Frank and Conyers order ACORN investigation

| September 23, 2009

The editorial board of the Wall Street Journal write this morning that Barney Franks and John Conyers have directed the Congressional Research Service to look into the ACORN stings – but not how you think.

Franks actually didn’t vote when Congress voted to defund ACORN last week, apparently avoiding any embarassing entanglements. While Conyers voted for the measure, he later claimed that he did so “accidentally” making me wonder if he even fit to serve in Congress.

The investigation for which they’ve called isn’t into ACORN, it’s an investigation into the two investigators, mr. O’Keefe and Ms. Giles;

With respect to the child-prostitution sting, they ask the CRS to look into “conflicting allegations” about “the propriety of these activities”—by which they mean not the advice Acorn gave on getting away with crimes, but “the federal and state laws that could apply to such videotaping and distribution of conversations without the consent of all parties.”

The Democratic duo also ask CRS whether the legislation defunding Acorn “could constitute an unlawful bill of attainder” by singling out the group—as if the refusal to continue providing federal subsidies is tantamount to punishing it for a crime. Such Constitutional scruples were not evident in March, when the pair joined all but six House Democrats (and 85 Republicans) in voting to impose a 90% tax on executives of AIG and other disfavored corporations.

That’s what is most important, I suppose – I mean taping someone planning to commit crimes is much more important than the person planning the crimes, isn’t it? Of course, asking Conyers and Franks to recognize illegal activity is like expecting a fish to admit he’s wet.

Category: Congress sucks, Liberals suck, Usual Suspects

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Mr. Lilyea, sir:

There’s only one Barney Frank (no s), praise be…


Why can’t Conyers walk in front of a bus “accidentally”?

AW1 Tim

Hopefully, someone will point out to them that the tactic these two nice kids used is an everyday tool for ALL media types, from newspapers to local TV stations. Calling this into question might well generate a large backlash from the folks they see as their friends.

At least, one would hope so… 🙂

B Woodman

Ahh, yes. To all the Blarney Frank & No Beans, all the would be little emperors in Congress. Forget about the rule of law. Forget about justice. Just shoot the messenger of bad news.

— but “the federal and state laws that could apply to such videotaping and distribution of conversations without the consent of all parties.” —

From all that I’ve heard (not to be construed as binding legal advice), I thought that only ONE side needed to know that the conversation was being recorded for it to be legal.

Besides that, O’Keefe & Giles AREN’T presenting this in a court trial, where the rules of evidence would be much tighter.

Rebut to AW1 Tim:
The MSM media will go along with anything that Congress wants to do against O’Keefe & Giles. Why? “Professional” jealousy, because the MSM didn’t think of it / do it first, and therefore reap all the ratings.


So the congress, instead of being concerned with illegal voting activity and violations of federal law, are going to Linda Tripp the videographers? Wow, what a bunch of wankers.


Cheated! I thought I had seen a real “Flying Pigs” moment. Frank and Conyers? Investigating ACORN? I should have known it was too good to be true.


BlackFive for Prez!!!


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