SPLC: Dobbs, Beck and Palin are the real terrorists

| March 4, 2010

The Southern Poverty Law Center has sent their head ritard, Mark Potok out in front again to make specious charges against Conservative icons;

Anti-government sentiments in the U.S. have reached levels so high they could result in another attack like the Oklahoma City bombing, according to a report released Tuesday by an organization that tracks right-wing extremists – and the authors of the report place part of the blame on Lou Dobbs, Glenn Beck, Rep. Michele Bachmann and Sarah Palin.

“We’ve seen more threats and actual attacks in the past 18 months than we’ve seen at any given period over the past 15 years,” claimed Potok.

So, how bad are these threats and groups?

According to the SPLC’s figures, the number of active Patriot groups grew from 149 to 512, an increase of 363 groups (244 percent) in 2009, and the number of militia groups grew from 42 to 127, an increase of 85 groups (200 percent) in 2009. The number of nativist vigilante organizations that go beyond advocating strict immigration policy and actually confront or harass suspected immigrants grew from 173 to 309, an increase 136 groups (almost 80 percent) in 2009, the report said.

The number of hate groups based on racism, anti-Semitism and anti-gay sentiment grew from 926 to 932 in 2009. SPLC said this increase caps a decade in which the number of hate groups surged by 55 percent from 2000 to 2009 (602 groups to 932).

So, what kind of math does Potok use to count the number of hate groups? William Jacobsen at Legal Insurection illustrates how accurate SPLC methods are. He was concerned the there were three chapters of the KKK in his home state of Rhode Island so he started tracking them down. The only thing he came up with was a PO Box. It turns out that if an organization has a chapter in every state, no matter how insignificant, SPLC counts that as 50 militant organizations and tosses that number in the count.

Stacy McCain counts SPLC numbers up;

OK, so let’s ask a question: How does the SPLC get these numbers? Do a “find” search on the their list of “Patriot” groups and you discover:

* 37 listings of the John Birch Society;
* 48 listings of We the People;
* 49 listings of Oath Keepers; and
* 50 listings of the Constitution Party.

According to the SPLC’s math, then, state-by-state representation of these four organizations count as 184 “Patriot groups” — 36 percent of the SPLC’s total. Let’s ask a few more questions:

Go read the rest at The Other McCain,

Confederate Yankee looks at North Carolina’s hate groups in the SPLC report;

But what I find especially interesting is that in their report on right wing hate, they link to their so-called “hate map” as if to imply all groups listed are right wing.

They most certainly are not.

Of the 29 hate groups the SPLC lists in North Carolina, 8 are black separatist groups, including chapters of the Nation of Islam, the New Black Panther Party, and two branches of The Israelite Church of God in Jesus Christ.

Potok blathers on about Oklahoma City.

Potok said one of the main fears is that these radical groups are infiltrating mainstream groups like the Tea Party movement because of cross pollination of individuals who attend radical group meetings and more mainstream gatherings.

Potok said he thinks that the climate today matches that of the ‘white hot’ tension among anti-government groups prior to the Oklahoma City bombing that killed 150 people in 1995.

“Another Oklahoma City is very much a possibility,” said Potok.

Yes, drag up the one war veteran who didn’t use any of the skills he learned in the Army to perpetrate his attack in order to worry Americans about the returning veterans. Potok is an imbecile, and he’s getting very close to yelling “fire” in a crowded theater.

Thanks to NHSparky who sent me the original link to the article.

Category: Liberals suck, SPLC

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Problem is, there are 1–enough people still watching MSM newscasts, and 2–not enough of them questioning the “facts” presented, to accept the threat Potok claims at face value. Few if any outlets are willing to present any modicum of truth or balance to Potok’s blathering.


So true, Sparky, but that is not the LSM’s job anymore. Their sole job is to push the 0’s agenda, question why a senator would want the Senate to actually follow the law, and generally trumpet the left’s party line.


It’s times like these that what the SPLC says makes me wish I were hearing Charlie Brown’s Teacher….


I wonder if the SPLC considers 9/11 Truth organizations to be hate organizations too? They believe the same things the Oath Keepers believe.


The whole concept of a “hate group” has gotten a bit absurd. A “hate group” is someone who has a disagreement with SPLC. They’re all lumped together as somehow equivalent to the KKK.

MassResistance, for example, is a “hate group” according to the SPLC. MassResistance is a wonderful organization dedicated to fighting the normalization of homosexuality. They take a stand against indoctrination in schools, forcing the Catholic Church to allow homosexual couples to adopt, etc. Apparently, this makes them something like the Aryan nation.

All sorts of organizations are on the list, from “radical traditionalist Catholic” groups to groups that simply oppose hate crimes laws.

The SPLC is a hate group. It’s also a joke.


Where was Potok’s “white hot” tension when Cheney and Bush were being burned in effigy at leftist parades and other pissant gatherings? Since those were directed at individuals versus opposing a monolithic central government, I imagine that doesn’t meet his clearly objective criteria. The SPLC is an enclave of window-licking socialists…or to put it within Rhamian context, “fucking retarded.”


The SPLC has became a joke and follows in the footsteps of the NAACP which turns out to be nothing more than a group of rich people/criminals ripping off poor people.


There’s a black militia group (2nd Amendment, limited government, “free your mind, you ass will follow,” etc.) in my hometown… probably gives SPLC nightmares (followed by therapeutic pot-smoking jags and the munchies) just to contemplate.

Cedo Alteram

Southern poverty law center only polices political thought they disagree with. Peter Brimelow over at Vdare had an article about their “foundation” fund awhile back as well.