Josh Simpson: Live up to the creed, socialismo o muerte!

| September 9, 2009

The folks at 9/11 Families for America sent a link to an interview of Benji Lewis and Josh Simpson (who I wrote about the other day) conducted by Eva Golinger, a Venezuelan-American lawyer who was nicknamed the “Sweetheart of the Revolution” by Hugo Chavez for her blind and undying support for the Chavezistas. Of course, she supports Chavez’ revolution from the comfort and splendor of her Manhattan apartment and law offices.

Anyway, Golinger, who also writes for the uber-Left, pro-Chavez website Venezuelanalysis, doesn’t bother to check the background of her interviewees. This is from the bio at the end of the interview;

Josh Simpson, 27 years old, was a Sargeant [sic] in the US Army Counterintelligence Division. He was in charge of interrogations and source operations in Mosul, Iraq from 2004-2005. His actions resulted indirectly in the deaths of hundreds of Iraquis [sic].

So that’s like four jobs now that Simpson claims to have worked during his year in Iraq. I thought I had him caught in another lie when in his bio he claimed to have a degree in Political Economy from Evergreen University. Of course, that should be Evergreen State College, but they really do have a Political Economy program at ESC.


Sweet. Anyway, to the interview. Of course, Golinger’s first question and both Lewis and Simpson give the standard answer; they came from military families, they thought they were doing the patriotic thing, but they were lied to by society and the government. I’m pretty sure they’ve all rehearsed the answer. Lewis adds that he was brainwashed;

As I was in bootcamp the invasion was happening and we would see video clips of it set to heavy metal music to get us riled up. It was disturbing. Before every class in bootcamp they would show videos of people getting shot, killed, set to heavy metal music, and then as we were invading Fallujah, the PSYOPS (pyschological [sic] operations) units weren’t pointing the speakers at the people in Fallujah, they were pointing the speakers at us, playing the same music as they did in bootcamp.

Funny how “heavy metal” music only makes you want to kill when the military plays it for you. Simpson immediately reverts to his lies;

I was in charge of interrogations in Irak. And Source Operations, running sources to get information. I was in Mosul, Iraq. In Iraq, 95% of those detained and interrogated were innocent. The interrogations agitate the population against you. If they weren’t terrorists or insurgents when detained, they will be afterward! The reason why 95% are innocent and still detained is because the way to measure succes in Iraq, unlike in Vietnam where it was a body count, is based on the number of detainees. It doesn’t matter if they are women or children or innocent. I didn’t participate in physical torture and beat detainees.

Makes sense, doesn’t it? Detain people just for the sake of detaining them. Makes me think we’re winning when we have a lot of prisoners. Especially children. Nothing fills me with a sense of victory like children behind bars. You?

Well, Lewis can crank out bigger lies;

We thought we were going to Fallujah to neutralize an insurrection, but they didn’t tell us that the entire city had already been bombed by the US for about a week and a third of the population was already displaced or dead. We were being told that this was a mission of revenge, we didn’t know they were Blackwater mercenaries that had been killed, we were told they were just US citizens.

A revenge mission. That makes complete sense to me. Strategically it’s brilliant, right? Love those revenge missions. What Lewis is trying to say, of course, is that he wasn’t paying attention to the operation order so he’s got to make up some shit now.

Of course, Golinger keeps her politics completely out of the interview;

Didn’t you know it was a war for oil?

It’d be a damn sight easier to invade Venezuela to get oil than to fly an Army halfway around the world to take Iraq’s oil, you dumbass.

More sweetass lies from Simpson;

I was active duty for 5 years then I signed up for another 3 years as a reservist. I didn’t want to go back to Irak [sic]. I was told that if you join the reserves you can get a nice bonus and you won’t be deployed for two years. I was naive thinking the war in Irak [sic] would be over in two years.

Eight years is a first term enlistment, he didn’t “sign up” for another three.

Support the troops? Not Simpson;

Benji: The “support the troops” campaign has altered everyone’s perception.

Josh: I’m actually opposed to that campaign. People should have been more confrontational with the troops.

EG: Like in Vietnam.

Benji: The “support the troops” campaign was engineered to allow for indirect acceptance of the war.

Josh: People are scared to criticize the troops, it’s considered the most blasphemous thing in the world. At the same time, if you are never criticized than you will never know that what you are doing is wrong.

Benji: You can’t criticize the troops. It’s a poverty draft, these kids just do it because they have no other way out of poverty.

Josh: But you have to criticize them, because they will say they are just following orders, but that’s bullshit, the Nazis were just following orders too. The military is fascist, it’s basically blind, unquestioning obedience.

See that? All of Simpson’s comrades are just a bunch of Nazis and fascists. but, face-to-face Simpson would confront me and tell me how we’re all veterans and we shouldn’t treat each other like I treat him.

To prove they love the country that gave them the opportunities they’ve had and allowed them to travel freely to other countries to speak out against their birthplace;

EG: What would you say to the Venezuelan people about the US military buildup in Colombia?

Josh: Be prepared. Neighborhood and popular militias are the most effective way to deter the US – it’s working in Irak, and Afganistan. People with rifles can hold out forever. You’re not going to be able to defeat the US military with tanks and airplanes because they have more than all countries in the world combined. Live up to the creed, socialismo o muerte! Capitalism is in a major state of decline and it’s going to lash out. We have to fight it however we can, it’s the only way to exist. If Venezuela was attacked, and there was an Abraham Lincoln Brigade to defend Venezuela, I would come here in a heartbeat.

Benji: To me it’s obvious the US is gunning for Latin America. Latin America is one big resource for the US, that’s all they see, they see the people as a nuisance. The only thing the US is good at is invading other countries, that’s the only export the US still has, invasion.

IVAW in their own words.

Category: Antiwar crowd, Iraq Veterans Against the War, Phony soldiers, Terror War

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AW1 Tim

So, I guess my question to both of these parasites is why they haven’t packed up their things and moved to Venezuela?

If it’s so bad here, if they have such a hard time supporting their own country, doesn’t it make sense for them to find a new one that better suits their needs?


Man, that’s not even listed

Top 12 Export Product Groups 1996
In Millions of US Dollars
1. Electrical machinery, apparatus and appliances $70,287
2. Road vehicles 51,703
3. Office machines and automatic data processing machines 45,751
4. Transport equipment 34,356
5. Miscellaneous manufactured articles 30,694
6. General industrial machinery and equipment 27,370
7. Machinery specialized for particular industries 26,628
8. Power generating machinery and equipment 23,169
9. Professional scientific and control instruments and apparatus 21,441
10. Telecommunication and sound record and reproduce apparatus and equipment 21,414
11. Cereals and cereal preparations 18,153
12. Organic chemicals 15,012


What a couple of douchebag tools


I remember it like it was yesterday, man. There I was, standing knee deep in hotties, all clamoring for my jock cause I was a badass warrior, just like the recruiter said. We had pizza on Thursday, steak on Friday, and if we picked up our shit and kept the barracks straight, Drill Sergeant would let us play Xbox against 3rd squad for an extra hour before lights out. It was the sweetest deal I ever saw. Then that fucker Bush took over, and everything went to hell. They sent us off to Afghanisraq or something to shoot up schools and steal opium, but I wasn’t having none of that. I quit, man. Just like that. Totally ruined the whole Army culture, man. I mean seriously, who sends the Army off to friggin’ fight just like that? No warning! No plans! No Xboxes no fucking where! I knowed it then, that we had become insurgens.

SGT Jessie Benjosh McChavez
12th Interrogator Ranger Combat Team Battalion (Airborne)
Doofsul Warrior Concentration Base, Iraqistani 2006-2007


Yeah I know I joined in early 2001 for the pizza thursdays and the PS2… Then we capitolists lashed out and exported (to NYC) a little INVASION so we would have something to do.
Damn, I knew Captain Crunch was taking enlistees for his “white water” navy, but I wouldn’t listen. working for the #11 exporter wasn’t good enough, I wanted to work for #1. yeah, good old American Invasion INC. But, hey if nothing else I can just make up some more B.S. and goto DU or RPOSWWYTTAIVAW (formerly IVAW), but alas I actualy served a tour in Iraq… Wait! I’ll lie and say I was in the A-stan instead, then I should qualify for RPOSWWYTTAIVAW!!!
Hurray, all hope is not lost!


You had XBoxes? Back in my day in the 1980’s we were happy with a hand-me-down Atari 2600! You new guys don’t know what tough is! Then Clinton came along and saw what a cush deal we were getting, so he jammed us all up with double deployments and no payraises, not to mention cannibalizing our mechs (and new guys for food, when they didn’t run fast enough.)


Claymore is teh funny.


“If Venezuela was attacked, and there was an Abraham Lincoln Brigade to defend Venezuela, I would come here in a heartbeat.”

Why wait. A new life awaits you in the socialist paradise.


B22, I agree. Maybe, if he goes early, he’ll get in on the groundfloor. He can be the commandante of the “Van Jones” brigade.


This Josh Simpson guy sounds like a real tool. What a douche bag.

AW1 Tim

Wait..what? You fuckers all got X-boxes and Atari sets?

All we had was a JP-5 stained deck of playing cards and two Acey-Deucey boards. Hell, we had to steal hex nuts off the aircraft for playing pieces and hope someone remembered to put them back before morning flight ops!

Man what a bunch of wusses… 😉


I was Joshua Simpson’s Platoon Sergeant. He was an incompetent soldier who served most of his duty in Iraq as a gate guard. He was promoted to Sergeant AFTER we returned from Iraq. This is the guy who went to Iraq and didn’t know how to zero his weapon and couldn’t rationally explain his vegan/ straightedge lifestyle.

Oh yeah…everyone thought he was a chick.