This Doesn’t Surprise Me One Bit

| August 5, 2012

Recent reporting indicates that there likely was an attempt to stop the Aurora gunman during his murderous rampage. Unfortunately, as we all know that attempt wasn’t successful.

It’s being reported that Jonathan Blunt – a Navy veteran with 3 tours in the Middle East between 2004 and 2009 – apparently tried to stop the gunman during his rampage. He died in the attempt.

Well done, Sailor. You did your duty, even though you were not currently serving. Rest now in peace.

I only wish you’d been armed. If so, maybe you – and several others – might have lived to see another day.

Category: Politics

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Jon The Mechanic

Sheepdogs are all around us. It is a shame that the sheep are all too quick to try to remove the teeth and claws that we keep sheathed unless there is danger to those we have sworn to defend.

AW1 Tim

What Jon the Mechanic says.


Of the victims in the theater, five had CCWs. Unfortunately, the rules of the theater stated that you couldn’t carry firearms in the theater. Too bad only the law-abiding citizens followed the rules.


@#1, Jon: “They” already have a solution to these problems – the citizens just have to get scared enough to ask for it to be implemented.


You water dogs may correct me here if this not correct but, “Blue skies and fair sea’s” to PO Jonathan Blunk,USN. Our sincere condolences to his family, friends and shipmates.

street & Melony


I think it’s following seas streetsweeper but you got the spirit right and for non official functions, that’s what it’s all about.


Better to risk being tried by 12 because of some wienie left/liberal than be carried by 12 because of some whacko.


“Gun control” means only some criminal/nut is able to his his target.

Open Channel D

Fair winds and following seas…

Open Channel D sends.


[…] A Salute to Jonathan Blunt August 5th, 2012 Note two things please: I was apparently wrong about the Sheepdog.  And thanks to Hondo for catching this. […]


It doesn’t feed the crazed veteran meme.


RIP my sea-faring brother…the next beer I raise will be to you!


There are no crazed veterans. There are only live or dead veterans.

Caesar: “Cowards die many times before their deaths.
The valiant never taste of death but once.”
— Julius Caesar, Act II, sc. ii

2-17 AirCav

Yes, he tried. He didn’t panic, trample others to save himself, or cower like a frightened rabbit. He saw evil and tried to stop it. Those who could not bring themselves to join him, those whose terror froze them or caused them to blindly run–they are not to be blamed. That’s the norm and precisely why the valorous acts of Navy Veteran Blunt are to be honored; not because he succeeded but because he tried.


As promised…first beer raised to him!