SPLC’s Potok: You’re all racists

| August 12, 2009

Southern Poverty Law Center’s Mark Potok, who dropped by here once to deny that SPLC had called the American Legion a hate group, was on Fox News today to tell us that militia groups are on the rise. And you’re not helping;

The “ideas” of the militia are fomented by your quotations from Jefferson and your unhelpful protests. Oh, and the charges that he’s a “professional fearmonger” are “hogwash”. Well, you judge. From the SPLC report;

Fifteen years ago, the Southern Poverty Law Center wrote then-Attorney General Janet Reno to warn about extremists in the militia movement, saying that the “mixture of armed groups and those who hate” was “a recipe for disaster.” Just six months later, Oklahoma City’s federal building was bombed.

Yup, they foresaw one guy with a truck bomb six months before that one guy even thought about it. Oh, one guy who happened to have been in the military, by the way.

…the entity that almost the entire radical right views as its primary enemy — is headed by a black man. That, coupled with high levels of non-white immigration and a decline in the percentage of whites overall in America, has helped to racialize the Patriot movement, which in the past was not primarily motivated by race hate. One result has been a remarkable rash of domestic terror incidents since the presidential campaign, most of them related to anger over the election of Barack Obama.

You buncha racists.

And on the site in Lexington, Mass., where the opening shots of the Revolutionary War were fired in 1775, members of Oath Keepers, a newly formed group of law enforcement officers, military men and veterans, “muster” on April 19 to reaffirm their pledge to defend the U.S. Constitution. “We’re in perilous times … perhaps far more perilous than in 1775,” says the man administering the oath. April 19 is the anniversary not only of the battle of Lexington Green, but also of the 1993 conflagration at the Branch Davidian compound in Waco, Texas, and the lethal bombing two years later of the Oklahoma City federal building — seminal events in the lore of the extreme right, in particular the antigovernment Patriot movement.

They always come back to Timothy McVeigh – and an organization of “law enforcement officers, military men and veterans” meets on the anniversary of his accidental success. The only reason I mention this SPLC report is because, apparently, the Federal government depends on them as a major source for their own advisories on center right organizations.

ADDED: As proof of their discovery of a resurgence of radical right wing thuggery;

Oath Keepers…may be a particularly worrisome example of the Patriot revival. Members vow to fulfill the oaths to the Constitution that they swore while in the military or law enforcement. “Our oath is to the Constitution, not to the politicians, and we will not obey unconstitutional (and thus illegal) and immoral orders,” the group says. Oath Keepers lists 10 orders its members won’t obey, including two that reference U.S. concentration camps.

Oh, that’s scary! Members who vow to fulfill their oaths! Radical Right Wing nutjobs!

That same pugnacious attitude was on display after conservatives attacked an April report from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) that suggested a resurgence of radical right-wing activity was under way.

Yeah, the report that SPLC wrote for the administration. Pugnacious. Vowing to fulfill our oaths to the Constitution is pugnacious now.

Category: Liberals suck, Military issues

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“…the entity that almost the entire radical right views as its primary enemy — is headed by a black man. That, coupled with high levels of non-white immigration and a decline in the percentage of whites overall in America, has helped to racialize the Patriot movement, which in the past was not primarily motivated by race hate. One result has been a remarkable rash of domestic terror incidents since the presidential campaign, most of them related to anger over the election of Barack Obama.”

Riiiight. That’s why it was a muslim convert that shot two un-armed soldiers outside a recruiting station? Or, 4 muslim converts were going to blow up Jewish centers and places of worship? All because of a black man in charge? These people are more deluded than I had given them credit for.

John Kerry

I would really like Potok to put up or shut up. He continually cites to studies to prove a point that do not prove his point. The “extremists” report from Washington, turns out it included gangs as well, which are not generally right wing. The “army staff sergeant” who used the rank “SSGT” etc etc etc. He fails to point out that the vast bulk of extremists who claim veteran status have not proven it, and SPLC didn’t even bother to verify, since the numbers would clearly go down.

Tell you what Mr. Potok, give us the names and sources of extremists claiming veteran status and Jonn and I will do the heavy lifting of debunking it for you.

AW1 Tim

Oath Keepers, huh? Sounds like a good group of citizens who understands what the nation is all about.

I’ll have to look them up, I guess.

Seriously. What have I got to lose? My government already considers me a potential threat because I am a veteran, and a conservative.


I am John Kerry above, sorry, was using the code name I used when I wintered in Cambodia.


“Oh, that’s scary! Members who vow to fulfill their oaths!”

It is to guys like Potok. It’s probably a very foreign concept to him. People fear what they don’t know.


I took the liberty (clearly an inflammatory word these days) and read Mr. Potok’s bio. Interesting read…is seems that the good gentleman makes his living reporting on and cataloging racism. Clearly dedicated to this one topic, he’s testified on the subject to numerous government entities, which begs the following be pointed out; if you’re feeding your face and paying your mortgage by pursuing racism, if your very livlihood hinges on continued victimhood and “reporting” on racist boogey men hiding behind every copy of the Constitution, it seems to me that this is what you’ll “find”. I mean, honesly…how many ice cream vendors hand out copies of Weight Watchers literature to their customers?


Here is more ammunition that these kooks will probably use to legitimatize their point- Adolf Hitler’s birthday is also April 19.
It is really sad and disheartening that a person can not stand up for his beliefs or principles anymore without coming under attack from these liberal nutjobs. It is even sadder that, as part of the oath these Oathkeepers take, these pathetic parasites are protected by the very same people they vilify.


You know the more and more I hear from the Left Wing wack jobs, the more and more they sound like those people Yuri Bezmenov was warning us about back in the 80s.


What part of obeying the constitution and their oaths does Mr. Potok find so troubling?
I agree with Claymore, if you make your living finding bogeymen under beds, you’re certainly going to keep finding bogeymen under beds. If you can’t find some, make them up!


Yeah Jonn

That’s the same Yuri Bezmenov I was thinking of. In fact I don’t ever think I have heard anyone lay the smackdown on the far Left quite like he did.

Of course if the far Left is so concerned about evil, bigoted terrorists killing innocent civilians, then why don’t I recall them ever protesting the Islamic Saudi Academy. I don’t think it would be a stretch to say that Saudi terrorists are responsible for more American deaths this decade than far-right militia types. But why go after real bad guys when you can have much more fun chasing the boogeyman around right?

Frankly Opinionated

“Our oath is to the Constitution, not to the politicians, and we will not obey unconstitutional (and thus illegal) and immoral orders,”
That is scary Shit to these pretend leaders today.
One thing that this group must be aware of is that while campaigning, b. Hussein obummer said: “I will work to free us from the constraints of the Constitution.”
From my point of view, I/we are “protected” rather than “constrained” by the constitution. b.Hussein most likely feels constrained. But hey, isn’t that what it is for.
Got to look up the “Oath Keepers” and slide them a buck or two.
nuf sed


I thought that the picture of the embedded link had some kind of caption over it that blurred the guy’s face, then watched the video and realized that the guy actually looks like that on purpose. What is up with that?????

Vincent Bordini

I run a tiny blog and I love to debunk political canards.

I contacted SPLC on a story they keep sticking on the CCC. I am no fan of the CCC and I was looking into a crazy small time radio host they are connected to. I asked the CCC about a racist quote they claimed they saw on the CCC’s homepage.

I got this:

That “retrograde species” quote came from a column on the front page of the
CCC website some years ago. We very likely have it archived in our database
somewhere — I’ll see if someone can’t dig it up — but I’m not 100% sure. I
did see the quote myself on the CCC website at the time.

I hope that’s helpful.

Mark Potok
Director, Intelligence Project

Needless to say I was really disheartened to see a place as powerful as SPLC fall into the “No really, it’s for real!” category.

It’s sad, because I might have something the SPLC would want, but I can’t stand that they might have made stuff up at their level.

Let Potok deny this email. I am still waiting on him to look into his “database”. I didn’t want to chase down SPLC, but this guy’s actions are ridiculous.

Vincent Bordini

Ha! I screwed up! Sorry.

“I asked the CCC about a racist quote they claimed they saw on the CCC’s homepage.”

Duh. I asked the SPLC about the CCC. Oh well.