Let’s release another terrorist into the streets

| September 20, 2012

You remember that blind sheik dude, Omar Abdel-Rahman, the one who was the spiritual adviser for the crowd who bombed the World Trade Center in 1993, right? Well, as a goodwill gesture this administration is contemplating releasing him to Egypt according to the New York Post;

The Egyptian government “asked for his release,” an administration source told The Post — and Rep. Peter King (R-LI) confirmed the request is being considered.

The White House, State Department and Justice Department each issued statements denying any deal is in the works, but, “There’s no way to believe anything they say,” said Andrew McCarthy, the former assistant US attorney who prosecuted Abdel-Rahman. “I believe there may already be a nod-and-wink agreement in place.”

It makes perfect sense to me. We give Libya back one of their terrorists, they release him and he kills four Americans in Benghazi. No one was killed in the Libya attacks, so they need Rahman to fix that shortcoming.

So if the Obama Administration doesn’t release him and they’re not lying about their plans for him (they say he’ll serve out his sentence) it will be the first time they did what they said they’ll do. So excuse me if I don’t place any bets on this one.

Michelle Malkin lists the reasons we shouldn’t believe the Obama Administration.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Terror War

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I for one 100% believe the Obama Administration’s statement that it will not release Rahman.

Before November 6, anyway.


Somehow, the Cold War seems less dicey than I remember.


Ex, oh for the days when we were worried about Russia. At least that was a political worry. There were no religious zealots who would use politics as a means of warfare.

B Woodman

Please, please, please release him to the streets. Just tell me the time & place. I need to verify my rifle’s zero.


@#1, Preee-cisely. As for serving out his sentence, anyone remember Abdelbaset al-Megrahi? Yeah he served out his sentence, too. Walking around free, going to the coffee shops.
I trust this administration just about as far as I can toss an M-1A1 tank.

Yat Yas 1833

UpNorth, you are being awful generous with your trust in this administration!?


I wonder if this guy will be released to the Egyptian government (Muslim Brotherhood) under the conditions that he remain incarcerated? No, wait… that’s already been tried before and we all know how that turned out.


Who is dumb enough to listen to anything that beiotch has to say?


John, as much as I like to watch and listen to Michelle, I really don’t need a list to remind me I DO NOT trust the Obama administration. Oh what the hell, I have to watch anyway!
UpNorth-Change that tank to a Navy Destroyer!
@#1 You are correct on the date of release IMO!


The only way that man should be released is in a box.


Care to refute anything she said with facts, joe, or are you just going to throw out more insults? Thats right you can’t.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

@10 catch and release is ok with me if they start releasing these 4ssholes in black zippered bags after they’ve been ventilated.


I’m also ok with catch and release…..as long as they release them at 30,000 feet.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

@13 If they video that, I am certain it would millions of hits on You Tube…I know those muslim tough guys who video themselves sawing the heads off journalists would find it amusing to watch their tough brethren screaming like the pussies they are as the plummet to that last final jarring stop 6 miles below….


30,000′ AMSL would be problematic, as that high the crew assisting the release would need breathing and cold-weather gear. But that’s not the case from 5,000 to 7,000 feet AMSL. And if I recall correctly, that’s still plenty high enough for the released individual to attain terminal velocity.

Old Trooper

So; to show they are a “religion of peace”, 17 are dead in Pakistan after Friday prayer riots got spooled up. France has still not opened the 20 embassies they shuttered after the cartoon came out, because of the prospect that attacks may occur. We continue to apologize to anyone and everyone. And, yet, they are contemplating releasing the one terrorist that would receive a heroes welcome in Egypt to rival the return of the ayatollah to Iran?

Yeah, that’s a fucking genius idea. Whomever thought of it should be skull punched for even bringing it up.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

@15 good point, maybe we could strap the detainee to interior bomb bay fittings on a B-52? release them over the desert? Crews in the B-52 are safe to over 50,000 feet yes?

Perhaps that would mean we would be dropping terrorist popsicles into the desert since they might freeze up at that altitude…your idea requires no breathing and is not cold enough to freeze them which might be better…although the idea of them returning home as a frozen lump of flesh dropping out of the sky is amusing.


VOV: that would work, but it would be kinda hard to film. Pitching them out the back of a hovering Chinook at 5000′ AGL would make filming it much easier.

Yes, I’m merely engaging in fantasy vice being serious. Barely. I’d personally have no problem with that as a method of execution for any terrorist bastard tried and condemned for an act of terrorism that killed US citizens. And I’d have no problem with posting a videotape of same, publicly, each time we did so. That might get the point across that we meant business.


A HALO release? I like it!!!!!

I’m in favor of sending him back when he’s dead of anthrax and bubonic plague. In fact, I think that’s how they could all be released. Or maybe hemorrhagic fever? Smallpox? Oh, you do know that measles contracted by an adult can be lethal, right?

Veritas Omnia Vincit

I hear you Hondo…killing children and their parents who are at school/work or some silly journalist who thinks your story might be important hardly qualifies you for any consideration when it comes to your demise.

I would prefer they hang and not get the needle. A rope carefully woven from the flesh and innards of the pig would make the statement clear that we value their ideals and their lives as much as they do ours.

Yat Yas 1833

How about we think of going the other way?! Are torpedo tubes large enough to hold a man? If so we could create jobs! Have a company that makes plastic stuff make man sized tubes, borrow a sub from the Navy (there are enough people here with experience), I’ll be the cook (my biscuits & gravy and green chile are famous) and fill in the rest of the crew with volunteers! Take ’em out where it’s deep, take the boat down to just about “crush depth” and shoot them out of the torpedo tubes!? If the pressure is so great it can crush a sub I’m sure it’ll do a fine job on a body!:)


Let’s release him to the streets. Major Kong style, riding a big fat bomb. No cowboy hat required.


EX-PH2, That would be a HANO release (High Altitude No Openeing).


Twist, thanks! My mistake, I always get those two mixed up.

Yat Yas, how about a last supper for them of bean soup with ham and carrots?

Is that sausage gravy? Recipe, please!

Yat Yas 1833

Ex-PH2, you’ll need:
1-small chub of pork sausage
1/2-cup of GP flour
2 1/2 cups of whole milk, I tend pour in a little extra just in case the gravy gets thick
1/2 Tsp of salt
1/2 Tsp of pepper, I tend to use a little extra
1/3 Tsp of mince onion (optional)

Cook the sausage completely and drain on paper towels. Leave a couple Tsps of drippings in pan.
WHISK in flour, continue to move it around for a minute or so over medium heat
Whisk in milk slowly while continuing to whisk, Cook 5-6 minutes or to desired thickness.
Stir in sausage and continue to stir for another minute to reheat sausage.
Serve over biscuits! I like adding a dash of tobacco…

Yat Yas 1833

Ex-PH2 I forgot to have you add the salt and pepper as you’re whisking the flour. If you decide to use the onion add it as you start to whisk in the milk.


Ah, geez…recipes on TAH…here we go!!


Dang. Now I want biscuits and gravy for supper!


Is that tobacco that you smoke or tabasco/hot sauce?

Yat Yas 1833

Damn I hate spell check! It’s tobasco. I put a splash in the middle of all four halves.


Bean soup with smoked sausage and ham:

Requires very large pot:
2 lbs dry beans, soaked overnight (8 hrs. min.)
1 whole onion, coarsely chopped
1 cup or 3 stalks celery, cut to size preference
1/2 to 1 lb of baby cut carrots
1/2 lb smoked ham, coarsely diced
1 smoked sausage, big rope (e.g. Johnsonville), sliced 1/2 inch thick pieces
Chicken and beef broth, ratio 2 parts chicken broth to 1 part beef broth
Onion powder, chopped garlic or garlic powder
About 1 tbsp chili powder (optional)
Coarse ground black pepper (optional)
Mesquite barbecue seasoning or Grandma Maude’s Southern Seasoning, 1 to 2 tbsps
No need to add salt, there is enough in the broth and beans.
Canned beans are fine as a substitute for dry beans, but more expensive.
Simmer for several hours with lid partly covering stock pot, until beans are tender.

To freshen stale air in your home in the winter, heat apple cider in a saucepan at a simmer. When it’s hot, pour into a cup, add a slice of lemon or cinnamon stick, enjoy with Grandma’s cake donuts.


“Mesquite barbecue seasoning” should read “smokey mesquite seasoning”.

Sorry about that.

2-17 AirCav

You two need to get a room–and it sounds like that room would be a kitchen.


C’mon, folks – if you’re gonna send an Islamic radical off with a proper last meal, it has to be homemade “Mothers and Beans”.


2-3 lbs smoked pork neckbones or pork hocks (choose ones with plenty of meat – I find neckbones work better on that score)
1 to 1 1/2 lb dried lima beans
1-2 tsp crushed garlic
1 medium or large onion, coarse chopped
1/4 to 1/2 tsp black pepper

Rinse/sort beans. Cover with 1” of water and soak overnight in fridge.

Place hamhocks or neckbones in large pot. Cover with water. Bring to boil; reduce heat and simmer 1 1/2 hrs or until meat flakes off bones easily.

Remove pork from water and bone meat from hamhocks/neckbones. Separate meat into smallish pieces. Save broth; discard bones.

Drain beans, rinse, and drain again. Add beans and boned pork to broth. Add additional water until beans are covered with approx 1/2 in of broth. Add onions, black pepper, and garlic.

Bring beans/pork/onions/garlic/pepper/broth mixture to boil. Reduce heat and simmer for approx 1 1/2 hrs or until beans are tender and liquid is reduced to desired consistency. Stir as often as required to avoid sticking/scorching. Add water as necessary during cooking.

Serve over rice. You can either force-feed this to the terrorist, or you can eat it yourself and discard the terrorist. (smile)


Roast pork loin
Sauteed potatoes and onions
Steamed dilled carrots
Green salad with cucumbers and tomatoes and diced crisp bacon
Peppercorn ranch dressing
Dessert: hot apple pie with French vanilla ice cream


AirCav, would you care to join us? I was thinking of roasting a whole hog and serving it for Thanksgiving at Gitmo.


One terrorist mastermind is not enough to give the Islamist terrorists what they want. The Obama Administration has decided to kick open the doors of Gitmo, and let 1/3rd of the terrorists captured since 9/11 go out and repopulate the world of hate: http://waronterrornews.typepad.com/home/2012/09/obama-to-release-55-terrorists-from-gitmo.html


A bit more on the release of terrorists story: http://www.politico.com/blogs/under-the-radar/


Hondon, I’m going after your mothers & beans recipe this week.

OWB, I did not mention that if you put the cookie dough into the freezer, you should use it up within six weeks, so make sure that you put a date-made note with the frozen dough.


How about, before they’re released, a nice meal of barbecue pulled pork? Or even better, Guy Fieri’s recipe for sloppy joes, which uses beef and pork? That one is on the FoodTV website recipe section.


Ex-PH2: let me know what you think after you give them a shot.

A couple of minor clarifications, some of which may be obvious.

1. Depending on how much water you start with, you may need to add water to the smoked pork while it’s simmering.

2. The “1-2 tsp crushed garlic” is 1-to-2 teaspoons. That’s what I usually add – but I like garlic. Add more or less depending on your personal tastes.

3. If you use pork hocks, they should also be smoked, just like the neckbones.

4. Smoked pork is usually salty enough that you shouldn’t need any additional salt.

5. Watch out for small bone fragments, especially if you use smoked pork neckbones. They’re easy to miss when boning the pork when it’s done.



Am thinking that bean recipe would work with a variety of beans, Hondo.

After doing all that, the pot of beans would definitely be too good for the terrorist. The discarded bones, however, would be good to use on them with perhaps gags? Or any of a number of possibilites like sharpening one of them hock bones to use as a razor for getting a certain Army idiot clean faced.


I’ll use smoked pork hocks and a leftover ham shank bone. I like garlic, too. Good for what ails you. I’ll probably put this together in the crock pot; it makes the beans more tender and infuses the flavors into everything.

Also, I’m going to work on Cuban black bean soup. Had that at a restaurant near my house a couple of years ago, now I have to try to duplicate the recipe, flavor without too much heat.


OWB: it does indeed work well with pintos, black-eyed peas, and red beans as well. Limas and black-eyes are the most “traditional” variant.

If you’re into old-style Southern cooking, you can reserve about 1/2 cup (plus some water) of the broth and about 2-3 oz of the boned pork and use that to season a pot of greens (I prefer collards, but kale, turnips, or mustard greens also work well). Add some rice (serve beans over rice), carrots, and cornbread and you’ve got a pretty decent old-style Southern dinner.

— break —

Ex-PH2: I find the limas are quite tender after about 1 1/2 hours of cooking when soaked overnight first – sometimes almost too tender (mushy). Other beans may require adjustment to the cooking time. But it should work well in a crock pot too.