Tea Party Marine’s speech “chilled”

| April 15, 2010

TSO sent this link to an article about a Marine at Camp Pendelton who has been counseled by his supervisors about his Facebook group “Armed Forces Tea Party Patriots“.

After his superiors at Camp Pendleton learned of it and that he was slated to appear on MSNBC to talk about it, they directed him to sit down and review Defense Department policy that governs what political activities are acceptable for members of the armed forces.

Stein said he agrees with that policy and will abide by the limits it sets, which include barring troops from taking part in partisan political fundraising or using the uniform to influence an election. They also prohibit soliciting votes for a particular party and taking part in any radio or television broadcast as an advocate for or against a candidate or cause.

“The last 24 hours has been a learning experience and I know a lot more about the directive and will continue to moderate the page and stick within the guidelines,” he said.

The Marines emphasize that SGT Stein is not being disciplined or investigated. But the ACLU was prompted to weigh in;

“The ACLU strongly supports the First Amendment rights of service members to discuss and critique the government’s policies and conduct,” the organization said in a written statement. “Speech on issues of social and political concern is recognized by the courts, including military courts, as “the core of what the First Amendment is designed to protect.”

The Marine Corps was prompted to curtail Stein’s activities after an interview in TPMMuckraker during which Stein declared;

“People in the military need to be heard,” the group’s prime organizer, Gary Stein — a Marine Corps sergeant stationed at Camp Pendleton in southern California — told TPMmuckraker in an interview. “Our opinions do count.”

Many people in the military “feel like they can’t speak out against Obama or Congress,” said Stein. “The armed forces should have a little bit more say than we think we do,” he said.

Stein also mentioned that he is a firm supporter of Oath Keepers.

ADDED: I don’t really fault Oath Keeper members for their membership in the organization. Oath Keepers’ basic message is seductive to members of the military, LEOs and First Responders. I fault Stewart Rhodes for not being upfront with his intentions and political aspirations. If he were, the membership would flee in droves.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Military issues, Oath Keepers

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He had me, right up to that last line. Oath Keepers–sheesh.


Even so, “hate speech” being what it is these days…

Luigi Vuoto

So the ACLU is sticking up for our rights to speak? I thought we were supposed to hate the ACLU!

Now I’m confused.

And I thought April 15 was supposed to be the Super Bowl of tea party protests. I haven’t seen more than a few thousand protesters in one place today. Even Fox News is saying that there are only a few thousand in Washington DC, which is Ground Zero! I’m starting to wonder if there are as many tea party supporters as we were told.


As a Marine class of ’60 I always distrusted officers. Passed a chance to be one. Thought they were all pols with promontion their sole interest (of course there is always the 10%) so this is not surprising.


Wake up Luigi, there are thousands of Tea Party events across the country involving millions of people. I did notice that there are enough in D.C. to flush the POS POTUS all the way to Florida.


If they start enforcing the no ‘politics’ laws against the military when will they go after the 501 tax exempt weenies who are prohibited from supporting any person or party by IRS laws. I belong to a 501 organization and no member is allowed to use our facility for political meetings. An outsider can book it for any purpose but no member can. I’d report them to the IRS myself and they would lose the exemption.


Where the SGT screwed up was that he created the group. It specifically states we are not allowed to create a partizan group.

We can take part in one but not as a member of the Armed Forces, ie, you can not say “I am a memeber of the US Military and I support X”.

I think he got off lightly. His command could have been very dickish about the whole thing.


Scrapiron, #5 is right on. If he can’t see them, they don’t exist. I’m sure he got stroked by Gibbs and the other jerks on his way back to DC in AF1.
When there are protests all over the country, it necessarily cuts down on the attendance in DC. It’s just amazing that so many people who actually work got out and protested.


Armed Forces Tea Party Patriots group is back up (or is up again, as it is a new site). Another person has picked up the flag and carried on. Over 4000+ members so far.


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