Smoke and Mirrors at the AF Academy

| May 24, 2012 and Associated Press report on the president’s speech to graduates at the Air Force Academy yesterday and it’s a bunch of unadulterated crap, piled high and deep. He welcomes them into a world without war and an appreciative and respectful community of nations thanks to his administration.

Obama told the cadets that they are the first class in nearly a decade to graduate into a world that has no Osama bin Laden, no war in Iraq and no questions about when the war in Afghanistan will end.

The president said a disappearing “dark cloud of war” will mean a less strained and better prepared military, and more use of other U.S. power – diplomatic, economic and humanitarian.

“Even as we’ve done the work of ending these wars, we’ve laid the foundation for a new era of American leadership,” Obama said. “And now, cadets, we have to build on it. Let’s start by putting aside the tired notion that says our influence has waned, that America is in decline. We’ve heard that talk before.”

Yup, war is ended, just because we choose not to admit that there are people trying to kill us by the buckets full of blood. We’re still the leader of the free world just because we say so, even though we haven’t done anything successful in the past four years to lead anyone towards anything constructive. And just because this administration refuses to admit that there have been real terrorist attacks between our shores, that means they haven’t happened. Just because an old intelligence estimate says that Iran isn’t building nuclear weapons, well, they aren’t.

Mostly, when talk started that “America is in decline” we elected leaders who stopped that process from happening. I can’t get out of mind his speech to the American Legion Convention last September when he told the congregation that he wouldn’t balance the budget on the backs of veterans while his administration was planning to do just that. His words never match reality, just how you should perceive his reality.

But, then I’m probably just a racist. And mad enough to spit.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Military issues

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Bob Hope would have had a lot of fun with that.


“Of the four wars in my lifetime, none came about because the United States was too strong.” -Ronaldus Maximus

Someone seems to want to ignore that fact, and it’s going to cost us American lives again.


Our dear leader has told the cadets that they will now be the world’s police, the world’s charity arm, etc. while his administration works to de-nut the military.


Say it with me fingers in ears, “la la la la la la la”


@2: Yeah, the same Reagan who invaded Grenada without a plan, cut and ran from Lebanon, sold/traded Arms to Iran for hostages (sometimes the trades produced nothing in return), and funded the Contras, all while concealing most of these actions from the public/Congress. The same Reagan who raised taxes and the debt ceiling multiple times. Yeah, how is this guy even welcomed in the GOP now? Look up what Newt Gingrich said about him after Iran-Contra. Sure is different now…some kind of hagiography you guys have pulled off with help from the golden EIB microphone.


Ben, did you consult with Media Matters before you put out that tripe?


25 years since he left office, and he still pisses liberals off. That’s all I need to know.


“The president said a disappearing “dark cloud of war” will mean a less strained and better prepared military, and more use of other U.S. power – diplomatic, economic and humanitarian.” The stress will still be there, and, if anything, amplified. We are looking at significant cuts for manning and equipping in the next few years, and an expansion of capabilities through the cuts. I fully expect the military to also be a key component in any use of his other “US powers”. I don’t see a successful use of the “humanitarian” power (I can’t seem to find that one in any of my FMs, JPs, or national strategies) without military involvement, and ditto for several variants of diplomatic endeavors. We’ll see how many of those new officers are still wearing AF blue in 5 years, and that will be a pretty good indicator of the stresses instituted by the current administration.


-Ronaldus Maximus
Has a very inspiring libray.
Got an unexpected opportunity to visit while TDY for a course.
AF1 was some tight quarters.
Staff was awsome as were were still in uniform.


*SPIT* and yes, I have been called raaaacist since BHO moved in to 1600…



Yat Yas 1833

Just saw this on Fox News (Megyn Kelly is a HOTTIE!) and thought I was watching the Comedy Channel!? I hope some of your really smart guys will help me understand how we will have a “less strained and better prepared military” while he’s gutting our military budget?!? What worries me is I have two nephews, one that is like my own son, serving now. I want to know they will have all the training and equipment needed to accomplish their missions and come home safe.


I’m sure Bite Me will give the same speech at my son’s graduation at West Point on Saturday. So not looking forward to listening to him.

B Woodman

Crap like this (along with DADT, BS ROE’s, budget and manpower cuts, etc) are why I actively discourage any youth I talk to from joining the current military.


No. 13 Mr. Biermann — Hearty Congratulations to your son, and, to you !!