Oh, great

| March 4, 2010

It looks like there are going to be some nasty, trash-tossing, unshaven, noisy tourists that smell like diesel fuel wandering around Fort Benning unsupervised.

The chairman of a foundation says a $75 million National Armor and Cavalry Museum will be built at Fort Benning.

Retired Maj. Gen. George H. Harmeyer says the new museum will be near the Infantry Museum and will be constructed with a combination of public and private funds.

Harmeyer is chairman of the National Armor and Cavalry Heritage Foundation, which will raise the private money needed to turn a storage facility into a museum.

Thanks to Just A Grunt for the link.

Category: Military issues

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Old Tanker

Hey….I was always clean shaven…

Why an Armored Cav museum at Benning? Why not Ft. Hood?


I am glad they chose Benning (you know the home of the Infantry) and not Knox (you know the home of Armor and Cavalry, but I it has something to do with that whole Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) thingy.

I really feel bad for the baby grunts now. When we (Echo 2/54, Mailed Foot!), did 12 out and 25 back we had to dive for cover every time the people from Kelly hill thought we were taking up too much of their road.

Just A Grunt

More information on this Armor Museum can be found here.

For those that are not aware Ft Knox is closing this year and the Armor school is moving to Ft Benning.

Best line about Ft Benning. It may the home of the Infantry but we pay rent to the MP’s. To understand that go ahead and exceed the speed limit during PT time.

Dogs, cats. What could possibly go wrong.


Oh here we go, trash talking between knuckledraggers and knuckledraggers, one in the mud, the other in a tin can.


Knox isn’t closing exactly, but the Armor school is moving to Benning (I know Hood would have been better but they didn’t ask me). Knox will have USAREC, USAAC and HRC based there with some small support units remaining like Vets for food inspection.

I am sure a bit of red and white will improve the constant drearyness of baby blue at Benning.


Holy cr*p! I don’t remember there being enough room on post, for armor to run around! I guess they’ll have to expand the post to include Victory Drive!

I was *just* looking at Benning’s home page the other day, and I saw the “Maneuver Center of Excellence” logo w/ an Armor patch next to the “Swallow Me” one. Now, it makes sense.

Old Tanker

Armored school at Benning???? Makes sense, plenty of track grease running around…..


They’ve torn down the entire old Harmony Church area and are building the new school out there. Having ‘grew up’ out there I kind of broke my heart to see the old pine scrub bulldozed down.

The Infantry Museum is awesome. Well wortht the trip to see it. It had only three of siz wings open the last time I was there. It was kind of spooky seeing Desert Storm stuff.

I’ll be back there for the month of May. We have a deal going on. Anyone in the neighborhood who wants to meet up, let me know.


@dutch508 … I lived out in Harmony Church. While I’d like to say that it’s a shame, it’ll improve the area. 🙂

When you say you “grew up” there … RTB? or Basic? or, even the 29th? 🙂 I was with B/2/29, and spent three years there. Is the “Four Winds Cafe” still out there?


The Armor School at BENNING!!!???

Oh well. At least the Line Dawgs will get to practice dropping frags down into the turret. Excuse me, I meant simulated frags …

Cedo Alteram

There is also a Mech brigade being stood up at Knox as well. Think its from the 1st ID.


basic, ait, airborne, ranger school. later was with 3rd bn. yeah…i grew up there.

from my cell


forgot ocs. benning for me is my home. all the other pcs moves were just temperary. even my town i grew up in is not just a place i used to live. i’ll have to check on the four winds.

from my cell


It’s a sad deal.

Now Scouts won’t be subjected to the real hills… just those lame Benning excuses for them.

Will the Armor/Cavalry Museum and the Infantry Museum have a linking building to cover the 11D guys?

Just sayin.

AW1 Tim

I remember agony hill. I also remember the duty rain showers that came along every afternoon around 3 or so. Just enough rain to make you put on your poncho so’s the mosquitos could find a place to stay out of the rain. Knox also had although that lovely red-clay mud.

Benning looks like it will be expanding to twice it’s present size. One of the folks I talked to a couple years back down there said they’d likely have close to 50,000 folks on post.


I’d like to see Benning now. I was last there for BNCOC in 2007 and the new PX was almost open but the Armor/Cav move was barely on the horizon. Yeah, I’m the new guy, but it was nice driving around Harmony Church (where my brother went through basic), Sand Hill (where I did) and all the other areas. My former Platoon sergeant was a 1SG with 4th RTB, the Infantry Museum was kickass, Infantry BNCOC was disappointing after PLDC at Fort Knox (sadly enough, got to Benning with high hopes of high-speed Infantry bs and just couldn’t get past how much more disciplined the Armor and Cav BNCOC cadre were at Knox), Keystone Light was $.79 for a 24-ounce can, the A/C in the barracks was broken, temperature was 100+ degrees, and life was good. Beer-NOC at its finest.

As for the Armor museum, I got a “behind the ropes” tour of the Patton Museum at Knox shortly after getting home from Iraq. We did a reenactment up there for Memorial Day 2004 and the museum staff allowed us to explore nearly everything there. The exceptions were a T-72 captured in DS and a Stug III recovered from a swamp in Russia with the original paint. Everything else from the MkV to the Kettenkrad was climbed in, on and over. Still have the pictures and get the occasional Patton Saber.