How to not support the troops

| August 20, 2010

Emma Kaplan, the national student/youth coordinator for World Can’t Wait!, has an article on Salon supporting the Under the Hood Cafe/IVAW protests planned this weekend against the 3rd ACR’s deployment to the war against terror. In the article, Kaplan writes about the message her own organization is bringing to the protest;

World Can’t Wait will be bringing the message, “What Are They Deploying For? Murder, Rape, Torture, War!”

Just so little princess Emma knows, that’s not how you support the troops that you’re claiming to support. After all, those things that she complains are happening “murder, rape, torture…” are things that she’s accusing the troops of committing.

I’m sure she knows someone who has deployed to the war…is she convinced those people who she knows committed those crimes? Does she really think the kid who delivered her family’s newspaper, or that kid who used to play with her on the playground so many years ago is capable of the atrocities with which she paints the entire military?

If there are some real veterans of these wars left in the IVAW, why would they want to associate with some spoiled college girl princess who thinks this about them?

Category: Antiwar crowd, Iraq Veterans Against the War

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And this chick hangs out with Matthis? Yeah, okay.

Casey J Porter

This Sunday of the protest stay locked in to my Facebook and Twitter pages for updates as I get them.


The article also encourages people to bring “Banners and slogans that encompass what the military is deploying for.”

More symbols for the symbol-minded.

Matthis and Elaine Brower are two prominent members of WCW. ‘Nuff said.

I wonder if Elaine has confronted her son about all the murdering, raping and torturing he did while deployed.

Casey J Porter

I wonder if Army Sergent is going to try and tell us IVAW has nothing to do with this even though it’s confirmed that a board member is going to be there and that IVAW has re-posted this info on their site.

Casey J Porter

Call Under The Hood Cafe and let them know what you think.



I’d like to give little miss Emma a blanket party…


@Defend: wow, thats a creepy thing to say.


Really, Chase? Why’s that? Care to elucidate for us uneducated types?


@ Chase…I totally agree

a blanket party, really? we dont know this girl

how sexist can you be?


What’re the half-assed little f*ckers up to now? They oughta be getting ready to launch their Mother of All Protests…


[…] other day I wrote about Emma Kaplan and her vacuous call to action against the troops at Fort Hood’s 3rd ACR. Well, she […]