Social Security declares “adult baby” no fraud

| October 20, 2011

We discussed this numbnuts before – Stanley Thornton Jr. who has been living from Social Security checks because of his inability to work since he lives in a diaper. Well, Social Security has determined that he’s not a fraud that his monthly checks will continue;

Stanley Thornton Jr. now wants an apology from Sen. Tom Coburn, the Oklahoma Republican who called for the benefit review because the investigation disrupted the final months of life for his roommate Sandra Dias, who playacted as his mother, spoon-feeding him and helping him into his baby clothes until her death in July.

“We recently reviewed the evidence in your Social Security disability claim and find that your disability is continuing,” the agency said in an August letter that Mr. Thornton posted on the website he maintains to document his adult baby lifestyle.

Yet veterans’ benefits are on the chopping block = how many millions of others are there who shouldn’t be getting a dime of taxpayer dollars for their manufactured “maladies” – their choices, but Congress is ready to make veterans pay.

Stanley should STFU before he really qualifies for disability.

Category: Shitbags

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What’s next, we are going to sponsor some guy getting tied up by a dominatrix or giving someone a sex change on the government dime? I could care less if some dude wants to wear diapers, but how the hell is he able to con the SSI people into paying him disability for something he does for a fetish?

Adirondack Patriot

He’s no fraud. He’s the role model for every “Occupy Wall Street” protestor.


And yet 1-people wonder why we’re broke, and 2-why so many people are pissed off at the government.


#1 With the repeal of DADTDP, and the enforced acceptance of homosexuality in the military, it is not a stretch by any means to say that the next step in military medicine is gender reassignment.

Senator Coburn is a class act, and an actual medical doctor, not a bureaucrat playing one – don’t believe the apology will be forthcoming.


The Death of the Grown Up is definitely on my reading list.

Personally, I think that most of our nation’s problems stem from a certain unwillingness to grow up, to accept the responsibilities of being adults.

Some might attribute it to the glorification of the youth culture. People who never want to grow up tend to exhibit behaviors that–when spread across the stratum of society–tend to bring us all down.


It’s time for Jonn’s word again.

SHITBAG. I was so angry after reading this, I had to go read the thread on “…Ballduster vs. Soup Sandwich…” to feel better.



PN said Depends


Baby Huey (my apologies to the venerable UH-1H and its predecessors) builds his own adult-sized baby furniture. He and his late mommy were both living on disablity payments. Baby Huey threatened suicide if he was cut off disability. Baby Huey’s account of the investigation is all the story gives us because Baby Huey will not sign a release and let the SSA talk about it. Since mommy began her dirt nap, Baby Huey somehow has managhed to feed himself and change his own diapers–when he’s not making furniture, that is. Crazy, crazy stuff. What a waste of a life and our tax dollars.

Doc Bailey

I love how SS just got a bump in pay but vets get a bump in costs.

Just Plain Jason

Anger level rising…
I just got fired because of my disability, no shit service manager at the dealership told me to my face, and this asswad is getting paid. If I wouldn’t end up in jail I would make him earn his disability check… Hey the VA doesn’t want to pay for extra psychiatrists so I get to see mine every four months,,,if I am lucky.


So sorry to hear about your firing Jason. Have you tried contacting a lawyer?