The inevitable Ballduster v. Soup Sandwich matchup is nigh….

| October 20, 2011

Ballduster up 71.8 to 28.2 over IVAW’s wunderkind, while Soupy is up 69.4 to 30.6 on Liam Neeson.

It’s over.

Ballduster v. Soupy

Category: Politics

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Just enjoying that Matthis is a loser. Not THE loser – just a loser.


Damn, Matthis is even a loser compared to other losers. Sucks to be him.

Old Trooper

ROS: That’s funny shit, right there.

Adirondack Patriot

When the Stolen Valor Fecal Four is over, can we have an “Occupy” Fecal Four?

Candidates would be SGT “Neckrolls” Thomas, The “Praying Man”, Man Crapping on Police Vehicle, Phony Victim hit by Police Scooter, Dave “Outstanding Warrant” Punk who eventually got arrested, the “Sex With Animals” Chorus at Zucotti Square, Hillbilly “Eat the Rich” Protestor from Oakland, Susan Sarandon, Russell Simmons, Kanye West, Michael Moore, Cornell West, Barack Obama, Communist Party USA, the Iranians, etc.


I think his accomplishment deserves an award, OT. Perhaps a pink star with v(agina) device?

Cedo Alteram

Hey TSO, don’t know where else to put this so I’ll stick it here. Adam Kokash, is supposedly making an appearence on “red Eye” tonight, 3AM(eastern) FNC. I think he’s still trying to sell himself as a Paulite Libertarian.

Both the host Greg Gutfeld and the Ombudsman Andy Levy have admitted they are of the philisophical persuasion themselves, though not of the Paulite version(thank God). “Red Eye” and Gutfeld are pretty funny, though I don’t see it regulary because of it’s timeslot.


#4 don’t forget Gunny Dick Munch……


Send in The CLOWNS(clandestine liberators of wimpy nation states) im glad jack ass clowns beat serial killing clowns!


I’m still on strike. The Funny Clowns will eliminate the Evil Clowns and Stolen Valor becomes a butt joke. Oh well. At least I still have my binky.


BallDuster & Soup! Yea, Go, go, go!


@9- Cav, you took the experienced career guys over the flashy rookies, and that’s understandable. I like to watch a hard nose game too. However, consider my take-

Soup is my horse, and I had him early against Ballduster in the finals, for one reason- they get just this one bite at the apple. Those two are like NFL rookies who put 2,000 rushing yards on the books before sustaining career ending injuries. They’re one and done. I believe that they made spectacular showings that deserve to be recognized. Matthis, Lauve, Strandlof, Baxter, Heavy Drop… these are career men, and will be back putting up numbers next year, the year after, and so on. It’s their jobs. They are the Cal Ripkens, the Ken Griffey Jr.s, the Brett Farves that will grind themselves into the history books through decent numbers and insane time on the field.

Be happy for Soup and Ballduster, Cav. Like a retarded Icarus, each flew too close to a douchebag sun, immolating their wings in the process. They’ll never fly again, and our only consolation is voting on who made the bigger impact crater when they landed.

I vote Soup.


@11. Teddy: I respect your well stated perspective. They are indeed flashes in the proverbial pan. Here today and gone later today. I would like to have seen an old saw versus and upstart, a professional pretender versus a ass clown amateur. But, hey, it’s not the first time in life disappointment fell on my head. I’ll live. Now, back to my binky.

El Marco

Forgive my oversight, but what exactly does the winner get? Perhaps a visit from some of the lads at 2nd Ranger Bn for the west coast douchies, or a similar visit from the fine gentlemen at Little Creek for the East Coast pukes? Either way, they get to do the man-dance with some real heroes.

Just a suggestion.

Old Trooper

Very well said, teddy. I didn’t think of it in those terms, but I think you nailed it.

Cedo Alteram

#6 Hey, just woke up and checked any he wasn’t on. A few Kokesh fan sights advertised his appearence, so eh. Google “Red Eye” and Kokesh.


Tough choice. Ballduster almost pulled of wearing the Knights of Retard Island/Sammy Davis JR. Disco Elite Death Squad Medallion around his neck but Soupy…well, he had the strangeness to get on a post and call out a CSM dressed like a Death Squad Ninga crossed with Chesty Puller with a little Joe Foss thrown in. Now THAT is a winning combination in my book.