| March 28, 2012

Claymore sent this link from The Blaze which, in their Schoolhouse Rock cartoon version of the history of the youth vote, MTV’s Rock the Vote depicts the Army as a huge machine, driven by a skeleton, that chews up potential draftees and spits them out as flag-draped coffins;

Let’s get some statistics straight here. 3.4 million Americans served in Vietnam, of those, 648,500 were draftees – that’s 19% of the service members who served in or off-shore of Vietnam were drafted. Of the 58,000 who were killed there, 30 percent or 17,725 were draftees – that’s less than 3% of the total number of draftees who served in Vietnam. I know that’s different from the version most people hear and believe from their hippie-f*ck teachers, but statistics mean something.

And, oh, by the way, according to VFW research, 97% of people who served in Vietnam were honorably discharged, and 91% of veterans who actually served in Vietnam are proud of their service in Vietnam.

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I would expect nothing less from the network that inflicted Jersey Shore on the nation.


I was looking for a Bill Clinton caricature running from the Army machine, but I guess he was too fast and slick to be caught. Thanks for posting this shit… it keeps me informed (since I don’t watch MTV) and pisses me off at the same time. Now I can better understand why people are so fucked up.


This borders on pure propaganda and perpetuates the myth that military service is nothing but assured death for those that serve. It’s sickening.


Jonn: great stats. Could you ID the source so that the rest of us can use/cite them educate a leftist tool or several?

Old Trooper

I expect nothing more from the MTV assholes. I didn’t even know the channel still existed. They quit being relavant back in the late 80’s.


OT, that’s pretty much right. I thought the ‘M’ used to stand for ‘music’ but all they have on now are program after program of the most vile horseshit you can imagine.



Thanks. Those could come in very useful in the future should I need to educate a libidiot on Vietnam.

Of course, that attempt will probably be tantamount to arguing with a fence post . . . except that the fence post would have more common sense.


As a younger Vet, let me just say, that MTV started to really really suck when they shitcanned Ricky Rackman and the original Headbanger’s Ball with no cause or reason!


The most galling thing to me is that they perpetuate this stuff while also dramatizing the “plight” of the so-called 99 percent who demand government help. But then you have a government branch, ie military service, that offers literally free education/loan repayment and other benefits for a few years of service in any military job that a person is willing to sign a contract. I’m not sure how one can paint the military with one dramatic brush like in this video, and just ignore the fact that someone can serve as a pencil pusher for a few years — maybe get shot at/mortared if the situation calls for it — but come out with an education at the university of his/her choice.


I’m going to have to stop checking this blog while I’m on vacation, because this bullshit is upsetting.


Like I needed another thing to effing be pissed about. Tools. That is all they are and all they will remain!!
(tax season sucks!)


The out of control bullshit of these sponge brained mental midgets just never ceases. My stepdaughter just hated me in her tween and teen years because I had it blocked.


Wait! Isn’t that Rush Limbaugh, Dick Cheney and Don Rumsfeld he is chasing? Looks like Clinton got away with one try but this thing just keeps catching back up with them. Happily, they will get away in the end to become the armchair patriots we love so well.

El Marco

from Stripes:

Private: I enlisted before I was drafted.

DI: Son, there ain’t no draft.

Private: There was one….


They should have put John Kerry driving the machine. We’d have Purple Hearts and Silver Stars flying out of the back instead of coffins.

Honor and Courage

B Woodman

#7 Claymore,
Let’s not put down horseshit. At least horseshit can be turned into useful fertilizer to help our lawn, trees, garden & other plants grow.
Show me the same from MTV.


According to Kerry, he was driving the machine.


@Lucky. I know man that sucked. That show was great. MTV brought it back in the 2000s with Jamie Jasta from hatebreed hosting but then they took it off the air again. Garbage station

Powerpoint Ranger


You might want to brush up on your history (as in, take the time to actually go and read some). Rumsfeld was a Navy Pilot in the 1960s and retired from the Naval Reserves as an O-6.

Zero Ponsdorf

Thanks Jonn!


Can we call libel/slander??


My bad, Ranger. I got more respect for him now.


So only folks who “served” are worthy of respect? Yeah, right. ‘Cause no one was ever medically disqualified when they tried. Or were not allowed to enlist because of what they were doing as a civilian.

But by all means, let’s play this silly game of “my guy is magically more worthy than your guy” without regard to any real accomplishments. And let’s play it over and over and over again.


I don’t care what your political persuasion is, those that went are more patriotic than those who could have but didn’t. If you are talking about Limbaugh’s pilonidal cyst, I worked in an Army hospital for a year and a half in the states. One of our more frequent surgeries was fixing pilonidal cysts on draftees getting ready to go to Vietnam. It can bet they didn’t have a lawyer daddy with friends on the draft board.


MTV jumped the shark around 1990 when they started that “Real World” bullshit, which was nothing more than taking a bunch of emotional drama queens, throwing them all together, and filming it.


@Sparky 1/2 agree, 1/2 disagree

I liked “The Real World” when it first started out in 1992. How I was able to watch it as long as I did amazes me today.

In the beginning, it was all about “7 strangers living together” etc. It wasn’t until about 1996 when I noticed things started to change. The producers started to have more of a hand in steering the direction of the show; i.e. giving the cast “jobs” and manipulating situations to create drama in the house.

This included a fully stocked liquor cabinet in every house, which the college age cast took to like bees to honey. That and they started casting housemates who were less Average Joe and looked more like lingerie models. (Not like there is anything wrong with that. We all need eye candy once in a while to keep the ratings up).

By the late 90’s and into the new century, the show degenerated into what basically became a 4 month long party for a cast of wannabe actors and drama queens, who simply see it as their springboard to mainstream fame and fortune.

Gotta hand it to them though. They really know how to stretch their 15 minutes like turkey meat.

Cedo Alteram

MTV went down hill when they gradually removed videos, starting in the late 80s. I remember reading somewhere that when their first show “remote control” was a success, is when they slowing began removing videos.

When I was a teenager because beside all the stupid Documdramas they began showing, the music of the era was gangsta rap and grunge. It sucked! Maybe thats why I never watched MTV as a teen or adult. I just remember being a little kid in the early 80s(born 1980) fondly watching the early incarnation and not the later crap.

#9 Headbanger’s Ball was pretty lame, just not as bad as Yo MTV raps. Never cared for either.

As for the commercial above Jonn, what did you expect? This is the Rock the Vote program pushed by the hip leftest MTV. No worries, most of these “entertainers” will be forgotten in 18 months. They aren’t required to think, just spew.


[…] these stats from This Ain’t Hell Let’s get some statistics straight here. 3.4 million Americans served in Vietnam, of those, […]


Ah yes, Rock the Vote. Oh, and let’s not forget Puff Daddy…errr P. Diddy….errr whatever he’s calling himself these days. Remember the “Vote or Die” thing leading up to the 2004 Election?

Yeah, and by “Vote,” we mean “Vote for John Kerry.” Cause if you don’t…..you gonna Die. And by “Die,” I mean I’m gonna wipe you out myself. See this Voter Registration Form you filled out? I know where you LIVE now!!! You don’t Vote for John Kerry, I’m gonna come to yo House and Pop-A-Cap-In-Yo-Ass!!!


MTV: The Douchebaggery Network

Yat Yas 1833

Anonymous, I call it the “Mierda” (Spanish for Shiite) Talking “Vergas” (Spanish for d1ck).