A Good Rant can be fun and maybe even healthy

| June 6, 2011

Fellow West Virginian and retired Army guy J. D. Pendry has a post up about The Snob Class and the rest of us.

Can you even watch the news without pounding your head against the kitchen countertop? If so, you are a better man than me. It is difficult to maintain the mellowed-out docile personality that I have worked hard to develop 12 years post-Army. I want to yell not so nice words in the direction of the television and kick some furniture. Fortunately, my wife’s frowning on such behavior keeps me in check.

As I said in a comment over there, I simply don’t watch TV news or the talking heads. I’m an ignorant old fart who reads his news (albeit on-line), and then checks the sources as best I can.

I gave up when opinion replaced news, and bias tainted both. Might have been when Uncle Walter told me The War was lost while I was still fighting it?

If it’s good not to hold things in and stew on them then J. D.’s post will improve the health of many. YMMV

Added for clarity: You young folks may dismiss this…

Category: Pointless blather, Politics

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The talking heads may or may not know what they’re talking about, but there is no question that Sarah Palin is hugely unqualified to be president, and is an incurious, money-grubbing, vindictive, back-stabbing vixen. Read about her from the people who’ve actually had the misfortune of working for her.

Joe's Guilty Conscience

Got sand in your p*ssy again, Joey boy? It is always a pleasure to see little Beta males such as yourself be intimidated by a little tiny girl!


Yes, because the current asshole whose knob you slobber all over is sooooo much more qualified.

Jonn Lilyea

Whenever we mention Sarah Palin, Joe shows up and spews out all of these adjectives that could easily be applied to Obama.

It’s a good thing irony isn’t a snake, huh, Joe?


There are several things I like about Palin. The first is she was not educated in the Ivy League, two is she does not belong to the ruling class, three, I can understand what she is saying and four, well she is quite beautiful in a down home country sort of way.

Doc Bailey

I’ve never got why Sarah Palin is so HATED, I’m personally indifferent leaning toward “good for her”. I stopped watching the news when CNN told me that the “surge” wasn’t working when I was in the middle of it kicking ass and taking names. After it was clear it actually worked. . . not word F**king ONE! So I stopped watching the news as well.

Doc Bailey

Zero, you ever look at grunts in Vietnam, and Iraq. You notice the difference? just the gear and location. the eyes and faces are always the same.


Joey, Joey, man, and I sometimes wonder at that, you sure do walk into things with your eyes wide shut. And, pardon us if we don’t take your word for it that Palin, or __________(fill in the blank) is unqualified for POTUS, while your guy proves every day that he is singularly, spectacularly unqualified. So, as ROS said so eloquently, go slobber over O’s knob.

Doc Bailey

believe me I know what you mean





it seems that Moveon.org, Chris Mathews and Harry Reid tried to emulate the same moment, and have it have the same impact. Fortunately for us, we have more than one source of news in our society. I think we “Won” in Iraq, for values of winning, it’s far more stable and on its way to determining its own fate, and not held captive to the will of those outside their borders. I always point out the difference between Nixon and Johnson, the efficacy of the air war in “Operation Rolling Thunder” and “Operation Linebacker I/II”. The “Cambodian Incursion” even though it only wen 30 miles, did more for moral of ARVN and destroyed enough caches that there were no major offensives for almost two years (the 1972 Easter offensive). The major difference, the will to win. Nixon made mistakes (Lam Som 719, and FSB Ripcord to name a few) but he generally wanted the W.

I won’t for a second say that mistakes weren’t made in OIF/OEF. But it is clear that the “Hail Mary” that was the Surge corrected some of those mistakes and gave the IA, IP, and NPs, breathing room to train up and start to assume control. What burns my chestnuts is that not one of those ass hats will EVER apologize for the potential damage they caused to national security. Also no trials for “giving aid and comfort to the enemy”


Excellent post. I still watch cable news, but at times let go with some expletives. It’s the only time my wife doesn’t get on me cursing.