Obama’s racism sunk Van Jones
Matthew Rothschild at The Progressive has convinced himself that Obama is a racist and that’s why it was so easy to bail on Van Jones;
Van Jones was probably the single most prominent progressive in the Obama Administration. A founder of the Ella Baker Center for Human Rights and a leading green jobs advocate, Van Jones represented us in the White House.
And now he’s gone.
Gone because Glenn Beck and the far right hatemongers kept up an incessant drumbeat of slurs, calling him a “communist” and an “anarchist”—the branding iron of traditional McCarthyism.
We’ve seen, when dealing with the International Socialist Organization-affiliated IVAW members, how quickly they drag out the “McCarthyism” bloody shirt when they are called socialists and communists. Regardless of the fact the fact that they are indeed admitted socialists and communists.
Beck also brought up an innocuous slur Van Jones used against Republicans, one much less salty and offensive than the term Dick Cheney has used against Sen. Patrick Leahy.
Yeah, OK, but Van Jones said all Republicans are assholes with a broad brush – not knowing all of us. Dick Cheney told Leahy to “go fuck himself” – knowing Leahy and speaking to him personally. See the difference? Of course not.
And Beck flailed against Van Jones because he signed a 9/11Truth petition, along with Ralph Nader and Howard Zinn and many others. Now I have my own problems with the truthers, but signing a petition seeking a redress of grievances gets you fired in today’s America?
Well, Matthew, when you work in the White House and you sign a petition most often associated with nutty cranks, people begin to wonder whether or not you’re a nutty crank.
Perhaps not coincidentally, Van Jones is African American. And just as Bill Clinton found it convenient to dump Surgeon General Joycelyn Elders and Lani Guinier, now Obama has found it convenient to dump Van Jones, at the behest of a clear racist in Glenn Beck.
So now Obama is a racist? I’m sure that will surprise his wife and children.
Funny how Rothchild compares a crank like Jones to another crank like my fellow masturbation advocate Joycelyn Elders. I guess he forgot that Elders explained shifting money from heart disease and cancer research to AIDs research thusly; “Everybody has to die from something”.
Sometimes Black people get fired for who they are, and not for what they are. It’s a brave new world.
Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Liberals suck, Usual Suspects
“…now Obama has found it convenient to dump Van Jones, at the benest of a clear racist in Glenn Beck.” Not only is Obama a racist, he is also doing the bidding of Glenn Beck? What next, is he going to hire Limbaugh as a policy advisor? These Progressives do not thin k befor ethey speak (or write), or maybe they just don’t possess the ability to think.
Barry Obama: “Black White Supremacist”…