Not a poser, but a wienie nonetheless

| October 20, 2011

Our buddy, Ringo sent us these pictures he took of a guy who looks legitimate at the Occupy LA protest. He’s wearing a 35th Infantry crest, so if he was with them, he was in Afghanistan in 2004 – even then, he was probably the oldest Specialist in the history of the Army.

I don’t think it’s standard for the 25th Division to wear a pony-tail with their uniform, though.

Category: I hate hippies

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Sharp as a marble.


Sharp as a sack full of wet Mice…

Mr Wolf

No campaign ribbons? No ribbons for activity in theater? I think this is a poser… plus, it appears the branch rifles are incorrectly placed; the US is right, but the other isn’t.

A Marble is lost…


I’m not sure the Afghan campaign ribbon was awarded early on, or came later.

He’s certainly not the oldest E-4, have you seen some of the NG guys?

Mr Wolf

There has been a campaign ribbon since ’03 or earlier for AFG, and at least ’04 for IZ. As long as you’ve served there, you can wear either or both, plus some wear the GWOT medal as well.


I was awarded my Afghan Campaign Ribbon around 2005, and that was for the previous year, so they were issuing them back then, I call BULLSHIT


I got my Afghan ribbon in 2005 for being there 2003-4, and the 25th was there in 2004. Before then it the GWOT Expeditionary Medal (?).


IIRC, April 2005 was the cutoff for the GWOT-E being worn for service in Iraq or Afghanistan. Those that served in theater prior to that date could elect to wear either the GWOT-E or the specific campaign medal. Of course, those who served more than one tour could wear both if they elect to do so, but both are not authorized for the same deployment. I researched this exhaustively back in 2005, when my 1SG put out bad info. According to a little FAQ tucked away on HRC, those of us who deployed to Kuwait for OEF and served 30 days there prior to 19 March 2003 are the only ones authorized to wear both for a single deployment. As with the PUC and ASUA, I was hesitant to wear ribbons without having confirmation of being authorized them in hand.

Campaign stars are also affected by this; a Soldier cannot wear campaign stars for an earlier deployment for which they already wear the GWOT-E.

In short, so long as he deployed prior to April 2005, he is “right”, at least as far as his awards are concerned.


I recently updated the links for both of the medals so that might help.


Mr Wolf

He has neither campaign ribbons, nor NDSM. So I’m curious…

Mr Wolf

Oh, and the unit ribbons? Likely, he wasn’t IN the units when they got those awards, so those should be off as well; if he WAS, then he’d have the campaign ribbons to go with them that led to the unit getting the awards.


Refresh my memory, or if you have an AR670-1 handy. Is the brass rank supposed be worn on the shirt when the coat is worn? I thought that was only if is worn without the jacket, but I could be wrong.

Scouts Out

Mr. Wolf, were you actually IN the army for more than two minites? His uniform is legit. His NDSM is right there smack in the middle between his GCM and his GWOT-E. As others have mentioned he is authorized either the GWOT-E or the ACM. As for the unit awards, google the regimental affiliation system, so long as he’s affiliated with that unit, which he automatically would be if it was his first, he is authorized to wear those as well.


So, what’s up with what appears to be a Canadian Forces beret? That’s what it looks like, not Army issue.


Notice how his DUI and his Regimental Crest are the same thing? Yeahhhhhhh, FAKE!!!

Scouts Out

Lucky, what are you referring to? Him wearing the same 4 duis. I’ve saw that plenty of times when I was on AD. You’re really grasping at straws.


@12 – SPC and below wear the brass rank on the collar. CPL + wear it on the epaullets (sp). They are worn with the jacket (Class A) vs just Class B’s.


Scouts Out, his Regimental Crest, above his unit awards, that is typically NOT the same, at least in my nine years in the Army, as most, plus the pony tail, and the CIB all adding up to scream FAKE to me. How is that grasping at straws?


Then there is the matter of the GWOT SVC and GWOT EXP, according to AR670-1 you cannot have both


He is wrong period in that wear of the uniform is not authorized at protest and especially not authorized when one is no longer serving in the US Army. AR 670-1 is pretty specific on wear of the uniform post service. It also specific that the wear of the Army Uniform is prohibited at demonstrations… So regardless of what this assclown earned or did not earn, he should not be wearing that uniform at all. Not in that situation anyhow.


He’s wrong to wear the uniform at a demonstration, but if he has ETS’s what does he care about any AR? The AR police aren’t going to come and get him. WRT the DUI and regimental crests, a lot of soldiers who do one enlistment only served in one unit, so their affiliation and current/last unit of assignment are the same. WRT to the GWOT service, GWOT expeditionary, ICM, and ACM, I am a walking, breathing example that someone can be awarded and wear all four – GWOT service for stateside service supporting the GWOT from 2002-2003, ICMs for 2005 and 2009, ACM for 2007, GWOT expedition for 60 cumulative days in the CENTCOM AOR outside of Iraq and Afghanistan from 2008-2010.


I wore my 4 dui on my class “A”‘s for years. Now Non Infantry guysn(signal, qm, etc. wore their Branch regiment and the Unit DUI


#19 lucky: for Guard and Reserve, yes – you can. If one is called up and served as airport security, for example, one gets the GWOT Service Medal. Later, if called up and sent to A-stan, Iraq, or HOA, then the GWOT EM is appropriate. Although, most folks would wear the A-stan or Iraq ribbons if appropriate.

Technically, it is possible to wear all four medals legally, as Bobo attests.


Lucky, you’re wrong in both of your comments:

Comment #18- A member of the combat arms is allowed to affiliate with any regiment in their branch, per AR 600-82:

(1) All active Army soldiers are required to affiliate with a regiment. Although affiliation is mandatory, the choice of regiment is left up to the individual. Officers who are single-tracked in a Functional Area will affiliate with a regiment associated with their basic combat arms branch. Functional Area officers who have no basic branch will submit request for regimental affiliation using procedures outlined below. Regimental affiliation is based on the Army branch associated with a soldier’s PMOS or specialty. AR 670–1 contains a listing of all PMOS and corresponding branches for each. Army recruiters who have been assigned the SQI“4” will affiliate with a regiment associated with their PMOS. Recruiters or retention noncommissioned officers (NCOs) will be affiliated with The Adjutant General Corps. Regimental affiliation may be changed at any time; however, the regimental selection must be associated with the soldier’s PMOS or specialty.

(2) All combat arms officers and soldiers will affiliate with a regiment upon arrival at their first unit of assignment. These Soldiers will be affiliated with their regiment of assignment unless they voluntarily select another. Combat arms officers and soldiers whose initial Army assignment is not to a regimental unit may defer selection until they are so assigned.

A junior enlisted 11B at their first permanent duty station would almost certainly be assigned the affiliated regiment of than unit so they would wear the same DUI on their chest, epaulettes, and beret flash.

Comment #19: You’re incorrect in your reading of AR 670-1. A servicemember may be awarded both the GWOT SVC and GWOT-EXP. However, they may not be awarded a GWOT EXP and a campaign medal for the same deployment (except for certain circumstances that are not common). The guy in question could wear either the GWOT EXP or the Afghan Campaign Medal w/ one start.


Odds are he’s out, which explains the ponytail. That would also explain the age/rank issue. If he got out in 2005 or 2006 and had enlisted “later in life” as many did following 9/11 SPC isn’t an inconceivable rank achievement.

It does raise the question though, is it considered stolen valor to wear the uniform after you are out? I get that you aren’t bound by the regulations that would prevent you from wearing it to such events, but are you entitled to wear the class-a’s after you are out?

Scouts Out

Bobo do you know where I can find regs regarding which AORs and time periods the GWOT-E is eligible for? I did some time in Kuwait after 9/11. We were awarded AFEMs gor it but later I heard a rumor that we also qualified for the Gwot-E. I never heard anything official so I didnt wear it for that. Plenty of guys did and list on alongside their icms and gwots. I’d like to know if theyre wrong or if its me.

Scouts Out

SGTKANE I douby, if that was the case every vet and memorial day parade would be practically ollehal.

Scouts Out

I cant type. I meant to say I doubt it and illegal. Sorry.


Well I stand corrected then, but that still doesn’t not make him a Matthis wannabe

Scouts Out

He might be a douche but I doubt he’s fake. Aside from his crossed rifles being oriented wrong everything else on the uniform is imho correct and believable. His individual and unit ribbons are all in right places and he’s not wearing anything too crazy. If he is a fake then he’s done a damn good job because most of them mess up damn near everything.

Just Plain Jason

Douche yes, fake ?
I guess he feels that wearing his uniform somehow adds legitmacy to this big bunch of asshattery. Unfortunately, he is just making it look like all of us are a bunch of asshats and douches. In his mind he is doing nothing wrong, and if we pulled him aside and did an on the spot correction who konws what it would do… Leave the uniforms at home kids.


Scouts Out #26 – here’s the press release: I’m sure that HRC has orders on their web site somewhere. Kuwait is one of my GWOT-E countries. I don’t know how that would work with the AFEM, though. You would probably get to choose between the AFEM and GWOT-E, but not wear both. I’m sure that some G-1 type on here can fill you in.

Doc Bailey

This guy looks legit. But a really OLD spc. That Grey at the temple is probably meaning he’s mid to late 30’s which would mean that he enlisted when he was pretty old. the unit awards are correct I think. 2/35 is in 3rd bde 25th, 1/35 is in 1st bde i think. they’ve re-flagged everything around.

still taking a shit on what that uniform means. but . . . eh.

Just Plain Jason

Uniforms don’t belong at protests, but my mind may change when they cut the military retirement and the va…

Doc Bailey

Lucky you CAN wear GWOT-E and S at the same time for concurrent periods of service.

Interesting bit of trivia, you know Oliver Stone was in 35th IN? Next time you see Platoon remember that’s the unit.


Oliver Stone is pretty much hated by everyone who served with him because of that turd of a movie.


Ut-oh, someone isn’t reading what they post:

“Department of Defense policy limits the occasions that “former members of the Armed Forces” can wear their uniforms to military funerals, memorial services, weddings and inaugurals, or holiday parades and patriotic occasions when a military unit is present.

“Wearing of the uniform or any part thereof at any other time for any purpose is prohibited,” the policy states.”


Gents may I direct your attention to DoD Directive 1344.10 Political activities by Members of the Armed Forces, sub paragraph 4.1.4., which states:

“Subject to any other restrictions in law, a member of the Armed Forces not on active duty may take the actions or participate in the activities permitted in subparagraph 4.1.1., and may take the actions and participate in the activities prohibited in subparagraph 4.1.2, provided the member is not in uniform and does not otherwise act in a manner that could reasonably give rise to the inference or appearance of official sponsorship, approval, or endorsement.”

All it takes is a bit of research 😉


All of this is rather interesting. However, if the former member is no longer subject to Title 10, what recourse do they really have?


Why wouldn’t they be subject to Title 10 United States Code? It’s a federal law. It starts by listing who can wear the uniform, and it’s a pretty short list. Chapter 45 is here: