Pass the platitudes, please

| July 3, 2008

I got an email last night from a irate reader. It was a policy of this blog to not write about emails, but lately they’ve been getting a bit extreme – like the guy who wrote me about how I didn’t understand anything about combat but he did because he’d been a recruiter in southeast DC in the 90s.

But last night’s missive was about a post I wrote early last week entitled “IVAW’s Matt Howard is a dumbass” about one of the extremely stupid morons who told the bobbleheads at Winter Soldier that the US is disposing of it’s nuclear waste by firing it from tanks in Iraq. He went on to explain that we are “changing the human genome”. He didn’t offer any proof, just empty words. And of course, the bobbleheads did what bobbleheads do.

Well, this young lady (I have to assume the writer was a woman since her email address was lotusblossom84 – either that or a guy with a piss-poor sense for cool screen names) writes that my blog…


Thanks for bashing my IVAW friend, Matt Howard… Your intellect is smaller than the size of a crayon.

Thanks for promoting bigotry, racism of other cultures, war violence and war crimes, Republican lies, environmental destruction, corporate American greed, hegemony and imperialism…. and the list goes on and on.

Peace is patriotic, you fool
And the war on terror can never been won, simply because war is terrorism!!
Take your white blinders off, you Republican slug!!

“There is no flag large enough to cover the shame of killing innocent people”
Howard Zinn

How many other empty platitudes can you cram into one email? It reads like protest signs piled up on the sidewalk. I’d like for the youngster to point out one post where I promoted bigotry or anything else she claims I promote.

Peace is patriotic? When have I other said otherwise? Waving an upside down flag isn’t patriotic, though – in fact it’s the complete opposite of patriotism. And tell me…why my blinders got to be white, girlfriend?

Yes, we should stop fighting the war against terrorists because you say we should stop and you say it can’t be won. We’ll start on that in the morning.

Quoting Howard Zinn? I’d have more respect for you if you’d quoted Howard the Duck.

If you’re boinking Howard (the Matt), please use protection…don’t curse the planet with what could possibly be the stupidest children ever.

Category: Antiwar crowd, Iraq Veterans Against the War, Phony soldiers, Politics

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The Gentle Cricket

“Every duck has his limit, and you scum have pushed me over the line.”
-Howard the Duck


I like Howard Hughes, John Howard, William Howard Taft, even Howard Stern, but Howard Zinn? You be talking nonsense there chickadee.


Three examples of bigoted stories here:

1. The one written by your buddy about why suicide bombers are so willing to blow themselves up.

2. The thinly veiled post comparing New Orleans and recent Mid-West flood victims. Frankly Opinionated’s response was even more disturbing.

3. Your back handed eulogy of Tim Russert where you waited for GI Jane and 509 to bash him then jumped in to agree with them.

Jonn wrote: That’s bigoted? OK. I’ll let you have those, but I think you’re too sensitive…but what does Bob Bakian (ie; your other hand) say?



You do do know how to win friends and influence people.

Rooney: I ain’t necessarily bigoted to state a fact or ask a question. It might be tactless, or even unpleasant, without being bigoted, and you can make that case? But bigoted, nah,


Thanks for sharing your cognitive dissonance with everyone, Rooney. By your own measure, your post qualifies as bigotry.

Allen Woods

Careful Rooney – you’re treading on thin ice here, m’boy.

I agree with you on two of the three examples you cited…especially the midwest flood victims post. I went back to re-read the post today, only to find that Jonn (or someone) had thrown the bulk of it down the memory hole. Nice work, fellas. Luckily, Frankly Opinionated’s comment is there for all to read, and it’s still beyond disgusting.

…And the suicide bombers post? There’s no way what was said/written on that post was anything other than bigoted – joke or no joke.

I’ll have to check out the Russert eulogy…haven’t read that one yet.

Jonn wrote: There is no memory hole here. You must be confused. That post was short because my point was easily made. You must be thinking of someone else’s post. It’s not a bigoted post, by the way…I asked a simple question and made an observation. If you think there’s anything bigoted about it, it’s only because your tiny, racist mind made it so. And how can I be bigoted about Russert? He’s a white boy from New York like me.

Raoul Deming

This clown bathes in the Kool Aid and drinks it afterwards…

Raoul Deming


“Peace Is Patriotic” is communist propoganada first offered up by that Communist Party USA uber-commie Leslie Cagan.

Early in the war, the radical left did not pick up on the fact that unlike Vietnam, the public had a lot of respect and gratitude for the military.

Reading their sites, long before they decided to “Support The Troops”, their comments on the fallen were either, “Volunteer military are professional mercenacies, they got what they asked for and deserved” or “Don’t grieve over these people because they were of no value to society. If they were they could get a real job.”

Cagan tried to rent the Jumbotron in Times Square NYC to advertise that message to counter the fundamentally anti-American nature of all the major “peace groups”. They turned her down, she sued and the courts shot her down too.

Peace Is NOT Patriotic and the IVAW ARE Traitors.

For all the IVAW rhetoric about how they know better because they served, how is it that none of them understand that a bayonet goes into the front of the enemy, not in the backs of those still serving?

Just on a fun note, Media Benjamin was recently quoted that nobody that served in Vietnam should be considered a hero. Considering that IVAW’s puppet masters are the VVAW, yet they hang out with Code Pink, who’s side will they come down on?

Raoul Deming

“Thanks for promoting bigotry, racism of other cultures, war violence and war crimes, Republican lies, environmental destruction, corporate American greed, hegemony and imperialism…”

That’s GOT to be TJ!

Raoul Deming

” I’d have more respect for you if you’d quoted Howard the Duck.”

Tim Robbins was in that turkey “Howard The Duck”.

So when Tim offers his opinion on the war, people shoould remember that in evaluating his judgement.

Allen Woods

Oh, but Jonn…you contradict yourself.

You gave Rooney credit in 3 (a smiley face, no less! When can I have one??) but call me names and claim no bigotry a few rectangles below. I know you’re old and everything, but really…

And, for the record, bigotry means “stubborn and complete intolerance of any creed, belief, or opinion that differs from one’s own.” Based on your penchant for name calling and the above posts, I’d say that definition fits you to a T.

I wonder, though, if you were having dinner with one of your idols, say, JC Watts or Michael Steele, would you be comfortable reading aloud the Katrina/floodwater post or the suicide bomber post, the as well as the reader comments?


Thanks Jonn. I’m not African American, Islamist, or a freshly deceased person so I wasn’t personally offended. But in a public forum we need to be cautious how our comments can be viewed by others.

As for Bob- he got fired from the job for screwing around on the internet all day. Just kidding 🙂 We’re still at the same job and he caught me posting here when he walked by and said something to the effect- “I thought you quit going there”

Jonn wrote: Personally, I don’t give a rat’s ass how I’m perceived – or haven’t you noticed. If you’re so worried about how you’re perceived, you ought to quit coming here.
sock_puppet.jpg” alt=”” />

509th Bob

Excuse me? I “bashed” Tim Russert after he passed away? No, I bashed the excessive media coverage. What happened on television was the full equivalent of a state funeral. For a journalist. Not the Pope, not the President, not the Queen of England, not even a two-bit corrupt Congressman. Russert may have been one of the “better” journalists, but he was a journalist. Hence, two days worth of funeral dirges, a dramatic empty seat to be venerated as some sort of holy relic, and endless cycles of journalists conducting a publicly televised wake for Russert was what I was “bashing.”

My sister passed away a few years ago. I attended the funeral. It was a private affair for our family. We did not seek publicity, or hold public discourses for viewers to watch as we discussed her life, and as far as I know, no one in my family has seized upon an object or possession of hers to religiously venerate. I was (and am) sad that she passed away. I stated earlier that it was a shame that Russert passed away so young. Since I had no relationship to Russert, his passing meant less to me than my sister’s passing. Only stupid leftists believe that everyone has an obligation to mourn for everybody else with equal intensity. Talk about fanatical cultists!

Rooney needs to work on improving his reading comprehension skills. Of course, his choice of associates already demonstrates his lack of judgment.


I love your sock puppet, or is that a sick puppet? Maybe you should give sock puppet awards for the worst emails you receive, hahahaha!

Jonn wrote: It actually represents Rooney and his many identities which, oddly enough, all agree with him on every subject.


Ha!!! I have to admit that is pretty funny Jonn! It is wrong but still funny!

I didn’t mean to give unsolicited advice but you did ask for examples.


I am curious what your answer to Allen’s question about the JC Watts / Michael Steele dinner scenario is.


I reread the Katrina/Midwest thing, and I know *I* would read it to Steele. I’m not much of a JC fan so won’t speak to that one. Still don’t know what the suicide bomber thing is you are referring to, but I find it ironic that Jonn is the only one on here who uses his actual name, and is man enough to stand up for what he says. I’ve been told I am a lover of all peoples and wouldn’t recognize racism if it hit me in the head, but I certainly don’t see such here.

Allen Woods

Jonn, I think you should put up an informal poll on your site. The poll question should be as follows:

On which person does Jonn harbor the biggest mancrush?

A. Rooney
B. Adam Kokesh
C. Bob Bakian
D. Matt Howard
E. Wesley Clark

We all know your anger is a disguise for deeper, more intense emotions Jonn…


Trick question, since A and C are the same person.

Army Sergeant


It’s tiring to hear you talk about how IVAW stabs all of its brothers in the back. I promise I have a lot more respect and tolerance for fellow veterans that hate me than some of them seem to have for me. What’s stabbing in the back? If people testify about what happened and name names, they’re selling out their buddies, if they don’t name names, they’re accused of selling out everyone, if they don’t speak at all, they’re complicit in crime. You can never be happy, it seems.

I will also add that in case it wasn’t blindingly obvious to everyone here, Medea Benjamin and I don’t share many of the same political views.

Raoul Deming


You sold them out when you decided to hold Winter Soldier 2.1 rather than report them to authorities.

My kid has an Honor Code, you don’t.


Allen –
I’m getting a sense of projection on your part in post 18…

Army Sergeant


What about the ones that were reported to the authorities? As I told Jason Mattera when he approached me, though he chose not to report that fact, I had signed sworn statements and given them to the military about the situations I was planning to testify about at Winter Soldier. I know I was/am not alone.

Raoul Deming


The Chester County Breast Cancer folks are doing a fundraising walk that’ll have them doing 20 miles a day for a number of days. IVAW’s Operation Raw re-enactment did what, 25 over two days? Sgt Breiner went 45 miles across Jersey in a day (14.5 hours and 13 hours)

Hell, the original VVAW stunt you copied did 20 miles a day every day for 4 days.

IVAW are pretenders. You can’t even match the drug addled 60’s hippies and today GOOD causes like Breast Cancer Walks and Sgt Beiner’s way out shine your pathetic replays.

Wow, almost 200 arrested during the BIG push Die In. That’s nothing compared to the one where the police needed RFK stadium to hold 12,000.

Yu bow at the feet of clowns like Scott Camil, a guy who seriously wanted to play terrorist in the Capitol building.

For Pete’s sake,you couldn’t tell a Coup d’etat from a Coupe DeVille.

Raoul Deming


You’re supposed to report it immediately. You din’t do that. You needed to be in the spotlight first. Did the better lighting help you find your conscience, or acceptance?


I have no problem with AS, a fact I have stated on a million occassions. But if the acts happened, I think that I want names, dates, times etc. Blanket statements without facts, which IVAW tends to throw out there, don’t work. For instance, the CO that ordered 3 old ladies shot. I want the name of that CO. I keep waiting for the written testimonies to show up so we can track down the specifics, and I still haven’t gotten them. What about the lady with the bag who was lit up by a Mk19? Where, when, who was behind the gun, ety etc etc.

Allen Woods

Funny stuff, TSO. I walked right in to that one!

But seriously, what are Jonn’s beliefs? He certainly doesn’t engage in any form or rational debate; instead, he takes the school yard approach: name calling, insults, sloganeering. His “analysis” consists of regurgitated FOX News talking points. Hardly the stuff of mensa, old sport.

Moreover, whenever Jonn writes about the day’s issues, his opinion is never defined. While one can certainly deduce that Jonn disagrees with the anti-war movement, environmental restrictions on domestic drilling for oil, etc. his “opinion” is conveyed by attacking the other side’s viewpoint. Attacking someone else’s viewpoints (usually by name calling and/or sloganeering) is NOT the same thing as presenting a logical case on your own behalf. When was the last time Jonn presented original material?

THERE’S your trick question, TSO – Jonn has never had an original thought on any issue. His programming is thorough and complete. That’s what makes this site so funny to me: it’s nothing more than a collection of disgruntled veterans mindlessly repeating tired, failed talking points to each other. This blog is a welcome respite from the otherwise intellectually stimulating blogosphere.

Jonn wrote: The comments section is for my readers, not for me. I get to put all of my comments on the front page. If you come here to discuss things with me, it won’t happen. All of my beliefs are on the front page…beliefs that came to me long before there was a Fox News, long before there was a Rush Limbaugh. If you don’t like the way we run this blog, please don’t come back. If I offend you intellectually, please go somewhere else. There are about 1600 people everyday who do like this blog – and there are two million other blogs you can haunt.

Army Sergeant


Actually, wrong again. I reported the incidents at the time, and actually received a verbal reprimand for doing so with two of them, because it ‘made the unit look bad’ to have these incidents documented.

The original IVAW planned march was longer, more miles, and more days. However, to allow active duty to take a pass and fly out, it was shortened. We have a lot of active duty within our ranks, and try to accomodate them.

I know what a coup d’etat is, but really, why should I? I don’t want one. I like our legitimate forms of government.

TSO: Judging by my own experience, these memories get faded over time with people who are not used to testifying about things like that. I’ve signed sworn statements on some stuff, but without finding them and reading them, my memory will be fuzzier now than it was then. I’ve started making MFRs whenever I note something ‘funny’ going on now, but I sure didn’t back then, and I imagine it’s much the same for these guys. Things like ‘time’ are probably never going to emerge. As for the written testimonies….yeah. We have a really large workload. It’ll get done eventually. I’m busy enough.


“This blog is a welcome respite from the otherwise intellectually stimulating blogosphere.”

Did you copyright that or can I steal it for the headline at my blog? Because I like that!


And AS, I didn’t buy it before, and with all due respect hon, not buying it now. If an event changed my life, I would remember the specifics on it.

Take Camillo for instance. He can’t remember 6 hours from 6 days, whether he engaged in mock executions or not, etc etc etc. That happened 4 years ago. Come on. I have a simple policy, if I can’t remember how something happened, I don’t stake my entire reputation on it.

Allen Woods

TSO, feel free to take the slogan…I don’t believe copyrights are compatible with free markets anyway.

And Jonn, that sound you heard? That was the WHOOSH! of my charge going straight over your head (again). I was referring to every article you’ve written – they’re nothing more than a repeat of everything I hear on talk radio, read in the newspaper, or watch on television. You’re not original, and that’s OK; plenty of people will be pleased to know you serve as a mouthpiece on their behalf. Surely you aren’t so cavalier as to claim Rush, FOX, et al. pattern themselves after you…….right?!?

Your statement “If you come here to discuss things with me, it won’t happen” smacks of the same immaturity and close-mindedness that you so often attribute to those you disagree with. Your refusal to engage in logical discussion is part of your charm…silly me, I thought bigotry went out of style years ago.

So Jonn, pass the platitudes – you have plenty to go around. Indeed, irony is a bitch, m’boy!


“This blog is a welcome respite from the otherwise intellectually stimulating blogosphere.”

Did you copyright that or can I steal it for the headline at my blog? Because I like that!

It is a gem indeed. Phooey on copyrights! I aim to steal it.


Good for you, Allen. You’ve graduated from the homocentric to the gratuitous.


Allen, Allen, Allen…. You accuse Jonn of being unoriginal and yet you sound like every other Move-On Moonbat. Just who is being unoriginal here? If you find Jonn and all the “old Veterans” opinions so droll, feel free to take a stroll. Find someone else to pester. As it is I had been just ignoring your posts until you disappeared for a while. Now that you’re back, I will renew that practice. And what’s with the phony British affectations? “Old Sport”… “M’Boy”. You sound like a bad old Hollywood movie script.

harry potter

“For all the IVAW rhetoric about how they know better because they served, how is it that none of them understand that a bayonet goes into the front of the enemy, not in the backs of those still serving?”

The way I see it, wanting the troops home from a needless war, alive and with appendages still attached, is kinda the opposite of stabbing them in the back…

Jonn wrote:
Sorry, but arrogant people who declare this war “needless” with absolutely no facts to back up their claims are too emotional to warrant attention.