Pelosi: It’s not my fault the CIA lied to me

| May 14, 2009

I just watched the Speaker of the US House of Representatives, third in line of succession to leading this country resort to the defense a six-year-old caught stealing cookies might employ. Someone lied to her to about waterboarding. The CIA didn’t tell her that there were legal opponents to the practice at the justice Department, they didn’t tell her that they had already begun waterboarding, and that it wasn’t her place to oppose waterboarding.

She was sputtering and spitting every time someone asked her a question. I guess when you’ve given four stories for the same event, it’s hard to keep them straight.

The press actually appeared to be indignant over her lack of real answers, let’s see if they follow through. Well, maybe a little;

“To the contrary … we were told explicitly that waterboarding was not being used,” she told reporters, referring to a formal CIA briefing she received in the fall of 2002.

Pelosi said she subsequently learned that other lawmakers were told several months later by the CIA about the use of waterboarding.

“I wasn’t briefed, I was informed that somebody else had been briefed about it,” she said.

Somebody else – like her aide? Why didn’t she attend since she was the chair of the committee?

Category: Usual Suspects

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As a noted person trying to get into the US Senate from my state has titled one of his books “Lies and the lying liars that tell them”, but of course he wasn’t talking about the left, he was saying that about conservatives. Beware, lefties, your feeding frenzy is coming back to bite you.


Well, considering the promises Obama made me, I suppose he’s technically kept them, cause there’s GOT to be a pony somewhere in all this horsecrap they keep dishing out.


I gots a pesky feelin’ that Serbs taken into custody from the Clinton Balkan Bumbles campaign got the same treatment the Jihadis received in the current GWOT….

Bill R.

Why would the CIA ask her to a classified briefing and then lie to her? Sorry, but I have more faith in the integrity of the agency than I do a politician, any politician. Nancy has shown her integrity or lack thereof on too many occasions.


Maybe San Fran Nan is going to use the “definition of briefing” defense, as in what the definition of is, is? Wonder what the next statement and denial will say? Maybe they just talked about waterboarding and sleep denial in general terms, so she didn’t pay attention.