Veterans not fooled by pretty words

| August 30, 2011

If the President’s intention was to win veterans’ votes today in his speech to the American Legion Convention, he failed miserably if the opinions I asked for from attendees are at all representative of veterans who heard the speech. The most common response when I asked folks gathered around the ashtrays and in the hallways after the speech what they thought of it was “He said everything we wanted to hear” but they aren’t convinced that the rhetoric matches the President’s intent.

The New York Times called it a “somber speech”, but i think it was more tentative than somber. The applause was polite and the President’s words were carefully chosen and delivered in a very uncomfortable tone. The audience was waiting for the other shoe to drop as the President praised them for their service and commitment. The only enthusiastic applause I heard was when the President praised currently serving troops and renewed his commitment to the wars.

But Mr Wolf noticed that the President was only committed to “ending” the wars while he carefully avoided a mention of “winning” the war. He’s obviously not as concerned about the legacy he leaves this nation than he is about winning the next election and i guess the people in the room this morning sensed that concern, or rather the lack thereof.

The Times reports this quote from the President;

“As a nation, we’re facing some tough choices as we put our fiscal house in order, but I want to be clear,” Mr. Obama said. “As a nation, we cannot, we must not and we will not balance the budget on the backs of veterans.”

Funny, but those are the exact words I’ve used countless times and the sense I got from the various people I talked to, no one believes that. The Defense Department is already planning to jack up our health care costs to reduce government spending. Has anyone recommended that they increase other Federal employees share of their health care premiums? Has Congress decided that they’ll pay more for their health care? Yet no one bats an eye when DoD goes after their former employees. Because we’re getting fat on those health care benefits.

No, I didn’t talk to anyone was convinced that the President meant much of what he said. But that’s his own fault – if his rhetoric had matched his actions over the last two years, he may have done better.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Military issues, Veterans Issues

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I appreciate the time that you and Mr Wolf at B5 have taken to provide a fairly reasoned report of the days events. Your judicious approach will on cue be met in the comments section with hyped rhetoric that doesn’t match the reality.

The usage of ‘winning’ the war is but one facet, but will be predictably free of context….leaving only hypothesis to divine intent. But thank you for providing commentary for those of us who didn’t have access to hear the days events.


“Beauty is as beauty does.”

Maybe it’s my poor eyesight, but I don’t see a lot in any of this that I would call beautiful.


I trust nothing that man says.


@1 Indubitably, my good man. Indubitally. Now, please pass the poupon and my compliments to cook.


The text of the POTUS’s speech looks like so much hash: some leftovers from 2008, some from 2006, a Reaganism here and there.

Winning is the only facet, for Americans. Period.

How many drinks does it take to get through one Obama speech?

Have no idea, I always get alcohol poisoning drinking to his many “I”s.


Dave, it takes more than there is in one fifth. If you count I’s, me’s and we’s, it’s far more than one fifth can support, in the usual drinking game.
Maybe he doesn’t think he can “balance the budget on the backs” of vets, but he’s fully willing to do it on the backs of active duty, NG, and Reserve people. I trust this guy about as far as I could throw his skinny butt.


Who was it that suggested that Resrvists’ private insurance should cover combat injuries? Serious question.

Laurie Kasbekar

You could certainly see your enthusiasm within the paintings you write. The sector hopes for even more passionate writers like you who are not afraid to say how they believe. Always follow your heart.