DC brutalizes Iraq vet and then drops charges

| May 24, 2012

Emily Miller (I’m starting to develop a real crush on this lass) at the Washington Times writes about how Army 1st Sergeant Matt Corrigan, who we discussed a few months ago, was mistreated by the nation’s capital justice system when they busted in his apartment on North Capitol Street after he made a call to what he thought was a veteran help line, but got the suicide hotline instead. When we first talked about Corrigan, I wrote;

He was awakened at about 4am by someone calling his name through a bullhorn. When he turned on his phone, he found that the police, accompanied by a SWAT Team, were calling him on it telling him to come out of his home. When he did, they cuffed and stuffed him.

He wouldn’t let the police search his house, so they broke down his door, which he had locked behind him when he came outside and searched anyway. One officer was reported to say, when Corrigan denied his permission for a search; “I don’t have time to play this constitutional bullshit”. Yeah, because it’s involving one of those dangerous, armed veterans, and they don’t deserve the constitutional rights the officer would have afforded a gang banger.

The police found three firearms, a rifle and two handguns. I’m pretty sure the handguns were illegal in the District without reporting and registering them. And that’s probably why he’s facing charges for that evening, after nearly three weeks in police custody after the incident.

From Ms. Miller;

In the dark, snowy night, the Iraq vet was an easy target. “I looked down at saw 10 jiggly red dots all over my chest,” [Corrigan] said, looking afraid of the memory. “I crumbled.”

Miller writes that the charges against Corrigan were finally dropped this week after his case languished for years;

Sgt. Corrigan, 35, and his attorney Richard Gardiner appeared before Judge Michael Ryan at D.C. Superior Court on Monday. The District’s assistant attorney general moved to dismiss all ten charges against him – three for unregistered firearms and seven for possession of ammunition in different calibers.

I know Sergeant Corrigan wants to put this behind him, but he needs to punish the MPD for their overreaction before it happens to another veteran, maybe a veteran for whom this would end much worse. I know, if it had been me, with my distaste for bullshit authority, I would have ended up in the hospital for repeated buttstrokes to the head, and there’d be some cops getting rabies shots for the bites to their ankles.

But you should read the whole article before you comment.

Category: Guns, Veterans Issues

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Can I comment on your disclaimer? THAT is priceless! I’m going to read the article now, like a good girl.


One thing is for very certain – if LEOs continue their overreach in order to protect their commie “president’s” ideals, there will untold collateral damage WHEN there is another civil war.


I have read half the newspaper report — regarding the VA telephone number, my name for
the V.A. = Veteran Annihilation Dept.


Emily Miller is my (well armed) homegirl. I found this link which is the court filing in which 1Sg. Corrigan seeks monetary compensation. Note that the Attorney representing 1Sg. Corrigan is the same attorney that represented 1st. Lt. Augustine Kim. Personally, I hope Corrigan wins (duh), moves to Texas, and uses the money to run for public office.


[…] scene at Matthew Corrigan’s apartment in February 2010. We discussed Corrigan here, here and here when he mistakenly called a suicide hotline and got the DC Metro SWAT crowd instead of the help he […]


The most obvious issue here is that either the Suicide Hotline or the Veteran’s help line needs to change their phone numbers to something completely different.


The DC cops are the gastepo force the Nazies had a few years ago. Probably not one of the looser ever war a real uniform and made a sacrafice for my coutry. Loosers.