Call Me Nostradamus

| June 1, 2008

Yes it is true friends; I am either frighteningly brilliant or just a mediocre master of the obvious. The bottom line is that I was 100% right in my prediction.

A few minutes ago, I followed Jonn’s link to the nasty story supposedly about to break at No Quarter USA. Reading the comments vindicates all that I said. These are Democrats folks.

Just a couple of hours ago, I said “If Hillary wrangles the nomination, under any possible circumstances, Obama’s supporters will view it as stolen. Even if either of the two rumors are true, it will be perceived as a dirty trick to “hold the brother back”. These are not smart people, they are identity voters.”

Oh please, please, let the tape come out. Finally, we can have hillary win the nomination. she could not win in a fair contest wiht a freshman senator from Illinois, who ran a SUPER BRILLIANT CAMPAIGN. she cannot win the contests fairly, so she relies on tactics such as these to win. Wow. arent we desperate. If abc has the tape then they will surely play it and we shall see what happens. But, remember, her win will always be a black mark on those of us who support the opposite candidate. she did not win fair and square but through dirty tactics, hoping someone would bump Obama off RFK style in June. She is staying in the race becuse he is a black man and surely there MUST be something in his character that could be questionable. She is WHITE TRAILER TRASH, A WEAK PATHETIC WOMAN WHO MADE IT OK FOR WV AND KY TO VOTE AGAINST A BLASCK MAN. AND MICHELLE IS A RACIST???????????

As for the Hillary supporters, I predicted their reaction as well saying, “Just as important is that a huge part of Hillary’s army (low and middle class women) will not vote for Obama and have said so. These ladies feel scorned and we all know what that’s all about.”

From the same comment thread that are all Democrats, I offer the following passage:

You are right on the money. As a Hill supporter, I would rather see McCain in than Obama and I am sure the Reps can agree with the reverse also. Hopefully this tape will surface tomorrow before the Supers urged by the DNC rush to vote for Obama. If it is as bad as it sounds I am hoping BO would drop out of the race..yes, prayers can be answered…or at least get the Supers to stop drinking the koolaide.

This is a united party?

This is a train wreck waiting to happen.

Jonn added at 10 AM, 6-2-08; It looks like Larry Johnson was pulling our collective leg about the Michelle Obama “Whitey” tape. I guess he was trying to bump up his Sunday traffic.

Category: Politics

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509th Bob

Actually, I’d seen this story NLT Friday. But, like the supposed Kitty Dukakis photo of her burning a U.S. flag during the Vietnam War protests, I decided I’d wait to see the proof before buying into the hype. This sounds like pure BS.

Richard Wheeler

COB Don’t beat yourself up on this.I understand Nostradamas was also wrong on over 90% of his predictions.

Richard Wheeler

COB. Whatever.I agree Hillary’s antics have weakened the Party.I understand your Hilly crush,that “older women in pantsuits” thing.I don’t get McCain.He was an “oxygen thief of the week” along with Harry Reid,Nancy Pelosi,Al Gore,Lindsey Graham,Michael Vick etc.Do you not hold your “thieves” in utter contempt?