Proud Infidel

Vwp, do you and Curt K. TRY your damnedest to be flaming idiots, or does it come naturally to you two? As for me, I’m gonna buy and use some for this year’s Christmas cards!



vwp puts the “damn” in “damn hippies”.


John brown didn’t not kill a single slave owner in kansas, just five poor saps who lived in the wring state