Anti-Obama Marine faces Separation Board

| March 28, 2012

We first wrote about Marine Sergeant Gary Stein nearly two years ago when it was first reported that the Marine Sergeant thought that his political views took precedence over his career opportunities. Then we mentioned him the other day when the Marine Corps decided to make an example of him. In the interim, the Marine Corps warned Stein that his activities on line in regards to his open opposition to the President were in violation of Marine Corps and DoD policy, yet, because he’s a certified shithouse lawyer, Stein decided that he wasn’t in violation with policy and continued his behavior. Finally, he announced to his audience that he’d disregard orders that his superiors issued, if he thought those orders were illegal. Having already demonstrated his skills as a shithouse lawyer, we have an idea how that would have turned out, don’t we?

Anyway, the Military Times reports that suddenly, Stein is worried about his career;

Earlier this month, on another Facebook page for Marine weather forecasters, Stein said he would not follow certain order given by the commander in chief. This started off a renewed scrutiny of Stein, and the possibility he will be removed from service.

Despite all this, Stein has said he plans to continue updating the page, even as he faces an other than honorable discharge.

“I can be reduced in rank to a lance corporal, lose VA benefits and be forced to turn in my uniform,” Stein told Marine Corps Times after receiving word of his possible discharge. “I’m worried. I’ve got a family. I love the Marine Corps.”

He can’t love the Marine Corps as much as he loves shooting off his mouth, because he hasn’t stopped updating his opinions. Funny, but the military isn’t like civilian law enforcement. When the Marines tell you that continued bad behavior will result in punishment, they’re not kidding.

But don’t worry, SGT Stein, I’m sure that Stuart Rhodes will let you live in his basement until you get your life straightened out. You’ll learn how far that Oathkeepers Brotherhood bullshit goes, won’t you?

Category: Marine Corps, Oath Keepers

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Our military never has been, nor should it ever be a fully democratic institution. “Free speech” is limited for a lot of very good reasons….chief among them: discipline.


Is it discipline or more like ‘dissension breeds risk’?


I bet he’s trying the old “I never read that in the order… show me where it says that in the order” defense.


we fight for a system that doesnt allow us the very freedoms we die for. The counter argument is we all knew what we were getting into. at the end of the day he shouldnt have done what he did. if he felt compelled to fight for freedom of speech for service members he should have done so in the correct manner. Some love Obama and some hate the guy. SO WHAT! lol

Yat Yas 1833

IMHO, this $h1t started when they changed recruit training from the ‘abuse’ that used to be meted out to today’s “kinder gentler” Marine Corps. I remember getting slugged at least once weekly, I remember missing at least one meal weekly, I remember getting “thrashed” at least once daily when a member of my squad screwed up. You learned instant obedience to orders, if you thought something might be wrong, you questioned it AFTER you obeyed the order. Thank God I’m “Old Corps”!


Dumbass…All his “Supporters” out there, I hope they stand up and help him out when he gets out. He is going to need it. Disobeying a Lawful Order does not look good on your resume. If you are told to cease your activities, and if you feel that is incorrect you go to JAG and let the real attornies deal with it. Again, he is a dumbass


Looks like the USMC is getting the zamboni warmed up.

Those self-inflicted cal .45 or 9mm holes in the foot hurt, don’t they?

Old Tanker

I can’t help but think of the contrast, if this shitbird had done this to Bush they would be singing his praises, holding fundraisers, and all night vigils (Bradly Manning anyone) and what Manning did was far worse. But here, Sgt Stein gets not one word of support. Bet he’s not getting any on the left either…..

Old Tanker

…..oh, and to be clear, I’m in agreement with everyone here. He asked for it himself…..flatdick…


Where the name, play the game.


Hey, wait a second! What’s with the LEO jabs here?! I resemble that remark. OK, yeah, I’ve seen more than a few of my fellow officers in the civilian law enforcement community who should never have had a second chance, or third, or seventh. But I digress.

I remember as a young soldier running PT when one member of my platoon made up a cadence about Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky. He was smoked so hard I got tired. And he got the chance to tell his funny joke to the First Sergeant too. The point was made to the rest of us though. You might not like the CINC, but you will follow him. Period.

Joseph Brown

I remember a whole lot of ex-nazis swinging on the end of a rope shortly after they said they were just following orders.


Joseph Brown: very true – but here, also very irrelevant.

An order to quit publicly posting, as a serving member of the military, material that can reasonably be considered a statement of intent to disobey future orders is hardly an unlawful order. And it’s also hardly in the same class of behavior as those for which those ex-Nazi’s were executed. Failing to obey an order is simply not in the same class of misbehavior as mass murder.

Irrelevant examples undermine your argument, son. That’s called the non sequitur fallacy.


The only thing I can take from this entire thread is OT saying “flatdick”.

Well done, sir. Well done.


Old Trooper – gotta ask. Is the origin of the “flatdick” reference by any chance the old Cheech & Chong “Judge Gladys Dykes” bailiff bit?


Oops. Sorry – that should be “Old Tanker” vice “Old Trooper”. My apologies.


Facebook, twitter, all these ‘social network’ sites have done nothing but further dumb down the masses and make everyone and their cousins think they are more important than they really are.

These self important and self indulgent loozars need to drink a huge mug of STFU and do their jobs.

Old Tanker

Flat dick is the condition you remain in if you keep stepping on your dick over and over…..


Makes sense to me. (In the old C&C routine, the judge tells the bailiff to “whack” a pervert’s “PP” at the end of a hearing.)


Sgt Stein sure did dig a deep hole for himself:

“The remarks at issue have since been removed from Facebook. But in an account he gave the San Diego Union-Tribune newspaper, Stein paraphrased himself as stating: “I say screw Obama. I will not follow orders given by him to me.”

Stein said he later clarified online that he meant he would not follow “unlawful orders” from the president, the commander in chief of the U.S. armed forces.”

He also posted comments about Obama on an internal weather-related network.

Not right bright.


Looks like the tool was also stupid enough to photoshop the POTUS’ face onto “Jackass” and a “The Incredibles” movie posters – the latter of which he altered to read “The Horribles”. And it looks like the board recommended an OTH discharge for him.

From AP, so take it with a grain of salt.


[…] about some consistency April 6th, 2012 You’ve all seen how I condemned Marine Sergeant Gary Stein for continuing to run his mouth on his keyboard on his Facebook page and making stupid threats […]


[…] Freedom Works April 9th, 2012 While it’s wrong that Stein will probably be discharged for his indiscretions against the current President, it’s also wrong that Freedom Works, Dick […]