Budget shortfall? Where?

| March 11, 2008

Ignoring the fact that he claimed he had to raise taxes on working Marylanders to balance his budget, Governor Martin O’Malley decided to create a new pay grade for some of his aides (Washington Times link);

Gov. Martin O’Malley created a new pay grade for top members of his administration, including Public Service Commission Chairman Steven B. Larsen, according to documents obtained by The Washington Times.

The discovery follows recent findings that Mr. O’Malley, a Democrat, gave more than $600,000 in pay raises to 47 of his top aides, even as state workers face potential cuts in pay raises.

Under the new pay grade, EX91, Mr. O’Malley will pay four employees as much as $235,000.

The previous cap for high-ranking employees of a Maryland governor was $159,632, but governors frequently exceeded the figure.

“The creation of the new scale allows for more transparent and open reporting,” O’Malley spokesman Rick Abbruzzese said yesterday.

Saddle the tax payers with a big tax increase and then reward political cohorts with pay raises. Well, it just helps O’Malley become a one-term governor.

Crossposted at Red Maryland

Category: Politics

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