Report warning of “insider attacks” ignored by DoD last year

| September 17, 2012

An article from the Associated Press on a report commissioned by the Pentagon last year which warned of the increasing green-on-blue attacks was not on ignored and pooh-poohed by Big Army, the researcher who wrote the report was cached and the report became classified out of the clear blue sky;

Bucking the official NATO narrative, [Dr. Jeffrey Bordin] declared bluntly [more than a year and a half ago]: “The murders of ISAF members committed by Afghan National Security Force personnel do not represent ‘rare and isolated events’ as currently being proclaimed.”

“The findings are not consistent with our assessment” of Afghan forces, then-coalition spokeswoman Lt. Cmdr. Colette Murphy was quoted as saying in the Wall Street Journal in June 2011. The study, she added, “was systematically flawed, and suffered from generalizations, narrow sample sets, unprofessional rhetoric, and sensationalism.”

Bordin said that following the publication of his report, he was removed from his position as leader of a Red Team — a research group formed to find solutions to military shortcomings — and shortly afterward, a decision to renew his contract was rescinded and he had to leave Afghanistan.

“I was basically persona non-grata,” he said.

The Wall Street Journal article cited above reports;

“His role is to paint kind of the worst-case scenario so we can respond accordingly,” said Lt. Col. Chad Carroll, director of public affairs for the coalition military command in eastern Afghanistan. “That’s one data point, and we really believe what he saw there is not indicative of something across the entire spectrum.”

In the report, Mr. Bordin characterized the shootings of Americans by Afghan troops as “a severe and rapidly metastasizing malignancy.”

In the five months before the report was circulated in early May, Afghan security forces were responsible for 16% of all hostile coalition deaths in Afghanistan, Mr. Bordin said.

So, Big Army and CentCom, in the face of this damning research, decided for an entire year and a half to continue the failed policies which was leading to the deaths of American troops inside the security of their bases. Remember it was just a scant few weeks ago that they wrote a policy requiring US troops in a war zone to be armed.

Even if the Afghans decided to tamp down the background checks of their police and military six months ago, like they claim (and I don’t believe for a minute), it was still a year after the report was released and then shoved in a drawer somewhere, just because it shed a bad light on ISAF’s efforts in Afghanistan and was counter to NATO’s propaganda. So Big Army could bow to it’s political masters. They should all be fired for failing those 57 troops who have been killed since.

I don’t care how hard he tries, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, Martin Dempsey, looks weak now when he makes statements about how “seized” he is with the problem, now. You should have been seized with the problem a year ago.

Category: Big Army, Terror War

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AW1 Tim

57 troops. Almost 10/month.

Dempsey should be charged with 57 counts of negligent homicide, and spend the rest of his miserable life in Leavenworth.

Our military is supposed to be above the political fray. It swears allegiance to our Constitution, and NOT to any president, administration, political party, whatever.

Dempsey, and those who helped enable this situation have to go, and go now.

Joe Williams

Disagree with the “OFFICAL POSITION” and down the rabbit hole you go. No goverment ever again. Tim , BO can fire any GO without any reason legal or not. No guts to stand up for the Troops.


Dempsey is a politician in a class a suit, decorated with the typical officer salad.

He is a political appointee, who routinely uses his position to campaign for the politics of his political boss.

So it is so typically politician like, i.e. hypocritical, when he tells Troops and Veterans to shut up:
Particularly, as he does it aboard a US Military aircraft, while entertaining journalists, again.


Oh, NOW I get it: if it makes Bo look good and it’s classified, it gets leaked to the press.

If it makes Bo look bad, doesn’t agree with ‘policy’ (whatever that is), it is automaticallay classified and the perp — sorry, I meant author — and report are hustled off into oblivion.

That explains everything.

AW1 Tim

Joe Williams:

I know that all officers serve at the pleasure of the president.

Apparently, Dempsey must be pleasuring the president pretty damn well.


@5 That’s appropriate, given that he appears to suck at everything else.

2-17 AirCav

Dempsey said an initial review of the assault on Camp Bastion matter had determined that the attackers had no inside assistance at Bastion. Oh, okay, let’s just leave it go at that, shall we?


Nik, you owe me a new keyboard.


What the hell ever happened to integrity? (she asked, in a plaintive, late night Bette Davis movie tone of voice).


Reading this article, related to the subject, makes it all the worse.


So, the military gets less and less support from its own government, less and less support from the media, and yet they all expect the military to muster out on an as-needed basis?

AW1 Tim

Pretty much, shipmate. Pretty much.


Dempsey looks weak because he is weak.