Scrubbing Duncan off of the internet

| May 14, 2009

Some of you may have noticed that the YouTube videos we linked in the below post about Rick DUncan, the escaped mental patient who found solace among his brother crazies at IVAW, have been rendered void. They included clips of Duncan talking about the plate in his noggin and reading crappy lunatic poetry – we should probably be grateful that we’re not subjected to that. As we pointed out with our screen shots, they started scrubbing their websites last night when we announced to IVAW through various channels how we had decided to proceed on the story. Of course we screen shot enough stuff before we contacted IVAW.

The party line from them is that there was a tiny window when anyone could register online without proving their service, so one slipped through. That really can’t be true. Here’s a set of photos of former board member, Garret Repenhagen at a Tower Guard event in Colorado a few years back when Duncan attended.

Do you mean to tell me that Reppenhagen didn’t spot this guy as a phony with all of his attendant lies? Like getting his pinkie shot off, yet having ten visible? An overtly gay captain commanding a battalion didn’t set off bells and whistles?

Or maybe it didn’t matter because, like Jesse MacBeth, Duncan said everything they wanted to hear.

Oh, VoteVets is busy scrubbing Duncan from their boards, too. His screen name over there was USMCinCO;

They can scrub the internet, but they can’t scrub their souls.

Category: Iraq Veterans Against the War, Phony soldiers

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I don’t understand… Now that these organizations know about the fraud, shouldn’t they protect the public by refusing to host “Duncan’s” fabrications? Why is deleting his information the wrong thing to do?

Dave Thul

It’s wrong because they aren’t concerned for the public, they just want to cover it up.
The truth is that if IVAW had spent half as much time and effort checking the guy in the beginning as they are now spending to pretend he was never a member, they never would have had a problem in the place.
When a newspaper or magazine has a journalist who is found to be lying in print, they print a retraction. That is what IVAW needs to do if they have any integrity.


I am IVAW’s webmaster and I am not hear to debate about my organization, but instead wanted to shed some light. After reading about Duncan I suspended his account immediately, removing any postings by him. No cover up, just doing my job in a timely fashion. Jonn Lilyea took screen caps at 6:09 I was at dinner until 6:20, would have taken Duncan’s profile down sooner but I was getting some grub. Thanks for visiting

P.S. John has inspired me to get a web enabled phone, any suggestions ?

Army Sergeant

I’m going to say something controversial, but this is something that I have the ability to say without being as much of a jerk as someone else.

Scrubbing Rick Duncan off the internet is no more of a bad thing than a rape victim taking a shower. Is it the right thing to do? Maybe not. A rape victim should go immediately to a hospital so that she can have a rape kit done and the evidence can be preserved.

But most women who suffer a violation like that are not able to think about that at the time. They take showers with scalding hot water and scrub with the most abrasive soap possible because they don’t want to be tainted anymore.

The reason IVAW has not come out with a public statement yet is because the individual who can authorize one is temporarily unavailable for personal reasons. I know, it sounds suspicious, but it truly is a coincidence. Much like I’ll be doing something Army-side which will require me to be incommunicado much of the weekend. However, while I can’t guarantee anything, I am going to try to make sure that we have some sort of statement out by Monday.



You are losing your mind.


Army Sergeant,

Plenty of your peeps have quit IVAW, why don’t you get with them & found an org. that isn’t a commie front and does a better job at verifying it’s members???

Seems as if every time IVAW pops up it is due to a Wendy’s Ranger Mac Beth-Not a Devil Dog Duncan fiasco… Kind of strains IVAWs credability, don’t you think?

Army Sergeant


It’s the new co-morbid diagnosis. PTSD/Unicornitis


Honestly, maybe once I get out I may well work on forming my own organization to focus on the things I think are important. At the moment, I simply do not have the time or energy to create an entirely new organization. I barely have the time and energy to do what I already do for IVAW now.

I can only affect the things I am in charge of, and I’m spread ridiculously thin as it is. I’m trying. I’m also creating a blogpost.

Jonn wrote: “I can only affect the things I am in charge of….” Things like your feet?

Know this idiot

Anonymous: Does this mean you scrubbed Chiroux and his BS manifesto off your site, too? He’s just as big a fraud and has an even bigger mouth than Duncan. Duncan at least has a clinical diagnosis to support his particular brand of crazy. Just a thought.


Army Sergeant, I’m sure you can start your own VSO. Its so easy, an escaped mental patient can do it.


Bohica, my keyboard thanks you for the coffee bath from your post.
AS, so being spread so thin and being so tired, you just go along with IVAW and their lies?
Jonn, you asked “what’s the standard here?” in regards to IVAW, guess it’s just to hate the US, hate the military and be able to lie with a straight face. Now, let me qualify just a bit, that seems to be the MO in IVAW now, with those who are in charge.

Army Sergeant


The sad thing is that unfortunately escaped mental patients and activists on couches have lots of time to start up organizations. I have very little spare time. Though apparently you’re right and I have no excuse on being smart enough to do it.

UpNorth: Please to name me anytime I’ve gone along with a lie for anyone in IVAW. I’ve been pretty honest even about my own failings and screwups. Being spread thin means that there’s a limit to work I can take on, that’s all.


Army Sergeant: Yeah, yeah, I know, I know, NCOs work for a living. I guess you will just have to protest the war with the organization you have, not necessarly the one you want.

Anon webmaster: My wife just picked up a BlackBerry Curve from AT&T for $50 after rebate. That should work, unless you are one of those Apple-fags and you need to fight the power and stick it to The Man with your iPhone.

Army Sergeant


I’ve never before had more sympathy for Donald Rumsfeld. Awesome.


AS, I guess, at least to me and my slow mental processes, you give credence and credibility to them by belonging to IVAW. And I’ve seen you stand up to them on issues. I overstepped on my comment about going along with their lies.

Army Sergeant


Fair enough, and I appreciate that. I suppose the best way I can explain things with me and IVAW is that I’m what’s called (sometimes as a dirty word by radicals) a “Reformist”. I believe in changing systems for the better rather than tearing them down and trying to start new ones. So I’m much more likely than others to try to fix a problem rather than just leave. I believe in the country and our government, even though I think we have problems and some crooked politicians. I believe that we need a standing Army, even if sometimes the bureaucracy of it means major mistakes happen. And in the end, I believe that the majority of people I’ve met in IVAW have been decent, good, and principled people who far outweigh the kooks.


[…] The other group IVAW has had a number of frauds and deceptions exposed over the years and yet they continue to be trumpeted by the left as a legitimate veterans group.  All these people and politicians that have willfully using these frauds for their own partisan political purposes should be ashamed, but judging from past incidents many of these people believe the ends justifies the means. In the mean time these people are all busy trying to cover their tracks. […]


[…] July 24th, 2011 You may remember the phony we helped uncover in Colorado Springs who had fooled IVAW and VoteVets who was going by the name of Rick Duncan, but actually Richard Strandlof. He was charged with […]


[…] by Rick Duncan/Strandlof blaming “neocons” for the homeless vets, but of course, they removed all of his posts to disassociate themselves with him, but his posts still show up in the search […]


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