“Do it for Trayvon Martin”

| May 3, 2012

Kevin sends us a link to a Fox News article about two Norfolk, VA reporters for the Virginia-Pilot, Dave Forster and Marjon Rostami who were leaving a concert one night in Norfolk. Near their car were about 100 people gathered on the sidewalk. When they got in the car, of course, they locked their doors. One of the people threw a rock at the car and Forster got out to confront the vandal (yeah, big mistake), so he got his ass beat. When Rostami tried to haul his macho ass back in the car, she got her ass beat, too.

So they took a week off from work to recover from their injuries. Another reporter, Michelle Washington , wrote an article about the incident. She went so far as to find “Tweets” about the crime that she found on the internet;

The day after the attack Forster searched Twitter and found a chilling tweet Washington wrote.

“I feel for the white man who got beat up at the light,” one person wrote.

“I don’t,” wrote another, indicating laughter. ‘(do it for trayvon martin) (sic)”

“Were Forster and Rostami beaten in some kind of warped, vigilante retribution for a killing 750 miles away, a person none of them knew?” Washington wrote. “Was it just bombast? Is a beating funny, ever?”

A police spokesman tells Fox News that the incident is still under investigation and they are also looking at whoever wrote the tweet. But as of now – the case is still a simple assault – and does not rise to the level of a hate crime.

Washington wrote that police seemed dismissive when they arrived at the crime scene, telling the injured Rostami to “shut up and get in the car.”

“Both said the officer did not record any names of witnesses who stopped to help,” Washington wrote. Rostami said the officer told them the attackers were ‘probably juveniles anyway. What are we going to do? Find their parents and tell them?”

So why weren’t the reporters armed? It’s Virginia, a “shall issue” state. I’ll admit the doofus never should have tried to impress his girlfriend by confronting 100 thugs…unarmed, no less…but he wasn’t “asking for it” any more than scantily clad women on a dark street is “asking for” rape.

Category: Society

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If they’re city people and lifelong liberals, they may never have actually held a gun in their hands before. It’s more common than you might think among the blue state mentality.


There’s no need to be armed, all the people who live in the area around where I work and go to concerts look like the guy I voted for for president.



C’mon, Joe, insipid – please weigh in here. I’d love to year your “take” on this one.


I imagine they’ll either be armed soon, or consult the few brain cells they have left for the reason they “deserved” to be attacked, ala Robert Fisk.


Not sure which is the greater crime here – the fact that it was under reported by the cops or the media itself. Generally the media makes a huge stink out of anything that happens to one of their own.

Mystifying. No big deal when a group attacks a couple of folks in a car?? (Should the age/race/anything concerning either the thugs or the victims matter?)


Now if it were the other way around, white mob beating blacks… you know the deal.


And another thing – whatever happened to equal protection?

(OK. Will return to the cave with the rest of the neanderthals.)


Freedom of the press… to be idiots. Would you give either one a gun after that display of tactical acumen?


Yes. Anyone can be naive and idealistic, Elric. But I suspect these two now are neither.


Media liars getting the hell beat out of them by THEIR SIDE?

I love it!

Good for the cop, too – let the pantywastes rot – they don’t need protection.


Rostami said the officer told them the attackers were ‘probably juveniles anyway. What are we going to do? Find their parents and tell them?”

I’ve known plenty of cops and parents of bratty teenagers like that who have that same high and mighty attitude…back when I was still in school and now. Because apparently being 16, 17, and 18 years old in no way means you should have by now sprouted a brain and have learned to exercise a some common sense.

Is it any wonder why this country is going to hell in a handbasket?


@#1… Well, as liberals I’m sure they’ve “held” their share of “guns”, but moist likely never a weapon. 😉


It gets better… rumor has it the “lady” was stepping out on her…boyfriend who …..get this…does the Crime Beat portion for the same paper! She didn’t wanna fuss and clue him in that she was with another dude…..

You know those “rumors”….


@ Hondo … I luv does too guyz. Jo and instupid … day r real smaht peepels … you can du alot wit a GED and a computr and comen cents and tings.

Yat Yas 1833

@11 gi_janearng. This must be a new phenomena, 40 years ago, our ‘beat cop’, Officer Melody knew that the worst thing he could do to us was take us home in his squad car with the “cherry” flashing. I would rather have gone to juvenile hall than be taken home like that ’cause I knew dad was gonna be PISSED! When dad was pissed it meant an a$$ beating with the leather strap he called a belt.

As a minority, I’m Mexican, it pisses me off because people don’t look at those of us who have succeeded, they look at the thugs who are on the evening news. They don’t see me, wearing designer clothes leaving city hall for lunch, they remember the punks and thugs blocking traffic protesting SB 1070. They remember the gang bangers on the 5 o’clock news having a shoot out where a 5 year old bystander is hit, not the fact I sit 20 ft from the Director of the largest department (Public Works) of the 6th largest city in the US, who happens to know my name.

I’ll get off my soapbox now.


Just saw this over at the American Power blog…

“Turns out that the publisher of the Virginian-Pilot was recently confirmed as Deputy Secretary of Housing and Urban Development in the Obama administration.”

Ya don’t say.



Heh. Isn’t that interesting!?

Country Boy

That group of heathen wouldn’t even think of trying some shit like this at the other end of the state… if they want to find out how Tough they are I suggest they come on over to Bath or Highland coubty and try to jump some good ol’ country boy and see if they can make it to the county line without any extra holes


[…] police have made a single arrest in the case of the mob beating of two Virginian-Pilot reports we talked about yesterday. Police arrested the suspect this morning, but authorities will not release his name due to his […]


To No. 11 gi_janearng :
“Is it any wonder why this country is going to hell in a handbasket?”

No, it is NOT a wonder —
the gov’t-funded COLLEGES and LOWER SCHOOLS have brain-poisoned much of the populace, and it will get worse until PRIVATE education is free of the current GOV’T MOB MONOPOLY (which includes the NEA, and the Dept. “Education”) .


“…he wasn’t “asking for it” any more than scantily clad women on a dark street is “asking for” rape.”

Or any more than Trayvon Martin was asking to be shot.


Interesting. Gee, I didn’t realize you were an eyewitness to the Martin shooting, HM2 FMF-SW Ret. When are you scheduled to testify?

My point: each of us can speculate – but unless you were there, neither you nor I actually know what happened. It’s entirely possible that Zimmerman’s story is true, that the shooting was justified, and that he’s being prosecuted by an ambitious DA trying to further his political future. (Remember the Duke lacrosse players?) It’s also possible that Zimmerman’s lying, that he shot Martin in cold blood, and is justly prosecuted, and deserves whatever he gets. Or maybe the truth is something in between.

That’s kinda why they’re having Zimmerman’s trial – to make that call.